Programming Web Services

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Using BEA SALT Plug-ins

This section contains the following topics:


Understanding BEA SALT Plug-ins

The BEA SALT GWWS server is a configuration-driven process which, for most basic Web service applications, does not require any programming tasks. However, BEA SALT functionality can be enhanced by developing plug-in interfaces which utilize custom typed buffer data and customized shared libraries to extend the GWWS server.

A plug-in interface is a set of functions exported by a shared library that can be loaded and invoked by GWWS processes to achieve special functionality. BEA SALT provides a plug-in framework as a common interface for defining and implementing a plug-in interface. Plug-in implementation is carried out by a shared library which contains the actual functions. The plug-in implementation library is configured in the SALT Deployment file and is loaded dynamically during GWWS server startup.

Plug-in Elements

Four plug-in elements are required to define a plug-in interface:

Plug-in ID

The plug-in ID element is a string used to identify a particular plug-in interface function. Multiple plug-in interfaces can be grouped with the same Plug-in ID for a similar function. Plug-in ID values are predefined by BEA SALT. Arbitrary string values are not permitted.

BEA SALT 2.0 supports the P_CUSTOM_TYPE and P_CREDENMAP plug-in ID, which is used to define plug-in interfaces for custom typed buffer data handling, and map Tuxedo user ID and group ID into username/password that HTTP Basic Authentication needs.

Plug-in Name

The plug-in Name differentiates one plug-in implementation from another within the same Plug-in ID category.

For the P_CUSTOM_TYPE Plug-in ID, the plug-in name is used to indicate the actual custom buffer type name. When the GWWS server attempts to convert data between Tuxedo custom typed buffers and an XML document, the plug-in name is the key element that searches for the proper plug-in interface.

Plug-In Implementation Functions

Actual business logic should reflect the necessary functions defined in a plug-in vtable structure. Necessary functions may be different for different plug-in ID categories.

For the P_CREDENMAP ID category, one function needs to be implemented:

For more information, see Programming Outbound Authentication Plug-ins.

Plug-in Register Functions

Plug-in Register functions are a set of common functions (or rules) that a plug-in interface must implement so that the GWWS server can invoke the plug-in implementation. Each plug-in interface must implement three register function These functions are:

Information Providing Function

This function is optional. If it is used, it will be first invoked after the plug-in shared library is loaded during GWWS server startup. If you want to implement more than one interface in one plug-in library, you must implement this function and return the counts, IDs, and names of the interfaces in the library.

Returning a 0 value indicates the function has executed successfully. Returning a value other than 0 indicates failure. If this functions fails, the plug-in is not loaded and the GWWS server will not start.

The function uses the following syntax:

int _ws_pi_get_Id_and_Names(int * count, char **ids, char **names);

You must return the total count of implementation in the library in arguments count. The arguments IDs and names should contains all implemented interface IDs and names, separated by a semicolon “;”.

Initiating Function

The initiating function is invoked after all the implemented interfaces in the plug-in shared library are determined. You can initialize data structures and set up global environments that can be used by the plug-ins.

Returning a 0 value indicates the initiating function has executed successfully. Returning a value other than 0 indicates initiation has failed. If plug-in interface initiation fails, the GWWS server will not start.

The initiating function uses the following syntax:

int _ws_pi_init_@ID@_@Name@(char * params, void **priv_ptr);

@ID@ indicates the actual plug-in ID value. @Name@ indicates the actual plug-in name value. For example, the initiating function of a plug-in with P_CUSTOM_TYPE as a plug-in ID and MyType as a plug-in name is: _ws_pi_init_P_CUSTOM_TYPE_MyType (char * params, void **priv_ptr).

Exiting Function

The exiting function is called before closing the plug-in shared library when the GWWS server shuts down. You should release all reserved plug-in resources.

The exiting function uses the following syntax:

int _ws_pi_exit_@ID@_@Name@(void * priv);

@ID@ indicates the actual plug-in ID value. @Name@ indicates the actual plug-in name value. For example, the initiating exiting function name of a plug-in with P_CUSTOM_TYPE as a plug-in ID and MyType as a plug-in name is: _ws_pi_exit_P_CUSTOM_TYPE_MyType(void * priv).

vtable Setting Function

vtable is a particular C structure that stores the necessary function pointers for the actual businesss logic of a plug-in interface. In other words, a valid plug-in interface must implement all the functions defined by the corresponding vtable.

The vtable setting function uses the following syntax:

int _ws_pi_set_vtbl_@ID@_@Name@(void * priv);

@ID@ indicates the actual plug-in ID value. @Name@ indicates the actual plug-in name value. For example, the vtable setting function of a plug-in with P_CUSTOM_TYPE as a plug-in ID and MyType as a plug-in name is: _ws_pi_set_vtbl_P_CUSTOM_TYPE_MyType(void * priv).

The vtable structures may be different for different plug-in ID categories. For the BEA SALT 2.0 release, P_CUSTOM_TYPE and P_CREDENMAP are the only valid plug-in IDs.

The vtable structures for available plug-in interfaces are shown in Listing 5-1.

Listing 5-1 VTable Structure

struct credmap_vtable {
int (* gwws_pi_map_http_basic) (char * domain, char * realm, char * t_userid, char * t_grpid, Cred_UserPass * credential); /* used for HTTP Basic Authentication */
/* for future use */
void * unused_1;
void * unused_2;
void * unused_3;

struct credmap_vtable indicates that one function need to be implemented for a P_CREDENMAP plug-in interface. For more information, see Programming Outbound Authentication Plug-ins.

The function input parameter void * priv points to a concrete vtable instance. You should set the vtable structure with the actual functions within the vtable setting function.

An example of setting the vtable structure with the actual functions within the vtable setting function is shown in Listing 5-2.

Listing 5-2 Setting the vtable Structure with Actual functions within the vtable Setting Function
int _DLLEXPORT_ _ws_pi_set_vtbl_P_CREDENMAP_TEST (void * vtbl)
struct credmap_vtable * vtable;
if ( ! vtbl )
return -1;

vtable = (struct credmap_vtable *) vtbl;

vtable->gwws_pi_map_http_basic = Credmap_HTTP_Basic;
return 0;

Developing a Plug-in Interface

To develop a comprehensive plug-in interface, do the following steps:

  1. Develop a shared library to implement the plug-in interface
  2. Define the plug-in interface in the SALT configuration file
Developing a Plug-in Shared Library

To develop a plug-in shared library, do the following steps:

  1. Write C language plug-in implementation functions for the actual business logic. These functions are not required to be exposed from the shared library. For more information, see Plug-In Implementation Functions.
  2. Write C language plug-in register functions that include: the initiating function, the exiting function, the vtable setting function, and the information providing function if necessary. These register functions need to be exported so that they can be invoked from the GWWS server. For more information, see Plug-in Register Functions.
  3. Compile all the above functions into one shared library.
Defining a Plug-in interface in SALT configuration file

To define a plug-in shared library that is loaded by the GWWS server, the corresponding plug-in library path must be configured in the SALT deployment file. For more information, see Setting Up a BEA SALT Application in the BEA SALT Administration Guide.

An example of how to define plug-in information in the BEA SALT deployment file is shown in Listing 5-3.

Listing 5-3 Defined Plug-In in the BEA SALT Deployment File
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Deployment xmlns="">
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
library=”credmap_plugin.dll” />
Notes: To define multiple plug-in interfaces, multiple <Interface> elements must be specified. Each <Interface> element indicates one plug-in interface.
Note: Multiple plug-in interfaces can be built into one shared library file.


Programming Message Conversion Plug-ins

BEA SALT defines a complete set of default data type conversion rules to convert between Tuxedo buffers and SOAP message payloads. However, the default data type conversion rules may not meet all your needs in tranforming SOAP messages into Tuxedo typed buffers or vice versa. To accommodate special application requirements, BEA SALT supports customized message level conversion plug-in development to extend the default message conversion.

Note: The SALT 2.0 Message Conversion Plug-in is an enhanced successor of the SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Conversion Plug-in.

The following topics are included in this section:

How Message Conversion Plug-ins Work

Message Conversion Plug-in is a SALT supported Plug-in defined within the SALT plug-in framework. All Message Conversion Plug-in instances have the same Plug-in ID, “P_CUSTOM_TYPE“. Each particular Message Conversion Plug-in instance may implement two functions, one is used to convert SOAP message payloads to Tuxedo buffers, and the other is used to convert Tuxedo buffers to SOAP message payloads. These two function prototypes are defined in Listing 5-4 .

Listing 5-4 vtable structure for SALT Plug-in “P_CUSTOM_TYPE” ( C Language )
/* custtype_pi_ex.h */
struct custtype_vtable {
CustomerBuffer * (* soap_in_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) (void * xercesDOMTree, CustomerBuffer * tuxbuf, CustType_Ext * extinfo)
int (* soap_out_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) (void ** xercesDOMTree, CustomerBuffer * tuxbuf, CustType_Ext * extinfo)

The function pointer (* soap_in_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) points to the customized function that converts the SOAP message payload to Tuxedo typed buffer.

The function pointer (* soap_out_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) points to the customized function that converts the Tuxedo typed buffer to SOAP message payload.

You may implement both functions defined in the message conversion plug-in vtable structure if needed. You may also implement one function and set the other function with a NULL pointer.

How Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Inbound Call Scenario

An inbound call scenario is an external Web service program that invokes a Tuxedo service through the BEA SALT gateway. Figure 5-1 depicts message streaming between a Web service client and a Tuxedo domain.

Figure 5-1 Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Inbound Call Scenario

Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Inbound Call Scenario

When a SOAP request message is delivered to the GWWS server, GWWS tries to find if there is a message conversion plug-in instance associated with the input message conversion of the target service. If there is an associated instance, the GWWS invokes the customized (*soap_in_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) function implemented in the plug-in instance.

When a Tuxedo response buffer is returned from the Tuxedo service, GWWS tries to find if there is a message conversion plug-in instance associated with the output message conversion of the target service. If there is an associated instance, GWWS invokes the customized (*soap_out_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) function implemented in the plug-in instance.

How Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Outbound Call Scenario

An outbound call scenario is a Tuxedo program that invokes an external Web service through the BEA SALT gateway. Figure 5-2 depicts message streaming between a Tuxedo domain and a Web service application.

Figure 5-2 Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Outbound Call Scenario

Message Conversion Plug-in Works in an Outbound Call Scenario

When a Tuxedo request buffer is delivered to the GWWS server, GWWS tries to find if there is a message conversion plug-in instance associated with the input message conversion of the target service. If there is an associated instance, GWWS invokes the customized (*soap_out_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) function implemented in the plug-in instance.

When a SOAP response message is returned from the external Web service application, GWWS tries to find if there is a message conversion plug-in instance associated with the output message conversion of the target service. If there is an associated instance, GWWS invokes the customized (*soap_in_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) function implemented in the plug-in instance.

When Do We Need Message Conversion Plug-in

Table 5-1 lists several message conversion plug-in use cases.

Table 5-1 Message Conversion Plug-in Use Cases
Scenario Description
Tuxedo Originated Service
A SOAP message payload is being transformed into a custom typed buffer
A custom typed buffer is being transformed into a SOAP message payload
A Tuxedo service input and/or output buffer is associated with a customized XML schema definition, when a SOAP message payload is being transformed into this buffer
Non XML typed buffer: Required
XML typed buffer: Optional
A Tuxedo service input and/or output buffer is associated with a customized XML schema definition, when this buffer is being transformed into a SOAP message payload
Non XML typed buffer: Required
XML typed buffer:Optional
All other general cases when a SOAP message payload is being transformed to a Tuxedo buffer
All other general cases when a Tuxedo buffer is being transformed into a SOAP message payload
Web Service Originated Service
All cases when a Tuxedo buffer is being transformed to a SOAP message payload
All cases when a SOAP message payload is being transformed into a Tuxedo buffer

From Table 5-1, the following message conversion plug-ins general rules are applied.

Note: For more information about how to associate external XML Schema definition with the input, output and error buffer of a Tuxedo Service, see “ Defining Tuxedo Service Contract with Service Metadata Repository” in the BEA SALT Administration Guide.

Developing a Message Conversion Plug-in Instance

Converting a SOAP Message Payload to a Tuxedo Buffer

The following function should be implemented in order to convert a SOAP XML payload to a Tuxedo buffer:

CustomerBuffer * (* soap_in_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) (void * xercesDOM, CustomerBuffer *a, CustType_Ext * extinfo);


#include <custtype_pi_ex.h>

CustomerBuffer * myxml2buffer (void * xercesDOM, CustomerBuffer *a, CustType_Ext * extinfo);

myxml2buffer is an arbitrary customized function name.


The implemented function should have the capability to parse the given XML buffer and convert concrete data items to a Tuxedo custom typed buffer instance.

The input parameter, char * xmlbuf, indicates a NULL terminated string with the XML format data stream. Please note that the XML data is the actual XML payload for the custom typed buffer, not the whole SOAP envelop document or the whole SOAP body document.

The input parameter, char * type, indicates the custom typed buffer type name, this parameter is used to verify that the GWWS server expected custom typed buffer handler matches the current plug-in function.

The output parameter, CustomerBuffer *a, is used to store the allocated custom typed buffer instance. A Tuxedo custom typed buffer must be allocated by this plug-in function via the ATMI function tpalloc(). Plug-in code is not responsible to free the allocated custom typed buffer, it is automatically destroyed by the GWWS server if it is not used.


If successful, this function must return the pointer value of input parameter CustomerBuffer * a.

If it fails, this function returns NULL.

Listing 5-5 Converting XML Effective Payload to Tuxedo Custom Typed Buffer Pseudo Code
CustomerBuffer * myxml2buffer (void * xercesDOM, CustomerBuffer *a, CustType_Ext * extinfo)
// casting the input void * xercesDOM to class DOMDocument object
DOMDocument * DOMTree =

// allocate custom typed buffer via tpalloc
a->buf = tpalloc("MYTYPE", "MYSUBTYPE", 1024);
a->len = 1024;

// fetch data from DOMTree and set it into custom typed buffer
DOMTree ==> a->buf;
if ( error ) {
release ( DOMTree );
a->buf = NULL;
a->len = 0;
return NULL;

release ( DOMTree );

return a;
Tip: Tuxedo bundled Xerces library can be used for XML parsing. Tuxedo 8.1 bundles Xerces 1.7 and Tuxedo 9.1 bundles Xerces 2.5

Converting a Tuxedo Buffer to a SOAP Message Payload

The following function should be implemented in order to convert a custom typed buffer to SOAP XML payload:

int (*soap_out_tuxedo__CUSTBUF)(char ** xmlbuf, CustomerBuffer * a, char * type);


#include <custtype_pi_ex.h>

int * mybuffer2xml (char ** xmlbuf, CustomerBuffer *a, char * type);

"mybuffer2xml" is the function name can be specified with any valid string upon your need.


The implemented function has the capability to convert the given custom typed buffer instance to the single root XML document used by the SOAP message.

The input parameter, CustomerBuffer *a, is used to store the custom typed buffer response instance. Plug-in code is not responsible to free the allocated custom typed buffer, it is automatically destroyed by the GWWS server if it is not used.

The input parameter, char * type, indicates the custom typed buffer type name, this parameter can be used to verify if the SALT GWWS server expected custom typed buffer handler matches the current plug-in function.

The output parameter, char ** xmlbuf, is a pointer that indicates the newly converted XML payload. The XML payload buffer must be allocated by this function and use the malloc () system API. Plug-in code is not responsible to free the allocated XML payload buffer, it is automatically destroyed by the GWWS server if it is not used.


If successful, this function must returns 0.

If it fails, this function must return -1.

Listing 5-6 Converting Tuxedo Custom Typed Buffer to SOAP XML Pseudo Code
int mybuffer2xml (void ** xercesDom, CustomerBuffer *a, CustType_Ext * extinfo)
// Use DOM implementation to create the xml payload
DOMTree = CreateDOMTree( );

if ( error )
return -1;

// fetch data from custom typed buffer instance,
// and add data to DOMTree according to the client side needed
// XML format

a->buf ==> DOMTree;

// allocate xmlbuf buffer via malloc
* xmlbuf = malloc( expected_len(DOMTree) );
if ( error ) {
release ( DOMTree );
return -1;

// casting the DOMDocument to void * pointer and returned
DOMTree >> (* xmlbuf);
if ( error ) {
release ( DOMTree );
free ( (* xmlbuf) );
return -1;

return 0;
WARNING: GWWS framework is responsible to release the DOMDocument created inside the plug-in function. To avoid double release, programmers must pay attention to the following Xerces API usage:
WARNING: If the DOMDocument is constructed from an XML string through XercesDOMParser::parse() API. You must use XercesDOMParser::adoptDocument() to get the DOMDocument object pointer. You do not use XercesDOMParser::getDocument() to get the DOMDocument object pointer because the DOMDocument object is maintained by the XercesDOMParser object and is released when deleting the XercesDOMParser object if you do not de-couple the DOMDocument from the XercesDOMParser via the XercesDOMParser::getDocument() function.

SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Conversion Plug-in Compatibility

SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Conversion Plug-in provides the customized message conversion mechanism only for Tuxedo custom buffer types.

The following table compares SALT 2.0 Message Conversion Plug-in and SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Conversion Plug-in.

Table 5-2 SALT 2.0 Message Conversion Plug-in / SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Conversion Plug-in Comparison
SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Plug-in
SALT 2.0 Message Conversion Plug-in
Plug-in ID is “P_CUSTOM_TYPE
Plug-in ID is “P_CUSTOM_TYPE
Plug-in Name must be the same as the supported custom buffer type name
Plug-in Name can be any meaningful value, which is only used to distinguish from other plug-in instances.
Only supports message conversion between SOAP message payload and Tuxedo custom buffer types
Supports message conversion between SOAP message payload and any kind of Tuxedo buffer type
Buffer type level association.
Each plug-in instance must be named the same as the supported custom buffer type name. Each custom buffer type can only have one plug-in implementation.
One custom buffer type can associate with a plug-in instance, and used by all the services
Message level association.
Each Tuxedo service can associate plug-in instances with its input and/or output buffers respectively through the plug-in instance name.
SOAP message payload is saved as a NULL terminated string for plug-in programming
SOAP message payload is saved as a Xerces DOM Document for plug-in programming

Please note that the SALT 1.1 Custom Buffer Type Plug-in shared library cannot be used directly in SALT 2.0. You must perform the following tasks to upgrade it to a SALT 2.0 message conversion plug-in:

  1. Re-implement function (*soap_in_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) and (*soap_out_tuxedo__CUSTBUF) according to new SALT 2.0 message conversion plug-in vtable function prototype API. The major change is that SOAP message payload is saved as an Xerces class DOMDocument object instead of the old string value.
  2. Re-compile your functions as the shared library and configure this shared library in the SALT Deployment file so that it can be loaded by GWWS servers.
Tip: You do not have to manually associate the upgraded message conversion plug-ins with service buffers. If a custom typed buffer is involved in the message conversion at runtime, GWWS can automatically search a message conversion plug-in that has the same name as the buffer type name if no explicit message conversion plug-in interface is configured.


Programming Outbound Authentication Plug-ins

When a Tuxedo client accesses Web services via SOAP/HTTP, the client may be required to send a username and password to the server to perform HTTP Basic Authentication. The Tuxedo clients uses tpinit() to send a username and password when registering to the Tuxedo domain. However, this username is used by Tuxedo and is not the same as the one used by the Web service (the password may be different as well).

To map the usernames, BEA SALT provides a plug-in interface (Credential-Mapping Interface) that allows you to choose which username and password is sent to the Web service.

How Outbound Authentication Plug-ins Work

When a Tuxedo client calls a Web service, it actually calls the GWWS server that declares the Web service as a Tuxedo service. The user id and group id (defined in tpusr and tpgrp files) are sent to the GWWS. The GWWS then checks whether the Web service has a configuration item <Realm>. If it does, the GWWS:

Implementing a Credential Mapping Interface Plug-In

Using the following scenario:

Perform the following steps to implement a BEA SALT plug-in interface:

  1. Write the functions to map the “myrealm” Tuxedo UID/GID to username/password on
  1. Write the following three plug-in register functions. For more information, see Plug-in Register Functions.
  1. You can also write the optional function
  1. Compile the previous four or five functions into one shared library,
  2. Configure the plug-in interface in the SALT deployment file.

Configure the plug-in interface as shown in Listing 5-7.

Listing 5-7 Custom Typed Buffer Plug-in Interface
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Deployment xmlns="">
. . . . . . .
. . . . . . .
library=”credmap_plugin.dll” />

Mapping the Tuxedo UID and HTTP Username

The following function should be implemented in order to return username/password for HTTP Basic Authentication:

typedef int (* GWWS_PI_CREDMAP_PASSTEXT) (char * domain, char * realm, char * t_userid, char * t_grpid, Cred_UserPass * credential);


#include <credmap_pi_ex.h>

typedef struct Cred_UserPass_s {

char username[UP_USERNAME_LEN];

char password[UP_PASSWORD_LEN];

} Cred_UserPass;

int gwws_pi_map_http_basic (char * domain, char * realm, char * t_uid, char * t_gid, Cred_UserPass * credential);

The "gwws_pi_map_http_basic" function name can be specified with any valid string as needed.


The implemented function has the capability to determine authorization credentials (usernames and passwords) used for authorizing users with a given Tuxedo uid and gid for a given domain and realm.

The input parameters, char * domain and char * realm, represent the domain name and HTTP Realm that the Web service belongs to. The plug-in code must use them to determine the scope to find appropriate credentials.

The input parameters, char * t_uid and char * t_gid, are strings that contain Tuxedo user ID and group ID number values respectively. These two parameters may be used to find the username.

The output parameter, Cred_UserPass * credential, is a pointer that indicates a pre-allocated buffer storing the returned username/password. The plug-in code is not responsible to allocate the buffer.

Notes: Tuxedo user ID is available only when *SECURITY is set as USER_AUTH or higher in the UBBCONFIG file. Group ID is available when *SECURITY is set as ACL or higher. The default is “0”.


If successful, this function returns 0. If it fails, it returns -1.

Listing 5-8 Credential Mapping for HTTP Basic Authentication Pseudo Code
int Credmap_HTTP_Basic(char * domain, char * realm, char * t_uid, char * t_gid, Cred_UserPass * credential)
// Use domain and realm to determine scope
credentialList = FindAllCredentialForDomainAndRealm(domain, realm);

if ( error happens )
return -1;

// find appropriate credential in the scope

foreach cred in credentialList {
if (t_uid and t_gid match) {
*credential = cred;
return 0;
if ( not found and no default credential) {
return -1;

*credential = default_credential;
return 0;
Tip: The credentials can be stored in the database with domain and realm as the key or index.

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