Administration Guide

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BEA SALT(Service Architecture Leveraging Tuxedo) is a separately licensed product that runs on top of Tuxedo. BEA SALT exposes existing Tuxedo services as standard Web services and provides access points to Tuxedo services through SOAP over HTTP/S protocol.

In addition to basic Web service protocols, BEA SALT complies with most primary Web services specifications: WS-ReliableMessaging and WS-Addressing, SOAP 1.1, SOAP 1.2, and WSDL 1.1, allowing BEA SALT to interoperate with other Web service products and development toolkits. With BEA SALT, you can easily export existing Tuxedo services as Web services without having to perform any programming tasks.


Preparing to Install BEA SALT

Before installing BEA SALT, ensure the following prerequisites are met.

Notes: For Tuxedo 8.1 (Windows), rolling patch 268 or above is required.
Note: For Tuxedo 8.1 (UNIX), rolling patch 265 or above is required.
Note: For Tuxedo 9.1 (Windows and UNIX), rolling patch 003 or above is required.
Note: The rolling patch can be found on the product CD. You can also contact
BEA Support for the latest rolling patch version.


Components for Administering BEA SALT

The following components are required to configure SALT and deploy and invoke Tuxedo services using SALT.

SALT Configuration File

BEA SALT uses configuration files in an XML format to define necessary deployment information for exporting Tuxedo services as Web services, which includes a Tuxedo service list, WS-ReliableMessaging Policy information, and SOAP protocol binding information. Each configuration file can define multiple GWWS server instances to enable failover capability and generate multiple port information in the WSDL document. The SALTconfiguration file leverages the Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository for Tuxedo service contract information.

The SALT configuration file is a single root XML file. the root element is <Configuration>, which has four sub-elements, <Servicelist>, <Policy>, <System> and <WSGateway>. For more information, see Configuring BEA SALT.

GWWS Server

BEA SALT provides a Tuxedo system gateway, the GWWS server, which handles Web service SOAP messages over HTTP/S protocol. GWWS acts as a Tuxedo gateway process and is managed in the same manner as general Tuxedo system servers. The GWWS server is a configuration-driven program. Each SALT configuration file defines one or more GWWS instances. Each SALT configuration file maps to a single SOAP/WSDL Web service object in the component model of the WSDL specification. Each GWWS process defined in the configuration file serves as a low-level port object of the service object. Each Tuxedo application service defined in the configuration file is treated as a WSDL service object operation. For more information, see Configuring BEA SALT.

The GWWS server handles Web service requests in the following manner.

  1. The GWWS server parses SOAP request messages and converts them into Tuxedo typed buffers.
  2. The GWWS server dispatches the Tuxedo typed buffers to corresponding Tuxedo services.
  3. The Tuxedo service returns Tuxedo response typed buffers.
  4. The GWWS server converts the Tuxedo response typed buffers to SOAP response messages and sends it back to the client.

Failover with GWWS Server

One configuration file is used to represent a particular GWWS server or a group of failover GWWS server. Configuring multiple GWWS instances within the SALT configuration file enables you to deploy failover capability over multiple GWWS instances.

Handling Custom Buffers

SALT provides a plug-in mechanism for converting SOAP XML messages and Tuxedo custom typed buffers. You can validate the SOAP message against your own XML Schema definition, allocate custom typed buffers, and parse data into the buffer and other operations. For more information see, Introduction to Using Plug-ins with BEA SALT.


BEA SALT generates a WSDL document according to the SALT configuration file. The generated WSDL document describes the capability of a particular GWWS process or a group of failover GWWS processes. There are two ways to obtain the WSDL document. You can:

The WSDL generating process needs to import the following resources for WSDL document content:

The generated WSDL document can interoperate and integrate with the your Web services development tools or it can be published to a UDDI server.


Scenario for Deploying and Invoking a Tuxedo Service Using SALT

The following is a typical scenario for deploying and invoking a Tuxedo service using SALT:

  1. Compose one or more SALT configuration files.
  2. Define Tuxedo application services using the Tuxedo Service Metadata Repository.
  3. Compose the Tuxedo UBBCONFIG file to include:
  1. Boot your Tuxedo application.
  2. Client downloads the WSDL document from the specific GWWS URL.
  3. Client generates stub-code from the WSDL document using a SOAP development toolkit.
  4. Compose the client program.
  5. Run the client to invoke the Web service with SOAP messages.
  6. The GWWS server translates the SOAP message into Tuxedo typed buffer, dispatches the Tuxedo service and gets the reply. The GWWS then translates the reply into a SOAP message and sends it back to the client.


See Also

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