Installation Guide

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Installing the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Software

This section provides information and step-by-step instructions for installing Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA software (hereafter referenced as TMA SNA.) After completing the tasks included in “Preparing to Install Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA,” install the TMA SNA components according to your configuration requirements as described in the following section.

Notes: Refer to the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Release Notes if you are upgrading from a previous version of eLink Adapter for Mainframe, and for information about hardware and software requirements. For additional operational and administrative information on the CRM, refer to the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA CRM Administration Guide.
Note: All references to ATMI files, functions, and documentation apply to Tuxedo files, functions, and documentation.

Information topics are grouped by platform and by component (Gateway or CRM) if the component installations differ for particular platforms.

This section includes the following topics:


Prerequisites for Installation

Before you install Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA, you should install Tuxedo.10.0

A JDK is required by the InstallAnywhere installation product to install Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA. A JDK is installed with Tuxedo 10.0. Verify that the system PATH environment variable is set to the correct version of the JDK installed by Tuxedo 10.0.


Installing the CRM on z/OS MVS Platform

This section explains how to install the CRM component on a z/OS Multiple Virtual Storage (MVS) platform.

Note: The installation process assumes the installer is familiar with Job Control Language (JCL) job operations and File Transfer Protocol (FTP) functions.

Summary of Installation Tasks

The following list is a summary of the tasks detailed in Installation Procedure:

The installation for this environment is semi-automated. Three JCL files are provided to facilitate prerequisites for allocating datasets in the MVS environment and to unload Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA product software into the allocated datasets.

The product CD-ROM contains the following files relating to this installation procedure:

Installation Procedure

Perform the following steps to install the CRM component on a z/OS MVS platform:

  1. Load the product CD-ROM on a machine that has File Transfer Protocol (FTP) access to the MVS UNIX directory (/mvs/ftp-unix) or MVS NT directory (/mvs.ftp-nt).
  2. Use FTP to put the following JCL files in the MVS destination PDS dataset:
  3. dsupload.jcl
  4. In your MVS environment, change the DSUPLOAD job to suit your environment. This job allocates the initial datasets needed to receive the product software files from the FTP file transfer.
  5. Use the SET statements in the DSUPLOAD job to set the high-level qualifiers of the receiving datasets according to the following syntax:


    The DSUPLOAD job has the following steps:


    Deletes any existing datasets previously created so you can run this JCL multiple times, if necessary.


    Allocates the initial datasets needed to receive the product software files.

  6. Run the DSUPLOAD job.
  7. Put the files listed in Table 4-1 into their corresponding datasets. Use the table as a worksheet and fill in the names you created in step 3. Use the worksheet as a guide for transferring the product data to the z/OS platform.
  8. Table 4-1 MVS Installation Product Files and DD Name Datasets
    Product File
    Set Statement
    Your Dataset Name

  9. From the UNIX/NT command prompt, set binary data transfer mode using the FTP program.
  10. Note the following example of a put command:

    put TMACRM100.LOAD ’BEA.TMA100.LOAD’

    Transfer the datasets using the put command.

  11. In your MVS environment, change the INSTALL job to suit your environment.
  12. Use the SET statements to alter the job for your environment according to the following syntax:


    In this statement, [QUALIFIER] is the high-level qualifier for the SNACRM Load Library. The load library containing the TMACRM100.LOAD program objects must be a Partitioned Dataset with Extended attributes (PDSE). The PDSE minimally must have storage class SMS declaration for z/OS.


    In this statement, [CLASS NAME] is the storage class name of the PDSE. This is required for z/OS.


    In this statement, [QUALIFIER] is the high-level qualifier for the sample and data datasets. These are standard PDS.

    The INSTALL job has the following steps:


    Deletes any existing datasets created by the INSTALL job so you can run this JCL multiple times, if necessary.


    Creates the MVS datasets for you.

    This step includes the minimal JCL needed to create the datasets for z/OS. You may change the JCL to reflect your own environment.

  13. Run the INSTALL job.
  14. Use Table 4-2 as a worksheet to fill out the names of the datasets created in this step.

    Table 4-2 Set Statements and Corresponding Datasets
    Set Statement
    Your Dataset Name

  15. In your MVS environment, change the UNCMPRSS job to suit your environment.
  16. Modify the following variables in the JCL to the high-level qualifier you listed in the tables according to the following syntax:


    Use the qualifier you listed in Table 4-1.


    Use the PDSE qualifier you listed in Table 4-2.


    Use the PDS qualifier you listed in Table 4-2.

    The UNCMPRSS job has the following step:


    Performs a TSORECEIVE to uncompress and unload the data in your installation datasets created in step 8.

To manually perform the TSO RECEIVE command to unload the data in your installation datasets created in Step 8, enter a command similar to the following command:


When prompted, enter:


In these statements, the following definitions apply:


Is the dataset name you listed in Table 4-1.


Is the corresponding dataset name you listed in Table 4-2.


Installing the Gateway on AIX, HP-UX, Solaris or Windows

In addition to HP-UX 11.23 installation as described in Installing Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Components on HP-UX 11.23, the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway may also be installed on AIX, HP-UX, Solaris or Windows platforms.

Note: The CRM is not available on any of these platforms and can only be installed on HP-UX 11.23 non-mainframe UNIX. Refer to the Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Release Notes for more detailed information about platform support.

AIX, HP-UX and Solaris installations may be performed in Console Mode, Silent Mode, or Graphics Mode, while Windows installations must be performed in Graphics Mode.

Installing the Gateway in Console Mode

To install the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway on non-mainframe UNIX in console mode, you run one of the following .bin programs as appropriate for your operating system:

UNIX Platform
.bin File
AIX 5.3
HP-UX 11.23

Perform the following steps to install the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA software in console mode:

  1. Insert the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA CD-ROM in your CD device.
  2. Log on as root.
  3. $ su -
  4. Mount the CD-ROM. Mount commands vary depending on your system configuration. Refer to your System Administrator for the specific command for your system. Use a command similar to the following example to mount the CD-ROM.
  5. # mount -r -F cdfs /dev/cdrom/c1b0t0l0 /mnt
  6. Change the directory to the unix directory on your CD-ROM device. For example,
  7. # cd /mnt/
  8. List the CD-ROM contents.
  9. # ls
  10. Execute the appropriate installation program for your operating system in character-based mode. For example, execute the AIX 53 program to install only the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway:
  11. # sh tmasna100_32_aix_53_ppc.bin -i console
  12. The installation program runs and prompts you for responses (see Listing 4-1 for an example).
  13. Listing 4-1 UNIX Console Mode Installation Example, Gateway on AIX 53
    Preparing to install...
    Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...

    BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter SNA 10.0 (created with InstallAnywhere by Zero G)

    InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of Tuxedo Mainframe
    Adapter for SNA 10.0.

    It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with
    this installation.

    Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you
    want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'.

    You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'.


    Choose BEA Home Directory

    1- Create a New BEA Home
    2- Use Existing BEA Home

    Enter a number: 2
    1- /bea/
    2- /bea/tux100

    Existing BEA Home: 2

    Pre-Installation Summary

    Please Review the Following Before Continuing:

    Product Name:
        Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA

    Install Folder:

    Java VM to be Used by Installed Product:


    Product Version

    Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
        Required: 4,095,715 bytes
        Available: 531,012,902,912 bytes




    Press <ENTER> to continue.:
    Install Complete

    Congratulations. 'Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA 10.0' has been successfully installed to:


Installing the Gateway in Graphics Mode

Perform the following steps to install the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway on a Windows or UNIX platform in Graphics Mode:

  1. Insert the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA CD-ROM in your CD device.
  2. Do one of the following, depending on your platform:
  3. On Windows:

    1. Choose StartArrow symbolRun. The Run dialog displays.
    2. Click Browse to navigate to the CD-ROM drive.
    3. Select the tmasna100_32_win_2k3_x86.exe program.
    4. Click Open. The selected path and executable appear in the Run dialog.
    5. Click OK to begin the installation. The Introduction screen displays.
    6. Note: All screen illustrations in this section are for Windows 2003.

      On UNIX:

    7. Log on as root to install the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA software.
    8. $ su -
    9. Mount the CD-ROM. Mount commands vary depending on your system configuration. Refer to your System Administrator for the specific command for your system. Use a command similar to the following command to mount the CD-ROM on any UNIX system.
    10. > mount -r -F cdfs /dev/cdrom/c1b0t0l0 /mnt
    11. Change the directory on your CD-ROM device. For example,
    12. > cd /mnt/
    13. List the CD-ROM contents.
    14. # ls
    15. Execute the appropriate installation program for your operating system. For example, execute the AIX program:
    16. /mnt/> sh tmasna100_32_aix_53_ppc.bin

      The Introduction screen displays.

  4. Click Next to proceed with the installation. The Choose BEA Home Directory screen displays .
  5. Select a New or Existing BEA Home option to specify the BEA Home directory (the default is c:\bea). The BEA Home directory is the root directory in which you install all Oracle products. This directory was set up when you installed Tuxedo.
  6. If you want to create a new BEA Home directory, follow these steps:

    1. Select the Create a New BEA Home option.
    2. Accept the default location for your BEA Home directory or click Browse to specify a different location. If you accept the default location, your BEA Home directory will be c:\bea, and your Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA software default installation directory will be the Tuxedo 10.0 Home directory.
    3. Click Next to proceed with the installation.
    4. If you already have one or more BEA Home directories on your system, you can use one of those directories as follows:

    5. Select the Use Existing BEA Home option.
    6. Select a BEA Home directory from the list displayed to the right of the options. All valid BEA Home directories are displayed in this list. Valid BEA Home directories are directories where Oracle products have been installed using the standard installation program.
    7. Click Next to proceed with the installation.
  7. If the installation program encounters a previous version of Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA in the selected BEA Home directory, the Previous Installation Found message box displays .
  8. From this message box, do one of the following:

    • Click Continue to install over the previous version.
    • Click Cancel to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory Screen and select another directory.
    • Click Exit to exit the installation program.
  9. If you do not have a successful installation of Tuxedo 10.0 in the BEA Home directory, the Tuxedo 10.0 Not Found! message box displays
  10. From this message box, do one of the following:

    • Click Exit to exit the installation program so you can install Tuxedo 10.0.
    • Click Previous to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory Screen and select another directory.
  11. If you have a successful installation of Tuxedo 10..0, the pre-installaton Summary screen displays,
  12. From this message box, do one of the following:

    • Click Next to begin installing
    • Click Previous to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory Screen and select another directory.
  13. Then Installing Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter message srceen displays
  14. After the product is installed, the Install Complete screen displays
  15. Click Done to exit the installation program.


Installing Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Components on HP-UX 11.23

The TMA SNA Gateway, the CRM, or both the Gateway and CRM may be installed on HP-UX 11.23.

Installing the Software in Console Mode

To install the TMA SNA software on HP-UX 11.23 in console mode, you will run the tmasna100_64_hpux_1123_ia.bin program. If you choose the Full Installation set, this program installs both the Gateway and the CRM on HP-UX 11.23. You may also choose to install only the Gateway or only the CRM on HP-UX 11.23.

Perform the following steps to install the TMA SNA software in console mode on HP-UX 11.23:

  1. Insert the TMA SNA CD-ROM in your CD device.
  2. Log on as root.
  3. $ su -
  4. Mount the CD-ROM. Mount commands vary depending on your system configuration. Refer to your System Administrator for the specific command for your system. Use a command similar to the following command to mount the CD-ROM.
  5. # mount -r -F cdfs /dev/cdrom/c1b0t0l0 /mnt
  6. Change the directory to the unix directory on your CD-ROM device. For example,
  7. # cd /mnt/
  8. List the CD-ROM contents.
  9. # ls
  10. Execute the HP-UX 11.23 program to install both the TMA SNA Gateway and CRM on HP-UX 11.23:
  11. # sh tmasna100_64_hpux_1123_ia.bin -i console
  12. The installation program runs and prompts you for responses (see Listing 4-2 for an example). When you are asked to choose the Install Set, enter the number for the type of installation you want to perform:
  13. 1
    Gateway Only
    Distributed CRM
    Full Install

    If you choose the Gateway Only or Full Install, the software will be installed in your Tuxedo 10.0 directory. If you choose to install the Distributed CRM, the software will be installed in the tmasna directory.

    Listing 4-2 UNIX Console Mode Installation Example, Full Installation on HP-UX 11.23
    Preparing to install...
    Extracting the installation resources from the installer archive...
    Configuring the installer for this system's environment...

    Launching installer...
    Preparing CONSOLE Mode Installation...

    Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter SNA 10.0 (created with InstallAnywhere by Macrovision


    InstallAnywhere will guide you through the installation of Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA 10.0.

    It is strongly recommended that you quit all programs before continuing with this installation.

    Respond to each prompt to proceed to the next step in the installation. If you want to change something on a previous step, type 'back'.

    You may cancel this installation at any time by typing 'quit'.


    Choose Install Set

    Please Choose the Install Set to be installed by this installer.

    ->1- Gateway Only
    2- Distributed CRM
    3- Full Install

    Choose BEA Home Directory

    1- Create a New BEA Home
    2- Use Existing BEA Home

    Enter a number: 2
    1- /bea
    2- /bea/tux100

    Existing BEA Home: 1

    A previous installation of Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA 10.0
    has been detected at /bea/tux100.
    The following options are available:

    1- Continue to install over /bea/loads/tux91
    2- Cancel to select another BEA Home Directory
    3- Exit the installation

    Choose a number: 1

    Pre-Installation Summary
    Please Review the Following Before Continuing:
    Product Name:
        Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA
    Install Folder:
    Install Set
        Full Install
    Java VM to be Used by Installed Product:
    Product Version
    Disk Space Information (for Installation Target):
        Required:  20,182,548 bytes
        Available: 48,999,550,976 bytes



    Install Complete

    Congratulations. 'Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA 10.0' has been successfully installed to:



Installing the Software in Graphics Mode

Perform the following steps to install the TMA SNA software in graphics mode on HP-UX 11.23:

  1. Insert the TMA SNA CD-ROM in your CD device.
  2. Log on as root to install the TMA SNA software.
  3. $ su -
  4. Mount the CD-ROM. Mount commands vary depending on your system configuration. Refer to your System Administrator for the specific command for your system. Use a command similar to the following command to mount the CD-ROM on any UNIX system.
  5. > mount -r -F cdfs /dev/cdrom/c1b0t0l0 /mnt
  6. Change the directory on your CD-ROM device. For example,
  7. > cd /mnt/
  8. List the CD-ROM contents.
  9. # ls
  10. Execute the HP-UX 11.23 program:
  11. /mnt/> sh tmasna100_64_hpux_1123_ia.bin

    The Introduction screen displays.

  12. Click Next to proceed with the installation. The Choose Install Set screen displays
  13. Select one of the Install Set options depending on whether you want to install the Gateway only, the CRM, or both on HP-UX.
  14. Note: If you choose the Gateway Only or Full Install, the software will be installed in your Tuxedo 10.0 directory. If you choose to install the Distributed CRM, the software will be installed in the tmasna directory.
  15. Click Next to proceed with the installation. The Choose BEA Home Directory screen displays .
  16. The BEA Home directory is the root directory in which you install all Oracle products. This directory was set up when you installed Tuxedo.
  17. If you want to create a new BEA Home directory, follow these steps:

    1. Select the Create a New BEA Home option.
    2. Click Browse to specify a different location.
    3. Click Next to proceed with the installation.
    4. If you already have one or more BEA Home directories on your system, you can use one of those directories as follows:

    5. Select the Use Existing BEA Home option.
    6. Select a BEA Home directory from the list displayed to the right of the options. All valid BEA Home directories are displayed in this list. Valid BEA Home directories are directories where Oracle products have been installed using the standard installation program.
    7. Click Next to proceed with the installation.
  18. If the installation program encounters a previous installation of the same version of Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA in the selected BEA Home directory, the Previous Installation Found message box displays .
  19. From this message box, do one of the following:

    • Click Continue to install over the previous version.
    • Click Cancel to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory Screen and select another directory.
    • Click Exit to exit the installation program.
  20. If you do not have a successful installation of Tuxedo 10.0 in the BEA Home directory, the Tuxedo Not Found! message box displays
  21. From this message box, do one of the following:

    • Click Exit to exit the installation program so you can install Tuxedo 10.0.
    • Click Previous to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory Screen and select another directory.
    • Click Next to finish installation.

  22. If you have a successful installation of Tuxedo 10..0, the pre-installaton Summary screen displays,
  23. From this message box, do one of the following:

    • Click Next to begin installing
    • Click Previous to return to the Choose BEA Home Directory Screen and select another directory.
  24. Then Installing Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter message srceen displays
  25. After the product is installed, the Install Complete screen displays
  26. Click Done to exit the installation program.

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