Using the Serial Number Assignment Service

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Using the Serial Number Assignment Service

The following sections describe how to configure the Serial Number Assignment Service and use the Serial Number Assignment Console.


Overview of the Serial Number Assignment Service

The Serial Number Assignment Service provides centralized management for allocating (or provisioning) blocks of EPCs to tag writing systems running in remote facilities. In many cases it is desirable for a tag writing system to write tags using a set of EPCs maintained locally, but replenished from a central repository as more EPCs are needed. These use cases are handled through the use of EPC caches (collections of EPC values). The Serial Number Assignment Service replenishes the EPC caches maintained by tag writing systems when requested to do so. By maintaining pools of EPCs in a central location, the likelihood of duplicate or misallocated EPC blocks is reduced.

EPC allocation for all your tag writing systems is accomplished by connecting to the Serial Number Assignment Console, a Web interface to create selection rules and monitor EPC pools, as well as an API to check in and check out EPCs, and database tables for data persistence.

Typically, an organization deploying the Serial Number Assignment Service already has one or more tag writing systems that require access to a cache of EPCs. You configure the Serial Number Assignment Service by:


Creating Selection Rules

The Serial Number Assignment Service can allocate two types of EPCs: SGTIN and SSCC. (For more information on EPC tag formats, see the EPCglobal Tag Data Standards Version 1.1). The type of EPC allocated depends on the identifier provided by the requesting program (also known as an EPC Client). GTINs are provided to the EPC Client when it requests replenishment for a cache of SGTINs. In this case, the Serial Number Assignment Service serializes the GTINs to produce SGTIN EPCs. A similar operation occurs when the EPC Client requests replenishment for a cache of SSCCs; the EPC Client provides a company prefix value, which is serialized to produce SSCC EPCs. All the available EPCs for a given GTIN or company prefix are called (collectively) a pool.

In addition to a GTIN or company prefix, the EPC Client also provides a set of criteria to the Serial Number Assignment Service, which uses this information to determine which EPCs will be returned. It does this by matching the criteria received from the EPC Client against the existing selection rules. A selection rule is made up of user-defined criteria that define a subset of a pool. If the criteria specified by the EPC Client match the criteria from the selection rule, and it is the first matching selection rule, EPCs from that subset of the pool will be returned to the EPC Client. The checked-out EPCs are cached by the EPC Client and are then available for writing to tags.

The purpose of selection rules is to provide a mechanism for:

When creating selection rules, you must consider which areas or business units will be requesting EPCs. How many are there? Will each area require separate serial number ranges? Does your corporate data center have any requirements regarding EPC ranges? Is there business logic that needs to be taken into account in making selection rules? By considering these factors, you will be able to set up selection rules that will create EPC pools of adequate size, containing EPCs that provide useful business information to your organization's enterprise systems.

Use the Serial Number Assignment Console, accessible via a Web browser, to create and manage selection rules.

Note: Once you log into the Console, do not use your browser's page controls (such as the Forward and Back buttons, or bookmarks of Console pages). Use of these tools may cause unexpected data display errors.
  1. Start a Web browser and navigate to the login page for the Serial Number Assignment Console, substituting the machine's hostname for hostname in the URL: http://<hostname>:<wls_port>/epcps_webclient
  2. Alternatively, from the login page of the RFID Enterprise Server Console (http://<hostname>:<wls_port>/enterprise), select Serial Number Assignment Service.

  3. On the Serial Number Selection Rules page, click Add.
  4. The Add Serial Number Selection Rule page displays, shown in Figure 2-2.

    Figure 2-2 Add Serial Number Selection Rule

    Add Serial Number Selection Rule

  5. Define a selection rule by filling in the Selection Rule fields, described in Table 2-1.
  6. Table 2-1 Selection Rule Fields 
    Identity Type
    The type of EPC affected by this rule.
    Tag Length
    The type of tag affected by this rule (96 bits, 64 bits, or Unspecified). Contains the length (in bits) of the EPCs to be allocated by the Serial Number Assignment Service.
    The range of serial numbers affected by this rule. You can specify the range by start and end numbers, by number of EPCs needed, or by using the maximum range possible. After making your choice from the drop-down list, fill in the range fields.
    The types of criteria (in Name/Value pairs) entered for a rule depend on the needs of the business unit using the Serial Number Assignment Service. You can use criteria to identify a tagging station, a work unit, a specific GTIN or company prefix, or an area of a warehouse, among other things. Use the Add button to add more criteria to the list, if necessary.

    Note: The term TAG_LENGTH is used internally by the Serial Number Assignment Console, and should not be part of any criteria entered into the system.

  7. Click Save to save the selection rule.
  8. Select the Serial Number Selection Rules tab to return to the Serial Number Selection Rules page where you use the controls in the Action column to modify rule positions and edit or delete rules.
    • Use the Up Add Serial Number Selection Rule and Down Add Serial Number Selection Rule buttons to put rules in the order you prefer. The order that rules are in matters; a checkout request will use the first rule from the list that matches. Put more specific rules first, and more general rules at the end of the list. If a more general rule is positioned at the start of the list, it will be used in preference to a more specific rule later in the list.
    • To edit a rule, click the Edit button Add Serial Number Selection Rule next to the rule.
    • To delete a rule, click the Delete button Add Serial Number Selection Rule next to the rule.


Integrating with Tag Writing Systems

This section provides details required for developers writing programs that integrate the Serial Number Assignment Service with existing tag writing systems. To get started, choose one of the following integration scenarios. For scenarios 1 and 3, development can use any language that supports classes; this document describes Java classes.

  1. If your organization has WebLogic RFID Edge Server 2.0 or later:
  2. Set up the RFID Edge Server to send an EPCCacheReport (essentially a replenishment request) when the tag cache is running low. Use the Serial Number Assignment Service WSDL interface to develop program(s) that receive and act on the EPCCacheReport, and use ALEPC API calls to replenish the cache. See WebLogic RFID Edge Server for more information.

  3. If the organization has other RFID software (Compliance Express, for example):
  4. Configure the software to interact with the Serial Number Assignment Service. See Compliance Express for more information.

  5. If your organization has its own tag writing system:
  6. Use the Serial Number Assignment Service WSDL interface to develop programs that detect when the cache of EPCs kept by a tag writing system is about to be depleted, use the Serial Number Assignment Service API to check in and check out EPCs as needed, and return those EPCs to the tag writing system to replenish its EPC cache. See Using the Serial Number Assignment Service API.

Figure 2-3 shows the Serial Number Assignment Service components.

Figure 2-3 Serial Number Assignment Service Components

Serial Number Assignment Service Components

Compliance Express

To integrate the Serial Number Assignment Service with Compliance Express, uncomment and set values for the following properties in the COMPLIANCE_HOME\etc\tagging-station.props file. Your changes will take effect after you restart Compliance Express.

WebLogic RFID Edge Server

In the WebLogic RFID Edge Server, one or more PCSpec instances may be associated with an EPC cache.The RFID Edge Server maintains the defined PCSpec instances and their EPC caches as part of its persistent state. Each time a PCSpec is activated, it takes the next EPC value from its EPC cache, and attempts to write that to a tag. When multiple PCSpec instances share a single cache, each will get a different EPC value each time it is activated. The RFID Edge Server tag programming facility can issue a cache report (called EPCCacheReport) when the number of remaining EPC values in a cache drops to (or below) a specified level. These reports are essentially replenishment requests for the cache.

For information on EPC caches, see Reading and Writing Tags in Programming with the ALE and ALEPC APIs.

To integrate the Serial Number Assignment Service with systems running the RFID Edge Server, you will need to:



Java implementation package: com.connecterra.alepc.api

A report sent by the RFID Edge Server that indicates that an EPC cache needs replenishing.

applicationData : string
cacheContent : EPCPatterns
cacheName : string
cacheSize : long
date : timestamp
savantID : string
threshold : long

String that you set in the EPCCacheSpec. See Writing Tags by Using the ALEPC API for more information.
Describes the remaining content of the EPC cache.
The name of the EPC cache that this report describes.
How many EPC cache entries remain.
The time the report was generated.
Identifier for the Edge Server that generated this report.
The low-cache reporting threshold defined for the EPCCacheSpec.

Listing 2-1 shows an EPCCacheReport example.

Listing 2-1 EPCCacheReport Example
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<EPCCacheReport date="2005-08-27T18:59:32.890Z"
<applicationData>cache-specific data goes here</applicationData>


Using the Serial Number Assignment Service API

The methods described in this section make up the public API for the Serial Number Assignment Service.

EPC Identity Patterns

The Serial Number Assignment Service uses EPC identity patterns to specify sets of EPCs that will be checked out (or checked in, in the case of checkin operations). An EPC identity pattern is a URI-formatted string that denotes a single EPC or set of EPCs. The format will be one of:


The fields CompanyPrefix, ItemReference, SerialNumber, and SerialReference correspond to fields of an EPC. In an EPC ID pattern returned from the Serial Number Assignment Service, the SerialNumber and SerialReference fields may be:

There are further restrictions on the acceptable values for SerialReference. Please refer to the EPC Tag Data Standards, Version 1.1, rev 1.27 (available at for full details.

Here are some examples of EPC ID patterns returned by the Serial Number Assignment Service. In these examples, assume that 0614141 is the Company Prefix for Widget Corporation, and 100734 is the Item Reference for its UltraWidget product, and that SGTIN tag encodings are used.

Pattern URNs
Matches the tag for UltraWidget serial number 4000.
Matches any Widget Corporation product whose serial number is between 100 and 999, inclusive.

If, for example, the second EPC ID pattern shown above were checked out and the tag length and filter value (96:0) were added, the resulting cache contents would be urn:epc:pat:sgtin-96:0.0614141.100734.[100-999].

A cache contains an ordered list of EPC patterns, each of which represents a range of EPC values ordered by ascending serial number; the EPC cache content is the concatenation of the ranges corresponding to pattern URNs in the list.



This method checks in a set of EPC ID patterns.

The checkin() call takes one argument—a list of EPC ID patterns in a StringList object. If the checkin() call succeeds, the EPC ID patterns are checked in.

A checkin() call may throw any of the following exceptions: ServiceException, ProvisioningException, InvalidURIException, or RemoteException.



This method checks out a set of EPC ID patterns.

The checkout() call takes four arguments, which are explained in the table below:

Checkout Parameters
An EPCRequestCriteria object, which consists of:
  • an EPC identity type (SGTIN or SSCC)
  • an internal criteria name/value pair, which is GTIN=<value> (for an SGTIN identity type) or COMPANY_PREFIX=<value> (for an SSCC identity type)
  • any user-specified criteria name/value pairs (which may be from the selection rule used)
Chunk Size
The number of EPCs that the method should return.
Requestor ID
An identifier for the user or service requesting the checkout.
Allow Smaller Chunks?
A boolean, indicating whether the chunk size can be satisfied by returning EPC ID patterns representing non-contiguous blocks of EPCs.

If the checkout() call succeeds, the EPC ID patterns are checked out and returned to the calling program as a StringList.

A checkout() call may throw any of the following exceptions: ServiceException, PoolLowException, ProvisioningException, or RequestDeniedException.



This method checks the validity of a potential checkout() request. It checks for a selection rule that satisfies the request, and looks for a GTIN or Company Prefix in the EPCRequestCriteria object that is passed in. (See checkout for a description of the EPCRequestCriteria object.)

If the validateEPCRequest() call succeeds, it returns the string representation of the rule that satisfies the request.

A validateEPCRequest() call may throw any of the following exceptions: ServiceException, ProvisioningException, or RequestDeniedException.

Example Checkout Request

The example in Figure 2-4 shows a checkout() request being issued for a particular pool, and a block of checked-out EPCs being returned to the requesting system.

Figure 2-4 Checkout Request and Response

Checkout Request and Response


Monitoring Pools

Once your systems have been integrated with the Serial Number Assignment Service, we recommend monitoring all pools for current usage and potential depletion. Use the Serial Number Assignment Console, accessible via a Web browser, to perform these monitoring activities.

Note: Once you log into the Console, do not use your browser's page controls (such as the Forward and Back buttons, or bookmarks of Console pages). Use of these tools may cause unexpected data display errors.

Use the instructions below to view pools and monitor pool usage.

  1. Start a Web browser, and navigate to the login page for the Serial Number Assignment Console, substituting the machine's hostname for hostname in the URL: http://<hostname>:<wls_port>/epcps_webclient
  2. Alternatively, from the login page of the RFID Enterprise Server Console (http://<hostname>:<wls_port>/enterprise), select Serial Number Assignment Service.

  3. Select the Pools tab.
  4. A list of pools displays. From this page you can monitor all pools in use.

    Figure 2-5 Pools Tab

    Pools Tab

  5. Click the Pool Key link to view pool usage.
  6. The Pool Usage page displays.

    A list of checkout times and ranges displays. From this page you can monitor the usage of the pool you chose.

    Figure 2-6 Pool Usage

    Pool Usage

  7. Click the Back to Pools Page button to return to the original list of pools.

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