Important Considerations About the BEA Builder Installed Browser

If you did not have the Netscape Communicator on your system when you installed the BEA Builder products, it is likely that you have a BEA Builder installed version of this browser.

The context-sensitive help system requires that Netscape Communicator version 4.0 or above be present on the local system. So, the BEA TUXEDO Builder product installation checks to see if the Netscape Communicator 4.0 browser is already present on the target system. On Windows systems, if the appropriate version of the browser is not found; the install script gives you the option of installing it as a part of the BEA Builder product installation to support the Online Help system.

The Netscape Communicator 4.0 that gets installed during the BEA Builder product installation contains a level of encryption that is allowed to be exported from the United States. If you use this browser for anything other than the Help system, please note that this is not the most secure version of the Netscape Communicator.

Note: This consideration does not apply to UNIX systems because the BEA product installation for UNIX does not automatically install the right version of the browser. You have to do this manually on UNIX systems.