Generating WebLogic RFID Enterprise Server Reports

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Generating Missing Assets Reports

Missing assets reports show which assets have not been seen within a specified number of days, and optionally, at the specified location. You can also use the missing assets reports to report the current location of specified assets (see Set Missing Time Threshold).

This chapter contains the following sections:


Generating Missing Assets Reports

To generate a missing assets report:

  1. In the Reporting Service Console, select the Missing Assets tab.
  2. Specify settings for the report, as described below under Setting Missing Assets Report Options.
  3. Click Run Report.
  4. The results are displayed in your Web browser. If you want to print the report, print it from the browser.


Setting Missing Assets Report Options

To prepare a missing assets report, specify values for the desired selection criteria, as follows.

You must specify a number of days under Set Missing Time Threshold. Other than that, there are no specific dependencies among the other criteria. You can set criteria for none, one, several, or all of the remaining categories.

In some sections on this page, you can enter items (EPCs, GTINs, location URNs, etc.) directly in the field provided for that type of item. You can list multiple items by separating each one with a space or a carriage return.

Set Asset Selection Criteria

Set options in this section to limit the report to assets of the specified types.If you set no options, the default criterion Select All Assets is used.

To specify a type of asset on which to report, select the type from the drop-down list. The choices are:

If master data exists for the EPC class of a reported asset, the master data value for the EPC class attribute is displayed in the report, whether you used the List EPC Classes option or the Search EPC Classes option. If master data does not exist, the URI that identifies the EPC class is displayed.

Set Events Start Time Range

Specify a start time to limit the report to assets associated with events that occurred since the specified time. If you do not set a start time, start time is ignored when generating this report.

You can use this parameter to reduce the number of events that will be considered for generating the report. Only events with time greater than or equal to the start time will be used to generate the report.

If you want to set a start time, you must at least enter a year. The other values are optional:

Set Location Selection Criteria

Set options in this section to limit the report to assets associated with events that occurred in the specified business locations. If you set no options in this section, business locations are ignored when generating the report.

If a specified business location includes "child" business locations (for example, a warehouse might contain several portals), all the locations in the hierarchy are evaluated when generating the report.

To specify a location, select an option from the drop-down list.

The choices are:

  1. List Locations. After selecting this option, enter the business location identifiers on which to report. Specify a business location identifier as a URN, for example:
  2. urn:epc:sgln:1234567.123

    Separate each business location identifier in a list with a space or a carriage return.

  3. Search Locations. This option is available when master data has been defined for business locations. Choose this option to search for assets associated with events occurring at a specified business location. When you select this option, a table is displayed for specifying search criteria. Enter criteria as follows:
    1. Select an attribute from the Attribute column. The attributes listed are from master data associated with business location identifiers.
    2. Enter a value for the attribute in the Value field. This field is case-sensitive, so enter the value using the correct upper- and lowercase letters. Only exact matches to this value will be returned.
    3. To delete an attribute from the search criteria, click Delete in that row.

      To add a row for entering a new attribute on which to search, click Add.

If master data exists for the business location included in a record, the master data entry value is displayed in the report, whether you used the List Locations option or the Search Locations option. If master data does not exist, a URI is displayed.

Set Missing Time Threshold

Specify a missing time threshold to indicate how may days an asset can be missing before it is listed on this report.

To specify the threshold, enter a number of days. Any item missing longer than this period (and fulfilling the other criteria for this report) will be included in the report.

The missing time threshold can be 0 (zero) or greater number of days. Fractional days are not allowed.

Tip: Enter 0 days to report the current location of assets that meet the other criteria set on this page.

Set Report Display Options

Set display options as follows:


Contents of a Missing Assets Report

The columns in a missing assets report are described in Table 4-1, below. Each row in the table shows an asset (identified by an EPC) plus information to describe when it was last seen and its state when it was last seen, according to the options specified for this run of the report.

If master data has been defined for assets in the report, the master data values are shown in the appropriate fields in the report, in place of more technical (and less readable) identifiers. The fields where that can happen are identified by a Yes in the Display Master Data column.

Table 4-1 Missing Assets Report Contents
Column Name
Display Master Data?
The Electronic Product Code (EPC) that uniquely identifies the asset.
Asset Description
A description of the asset, specified as master data.
If no master data exists for this asset, this field is blank.
Days Since Last Sight
Number of days since an event was reported to be associated with this asset.
Last Seen Time
Time when the most recent event associated with this report occurred.
Event Type
The type of event that occurred. Event types include AggregationEvent, TransactionEvent, and ObjectEvent.
If the asset is a child in an AggregationEvent, this field identifies its parent. If the asset is the parent in an AggregationEvent, it is identified as a parent.
AggregationEvents are displayed as hyperlinks. Click the link to display information about the aggregation, including a list of the assets associated with this aggregation event.
Business Location
The business location where the event occurred.
If no master data exists for this business location, the location is displayed as a URI.
The disposition, or business state, associated with this asset following the most recent event. (For example, an item can be "available for sale" or "sold.")
If no master data exists for the disposition, the disposition is displayed as a URI.
Business Step
The business step associated with this asset and the most recent event.
If no master data exists for this business step, the step is displayed as a URI.
Read Point
The read point where this asset was most recently read.
If no master data exists for this read point, the read point is displayed as a URI.

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