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Setting Up the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator


The following sections provide information about the optional BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and describe the procedure to install the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator:


About the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator

The SNMP architecture is extended to enable a single master agent to communicate with subagents, enabling multiple agents to cooperate in managing diverse hardware and software components on a single host. This master agent functionality is provided by the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator component.

The optional BEA SNMP Agent Integrator is an intelligent master agent, and an important part of the BEA SNMP Agent product. The extended SNMP Manager/Agent model is shown in the following figure.

Figure 4-1 SNMP Manager/Agent Model


The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator enables you to:


About the SNMP Multiplexing Protocol

A typical protocol used for communication between an SNMP master agent and subagents is the SNMP multiplexing (SMUX) protocol, defined in RFC 1227. It may still be necessary to use one or more old-style monolithic agents that do not allow for a master agent/subagent architecture. Yet no standardized solution has emerged for the coexistence of non-SMUX SNMP agents on a single host. Master agents that "speak" SMUX protocol to subagents are typically able to communicate only with SMUX-compliant subagents, and cannot coexist with non-SMUX SNMP agents running on the same host.

The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator, however, can run on the same node with SNMP agents and SMUX subagents. The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator can also run on the same node with other master agent/subagent architectures, such as Distributed Program Interface (DPI) or EMANATE, so long as the master agent uses SNMP to respond to management requests. The DPI master agent simply appears to the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator as another SNMP agent. The multiple SNMP agents, SMUX subagents, and other subagents communicate with SNMP managers through the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and appear as a single SNMP agent to any SNMP manager.

In its communication with SMUX subagents (and DPI master agents and monolithic SNMP agents), the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator acts as a proxy for the SNMP manager. Thus multiple agents and subagents from any vendor can cooperate in the management of system components.

The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator distributes requests from the manager to specific SNMP agents or subagents, receives the responses from the individual agents, and forwards those responses back to the manager. The following figure shows the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator master agent controlling two master agents (one SMUX master agent and one DPI master agent); while each of these, in turn, controls two subagents. The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator also directly controls one monolithic SNMP agent and a SMUX subagent.

Figure 4-2 BEA SNMP Agent Integrator Master/Subagent Architecture



Configuring the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator

The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator uses the following environment variables:


Indicates the password that a SMUX subagent must use when re-establishing communication with the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator.


Indicates the number of times the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator retries sending an SNMP request to peer SNMP agents when no response is received within the established timeout interval.


Modifies the default time interval that the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator waits for a reply to a request sent to a SMUX subagent or an SNMP peer agent. This value can also be set by adding a BEA_PEER_MAX_WAIT entry to the BEA SNMP Agent configuration file.

If this environment variable is not set, and there is no BEA_PEER_MAX_WAIT entry in the configuration file, the default is three seconds. For peer SNMP agents, the default timeout value can be overridden for individual SNMP agents using the timeout parameter in NON_SMUX_PEER entries in the BEA SNMP Agent beamgr.conf configuration file.

(Note that "peer SNMP agent" and "non-SMUX peer agent" are identical terms. A peer SNMP agent, or a non-SMUX peer agent, is an SNMP agent running under the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator.)


Specifies the absolute path to the BEA SNMP Agent beamgr.conf configuration file, ending with the filename beamgr.conf.

Once you have set up BEA SNMP Agent according to the instructions in Setting Up BEA SNMP Agent on a Managed Node, perform the following step to set up and use the BEA SNMP Agent Integrators:

  1. Indicate the managed objects (if any) that are available from peer SNMP agents.

    The peer SNMP agents can be on the same managed node (IP address) as the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator, or they can be on remote nodes. Access to the objects managed by the peer SNMP agents is defined through NON_SMUX_PEER entries in the beamgr.conf configuration file. Each entry defines or moves a branch of the OID tree that is accessible via that agent. This task is described in Using Multiple SNMP Agents.

  2. Indicate the managed objects that are available (if any) through Distributed Program Interface (DPI) master agents.

    Since a DPI master agent speaks SNMP, it appears to the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator as just another peer SNMP agent. Setting up access to DPI subagents is thus done the same way as setting up access to peer SNMP agents, as described in Step 1.

  3. Modify the management scope of SMUX subagents, if desired.

    You can modify a SMUX subagent's management scope—for example, to avoid conflicts with other agents—by specifying OID_CLASS entries in the beamgr.conf configuration file. By default, a SMUX subagent automatically indicates the section of the OID tree for which it is responsible when it registers with the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator master agent. The syntax for OID_CLASS entries is defined in Configuration Files.

  4. Define local polling rules and the actions to be taken by the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator if user-defined thresholds are crossed.

    This step is necessary only if you want to use the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator to off-load polling from the management station. Polling rules are defined through RULE_ACTION entries in the beamgr.conf configuration file. Polling is automatically active when the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator starts. BEA SNMP Agent Integrator local polling can be de-activated or re-activated from a management station using SNMP Set commands. BEA SNMP Agent Integrator polling rules, and how to start and stop polling, are described in Using the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator for Polling.

  5. Configure your SNMP management framework for the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator. For more information, see Integrating BEA SNMP Agent with a Management Framework.

    Configure the management system for BEA SNMP Agent Integrator traps. Some configuration is required on your SNMP-compliant management framework to make use of SNMP trap notifications that are generated by the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator.

    The exact set of steps you need to perform vary depending upon which management system you are using. Typically, some configuration or mapping is required to get the management system to perform a desired action (such as turning an icon red) when a trap is received. Consult your management system documentation for specific instructions.

  6. Modify other entries in the configuration file (if desired)

    You may want to modify the following fields in the BEA SNMP Agent beamgr.conf configuration file:

These entries are supported by the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator in the MIB-II snmp group.

If you are using a BEA SNMP agent as a SMUX subagent to manage Tuxedo or WLE applications, configure the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator timeout to at least 30 seconds. To do this, add a BEA_PEER_MAX_WAIT entry to the BEA SNMP Agent beamgr.conf configuration file as follows:


Another way you can set the timeout value is to set the environment variable BEA_PEER_MAX_WAIT to 30. For C shell on UNIX systems, for example, use this command:

prompt> setenv BEA_PEER_MAX_WAIT 30


Starting the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a Windows System

To start the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and SMUX subagents on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. Start the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and SMUX subagents from the Services window.

    On the Windows taskbar, choose Start->Settings->Control Panel->Services (or Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->Services on a Windows 2000 system) to display the Services window.

  2. Locate each of the installed services. The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator is installed as a Windows Service named snmp_integrator. It should be started before the SMUX subagents.

    A BEA SNMP agent (tux_snmpd, wle_snmpd) is installed as a Windows service named tux64_snmpd, tux65_snmpd, tux71_snmpd, wle42_snmpd, wle51_snmpd, tux8_snmpd, or some other logical agent name if additional BEA SNMP agents were installed.

  3. click Start. There may be a short delay as each service is initiated.

  4. Start any other SMUX subagents.

Note: For any tux_snmpd or wle_snmpd process started as a non-SMUX peer agent (-s option specified at startup), you must start that process before starting the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator. The starting order for BEA SNMP Agent is as follows: start all non-SMUX peer agents, then the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator, and then all SMUX subagents.


Starting the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a UNIX System

To start the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and SMUX subagents on a UNIX system, log in as root and start the following programs in the specified order:

Note: For any tux_snmpd or wle_snmpd process started as a non-SMUX peer agent (-s option specified at startup), you must start that process before starting the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator. The starting order for BEA SNMP Agent is as follows: start all non-SMUX peer agents, then the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator, and then all SMUX subagents.


Stopping the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a Windows System

To stop the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator or one or more subagents on a Windows system, follow these steps:

  1. On the Windows taskbar, choose Start->Settings->Control Panel->Services (or Start->Programs->Administrative Tools->Services on a Windows 2000 system) to display the Services window.

  2. In the list of Services, locate and select the installed service and click Stop to stop it.


Stopping the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator and Subagents on a UNIX System

To stop the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator or one or more subagents on a UNIX system, issue the following command:

prompt> stop_agent logical_agent_name | all [logical_agent_name]

For all SNMP agents other than tux_snmpd and wle_snmpd, the logical_agent_name is always the name of the executable. If you specify all, all SNMP agents are stopped.


Running Multiple BEA SNMP Agent Products on the Same System

The different products comprising the BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 family of products are identified in the following table.

Table 4-1 BEA SNMP Agent 2.1 Family of Products

BEA SNMP Agent Product


Tuxedo v8.0 (2.1.1)

Used to manage Tuxedo 8.0 applications.

Tuxedo v7.1 (2.1)

Used to manage Tuxedo 7.1 applications.

Tuxedo v6.5 (2.1)

Used to manage Tuxedo 6.5 applications.

Tuxedo v6.4 (2.1)

Used to manage Tuxedo 6.4 applications.

WebLogic Enterprise v5.1 (2.1)

Used to manage WLE 5.1 applications.

WebLogic Enterprise v4.2 (2.1)

Used to manage WLE 4.2 applications.


On a Windows system, SNMP agents (tux_snmpd, wle_snmpd) from only one BEA SNMP Agent product (Tuxedo v8.0, Tuxedo v7.1, Tuxedo v6.5, ...) may be running at any given time, and may be managed by one and only one instance of the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator (snmp_integrator). The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator executable comes from the product running on that Windows system.

On a UNIX system, SNMP agents (tux_snmpd, wle_snmpd) from multiple BEA SNMP Agent products (Tuxedo v8.0, Tuxedo v7.1, Tuxedo v6.5, ...) may be running at any given time, and may be managed by one and only one instance of the BEA SNMP Agent Integrator (snmp_integrator). The BEA SNMP Agent Integrator executable may come from any of the products running on that UNIX system.


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