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Administrative Command Reference Pages

This section covers the following reference pages for administrative commands, formerly called man pages:

Refer to “Administering the SNA Components” in the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA CRM Administration Guide for information about the following CRM administration commands:



Adds a local-to-remote mapping for a local/remote domain pair.


addumap -d <local domain ID> -R <remote domain ID> 
-p <local principal name> -u <remote username>


addumap can only be executed as a subcommand of dmadmin(1). The purpose of this page is to describe options for the subcommand and to show examples.

The subcommand allows the administrator to add local-to-remote user mappings for a local/remote domain pair.

Mappings are defined to be inbound, outbound or both when the application is using SNA-type gateways and SECURITY is set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY ACL in the ubbconfig file and SECURITY is set to DM_PW or USER_PW in the DMCONFIG file.

The following options are available:

-d <local domain ID>

This is the name of the local domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-R <remote domain ID>

This is the name of the remote domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-p <local principal>

The user identification number. The local principal must be defined in the ACL user file and must be unique within the list of existing identifiers for the application.

-u <remote username >

The remote user name as defined in the ACL security application (for example, RACF) of the remote domain.

Before running this subcommand the application must be configured using either the Graphical Administrative Interface or tmloadcf(1) and dmloadcf(1). dmadmin addumap may be run on any active node.


This subcommand is available on the latest version of Tuxedo, as documented for this release of BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA.


The dmadmin addumap subcommand exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.


addumap -d ldom -R cdom -p tuxusr -u CICSUSR
/*maps principal tuxusr with
remote user cicsusr */

See Also

dmadmin(1), delumap(5)



Adds a user to the remote domain user and password file.


addusr -d <local domain ID> -R <remote domain ID> -u <remote username>
[-w ]


addusr can only be executed as a subcommand of dmadmin(1). The purpose of this page is to describe options for the subcommand and to show an example.

The subcommand allows the administrator to add remote user names and passwords to the remote domain remote user and password table. If -w is not specified, the user is prompted for a password.

The table entries created are used for passing remote user names and passwords to remote SNA domains when the application is using SNA-type gateways and SECURITY is set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY ACL in the ubbconfig file and SECURITY is set to DM_PW or USER_PW in the DMCONFIG file.

The following options are available:

-d <local domain ID >

This is the name of the local domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-R <remote domain ID >

This is the name of the remote domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-u <remote username >

The remote user name to be added.


Do not prompt for password.

Before running this subcommand the application must be configured using either the Graphical Administrative Interface or tmloadcf(1) and dmloadcf(1). dmadmin addusr may be run on any active node.


This subcommand is available on the latest version of Tuxedo, as documented for this release of BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA.


The dmadmin addusr subcommand exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.


addusr -d tux -R cics -u CICSUSR   /*adds remote user CICSUSR to 
cics domain’s user and
password file. The
administrator is prompted for
a password*/

See Also

delusr(5), modusr(5)



Deletes a local-to-remote mapping for a local/remote domain pair.


delumap -d <local domain ID> -R <remote domain ID> 
-p <local principal name> -u <remote username>


delumap can only be executed as a subcommand of dmadmin(1). The purpose of this page is to describe options for the subcommand and to show examples.

The subcommand allows the administrator to delete local-to-remote user mappings for a local/remote domain pair.

Mappings are defined to be inbound, outbound or both when the application is using SNA-type gateways and SECURITY is set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY ACL in the ubbconfig file and SECURITY is set to DM_PW or USER_PW in the DMCONFIG file.

The following options are available:

-d l<ocal domain ID>

This is the name of the local domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-R <remote domain ID >

This is the name of the remote domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-p <local principal>

The user identification number. The local principal must be defined in the ACL user file and must be unique within the list of existing identifiers for the application.

-u <remote username>

The remote user name as defined in the ACL security application (for example, RACF) of the remote domain. Space is a valid remote username.

Before running this subcommand the application must be configured using either the Graphical Administrative Interface or tmloadcf(1) and dmloadcf(1). dmadmin delumap may be run on any active node.


This subcommand is available on the latest version of Tuxedo, as documented for this release of BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA.


The dmadmin delumap subcommand exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.


delumap -d ldom -R cics -p tuxusr -u CICSUSR
/*deletes the mapping of principal
tuxusr with remote user cicsusr */

See Also

dmadmin(1), addumap(5)



Deletes a user from the remote domain user and password file.


delusr -d <local domain> -R <remote domain> -u <remote username> 


delusr can only be executed as a subcommand of dmadmin(1). The purpose of this page is to describe options for the subcommand and to show an example.

The subcommand allows the administrator to remove remote user names and passwords from the remote domain remote user and password table.

Once the entries are deleted they can no longer be used for mapping remote user names and passwords to local user names and passwords when the application is using SNA-type gateways and SECURITY is set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY ACL in the ubbconfig file and SECURITY is set to DM_USER_PW in the DMCONFIG file.

The following options are available:

-d <local domain ID>

This is the name of the local domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-R <remote domain ID>

This is the name of the remote domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-u <remote username >

The remote user name to be deleted.

Before running this subcommand the application must be configured using either the Graphical Administrative Interface or tmloadcf(1) and dmloadcf(1). dmadmin delusr may be run on any active node.


This subcommand is available on the latest version of Tuxedo, as documented for this release of BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA.


The dmadmin delusr subcommand exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.


delusr -d tux -R cics -u CICSUSR  /*deletes remote user CICSUSR to
cics domain users. The
administrator is prompted for a

See Also

addusr(5), modusr(5)



/Domain administrative server.


DMADM SRVGRP = “identifier
SRVID = “number


The /DOMAIN administrative server (DMADM) is a Tuxedo-supplied server that provides run-time access to the binary domain configuration file (BDMCONFIG file). When DMADM is booted, the BDMCONFIG environment variable should be set to the pathname of the file containing the binary version of the DMCONFIG file.

DMADM is described in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file as a server running within a group, e.g., DMADMGRP. There should be only one instance of the DMADM running in this group and it must not have a reply queue (REPLYQ must be set to “N”).

The following server parameters can also be specified for the DMADM server in the SERVERS section: SEQUENCE, ENVFILE, MAXGEN, GRACE, RESTART, RQPERM and SYSTEM_ACCESS.


DMADM is supported as a Tuxedo-supplied server on UNIX System and Windows NT operating systems.


The following example illustrates the definition of the administrative server and a gateway group in the UBBCONFIG file.

gwgrp LMID=mach1 GRPNO=2

See Also

dmadmin(1), tmboot(1), dmconfig(5), GWADM(5), servopts(5), ubbconfig(5)

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component



Tuxedo System/T Domain Administration Command Interpreter.


dmadmin [-c]


The dmadmin interactive command interpreter is used for the administration of domain gateway groups defined for a particular Tuxedo System/T application. The interpreter can operate in two modes: administration mode and configuration mode.

The dmadmin command interpreter enters administration mode when called with no parameters. This is the default. In this mode, dmadmin can be run on any active node (excluding workstations) within an active application. Application administrators can use this mode to obtain or change parameters on any active domain gateway group. Application administrators may also use this mode to create, destroy, or re-initialize the DMTLOG for a particular local domain. In this case, the domain gateway group associated with that local domain must not be active, and dmadmin must be run on the machine assigned to the corresponding gateway group.

The dmadmin command interpreter enters configuration mode when it is invoked with the -c option or when the config subcommand is invoked. Application administrators can use this mode to update or add new configuration information to the binary version of the domain configuration file (BDMCONFIG).

The dmadmin command interpreter requires the use of the DOMAIN administrative server (DMADM) for the administration of the BDMCONFIG file and the gateway administrative server (GWADM) for the re-configuration of active DOMAIN gateway groups (there is one GWADM per gateway group).

Administration Mode Commands

Once dmadmin has been invoked, commands may be entered at the prompt (“>”) according to the following syntax:

command [arguments]

Several commonly occurring arguments can be given default values using the default command. Commands that accept parameters set using the default command. Check default to see if a value has been set. If no value is set, an error message is returned.

Once set, a default value remains in effect until the session is ended, unless changed by another default command. Defaults may be overridden by entering an explicit value on the command line, or reset by entering the value “*”. The effect of an override lasts for a single instance of the command.

Output from dmadmin commands is paginated according to the pagination command in use (see the paginate subcommand below).

Commands may be entered either by their full name or their abbreviation (shown in parentheses) followed by any appropriate arguments. Arguments appearing in square brackets, [ ], are optional; those in curly braces, {}, indicate a selection from mutually exclusive options. Note that for many commands local_domain_name is a required argument, but commands can be set with the default command.

The following commands are available in administration mode:

addumap [ options ]

Add local user mappings to remote user mappings for a local/remote domain pair. Mappings are defined to be inbound, outbound or both. See the addumap(5) reference page for an explanation of the available options and for examples.

addusr (addu) [ options ]

Add remote user names and passwords to the remote user and password tables of a remote domain. See the addusr(5) reference page for an explanation of the available options and for examples.

advertise (adv) – d local_domain_name [{ – all | service}]

Advertise all remote services provided by the named local domain or the specified remote service.

audit (audit) – d local_domain_name [{off | on}]

Activate (on) or deactivate (off) the audit trace for the named local domain. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled between the values on and off, and the new setting will be printed. The initial setting is off.

chbktime (chbt) – d local_domain_name – t bktime

Change the blocking timeout for a particular local domain.

config (config)

Enter configuration mode. Commands issued in this mode follow the conventions defined in the section “Configuration Mode Commands” (see below).

crdmlog (crdlg) – d local_domain_name

Create the domain transaction log for the named local domain on the current machine (that is, the machine where dmadmin is running). The command uses the parameters specified in the DMCONFIG file. This command fails if the named local domain is active on the current machine or if the log already exists.

default (d) [– d local_domain_name]

Set the corresponding argument to be the default local domain. Defaults may be reset by specifying “*” as an argument.
If the default command is entered with no arguments, the current default values are printed.

delumap [ options ]

Delete local to remote user mappings for a local/remote domain pair. See the delumap(5) reference page for an explanation of the available options and for examples.

delusr (delu) [ options ]

Delete remote user names and passwords from the remote user and password tables of a remote domain. See the delusr(5) reference page for an explanation of the available options and for examples.

dsdmlog (dsdlg) – d local_domain_name [ – y ]

Destroy the domain transaction log for the named local domain on the current machine (that is, the machine where dmadmin is running). An error is returned if a DMTLOG is not defined for this local domain, if the local domain is active, or if outstanding transaction records exist in the log. The term outstanding transactions means that a global transaction has been committed but an end-of-transaction has not yet been written. This command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified. dsdmlog is not supported for SNA-type gateways.

echo (e) [{off | on}]

Echo input command lines when set to on. If no option is given, then the current setting is toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

forgettrans (ft) – d local_domain_name [ – t tran_id]

Forget one or all heuristic log records for the named local domain. If the transaction identifier tran_id is specified, then only the heuristic log record for that transaction will be forgotten. The transaction identifier tran_id can be obtained from the printtrans command or from the ULOG file. forgettrans is not supported for SNA-type gateways.

help (h) [command]

Print help messages. If command is specified, the abbreviation, arguments, and description for that command are printed. Omitting all arguments causes the syntax of all commands to be displayed.

indmlog (indlg) – d local_domain_name [ – y ]

Re-initialize the domain transaction log for the named local domain on the current machine (that is, the machine where dmadmin is running). An error is returned if a DMTLOG is not defined for this local domain, if the local domain is active, or if outstanding transaction records exist in the log. The term outstanding transactions means that a global transaction has been committed but an end-of-transaction has not yet been written. The command prompts for confirmation before proceeding unless the -y option is specified. indmlog is not supported for SNA-type gateways.

modusr (modu) [ options ]

Change remote passwords in the password tables of a remote domain. See the modusr(5) reference page for an explanation of the available options and for examples.

paginate (page) [{off | on}]

Paginate output. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is on, unless either standard input or standard output is a non-tty device. Pagination may only be turned on when both standard input and standard output are tty devices. The shell environment variable PAGER may be used to override the default command used for paging output. The default paging command is the indigenous one to the native operating system environment, for example, the command pg is the default on UNIX System operating environments.

passwd (passwd) [ -r ] local_domain_name remote_domain_name

Prompts the administrator for new passwords for the specified local and remote domains. The -r option specifies that existing passwords and new passwords should be encrypted using a new key generated by the system. The password is truncated after at most eight characters.

printdomain (pd) – d local_domain_name

Print information about the named local domain. Information printed includes connected remote domains, global information shared by the gateway processes, and additional information that is dependent on the domain type instantiation.

printstats (stats) – d local_domain_name

Print statistical and performance information gathered by the named local domain. The information printed is dependent on the domain gateway type.

printtrans (pt) – d local_domain_name

Print transaction information for the named local domain. printtrans is not supported for SNA-type gateways.

quit (q)

Terminate the session.

resume (res) – d local_domain_name [{ – all | service}]

Resume processing of the specified service or for all remote services handled by the named local domain.

stats (stats) – d local_domain_name [{ off | on | reset }]

Activate (on), deactivate (off), or reset (reset) statistics gathering for the named local domain. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled between the values on and off, and the new setting will be printed. The initial setting is off.

suspend (susp) – d local_domain_name [{ – all | service}]

Suspend one or all remote services for the named local domain.

unadvertise (unadv) – d local_domain_name [{ – all | service}]

Unadvertise one or all remote services for the named local domain.

verbose (v) [{off | on}]

Produce output in verbose mode. If no option is given, then the current setting will be toggled, and the new setting is printed. The initial setting is off.

! shellcommand

Escape to shell and execute shellcommand.


Repeat previous shell command.

# [text]

Lines beginning with "#" are comment lines and are ignored.


Repeat the last command.

Configuration Mode Commands

The dmadmin command enters configuration mode when executed with the -c option or when the config subcommand is used. In this mode, dmadmin allows run-time updates to the BDMCONFIG file. dmadmin manages a buffer that contains input field values to be added or retrieved, and displays output field values and status after each operation completes. The user can update the input buffer using any available text editor.

The dmadmin command first prompts for the desired section followed by a prompt for the desired operation.

The prompt for the section is as follows:

9) OSITP 10) SNA
11) QUIT
Enter Section [1]:

The number of the default section appears in square brackets at the end of the prompt. You can accept the default by pressing RETURN or ENTER. To select another section enter its number, then press RETURN or ENTER.

dmadmin then prompts for the desired operation.

Enter Operation [1]:

The number of the default operation is printed in square brackets at the end of the prompt. Pressing RETURN or ENTER selects this option. To select another operation enter its number, then press RETURN or ENTER.

The currently supported operations are:


Retrieve the first record from the specified section. No key fields are needed (they are ignored if in the input buffer).


Retrieve the next record from the specified section, based on the key fields in the input buffer.


Retrieve the indicated record from the specified section by key field(s) (see fields description below).

4. ADD

Add the indicated record in the specified section. Any fields not specified (unless required) take their default values as specified in dmconfig(5). The current value for all fields is returned in the output buffer. This operation can only be done by the System/T administrator.


Update the record specified in the input buffer in the selected section. Any fields not specified in the input buffer remain unchanged. The current value for all fields is returned in the input buffer. This operation can only be done by the System/T administrator.


Delete the record specified in the input buffer from the selected section. This operation can only be done by the System/T administrator.


Clear the input buffer (all fields are deleted). After this operation, dmadmin immediately prompts for the section again.


Exit the program gracefully (dmadmin is terminated). A value of q for any prompt also exits the program.

For configuration operations, the effective user identifier must match the System/T administrator user identifier (UID) for the machine on which this program is executed. When a record is updated or added, all default values and validations used by dmloadcf(1) are enforced.

dmadmin then prompts whether or not to edit the input buffer.

Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? 

Entering a value of y will put the input buffer into a temporary file and execute the text editor. The environment variable EDITOR is used to determine which editor to be used; the default is “ed”. The input format is in field name/field value pairs and is described in the CONFIGURATION INPUT FORMAT section below. The field names associated with each DMCONFIG section are listed in tables in the subsections below. The semantics of the fields and associated ranges, default values, restrictions, etc., are described in dmconfig(5). In most cases, the field name is the same as the KEYWORD in the DMCONFIG file, prefixed with “TA_”. When the user completes editing the input buffer, dmadmin reads it. If more than one line occurs for a particular field name, the first occurrence is used and other occurrences are ignored. If any errors occur, a syntax error will be printed and dmadmin prompts whether or not to correct the problem.

Enter editor to correct? 

If the problem is not corrected (response n), then the input buffer will contain no fields. Otherwise, the editor is executed again.

Finally, dmadmin asks if the operation should be done.

Perform operation [y]?

When the operation completes, dmadmin prints the return value as in

Return value TAOK

followed by the output buffer fields. The process then begins again with a prompt for the section. All output buffer fields are available in the input buffer unless the buffer is cleared.

Entering break at any time restarts the interaction at the prompt for the section.

When “QUIT” is selected, dmadmin prompts for authorization to create a backup ASCII version of the configuration:

Unload BDMCONFIG file into ASCII backup [y]? 

If a backup is selected, dmadmin prompts for the file name.

Backup filename [DMCONFIG]? 

On success, dmadmin indicates that a backup was created, otherwise an error is printed.

Configuration Input Format

Input packets consist of lines formatted as follows:


The field name is separated from the field value by one or more tabs (or spaces).

Lengthy field values can be continued on the next line by having the continuation line begin with one or more tabs (which are dropped when read back into dmadmin).

Empty lines consisting of a single newline character are ignored.

To enter an unprintable character in the field value or to start a field value with a tab, use a backslash followed by the two-character hexadecimal representation of the desired character (see ASCII(5) in a UNIX reference manual). A space, for example, can be entered in the input data as \20. A backslash can be entered using two backslash characters. dmadmin recognizes all input in this format, but its greatest usefulness is for non-printing characters.

Configuration Limitations

The following are general limitations of the dynamic domain re-configuration capability:

Restrictions for Configuration Field Identifiers/Updates

The following sections describe the following information for each DMCONFIG section:

All applicable field values are returned with the retrieval operations. Fields that are allowed and/or required for adding a record are described in dmconfig(5). Fields indicated below as key are key fields that are used to uniquely identify a record within section. These key fields are required to be in the input buffer when updates are done and are not allowed to be updated dynamically. The Update column indicates when a field can be updated. The possible values are:


Can be updated at any time.


Cannot be updated dynamically while the gateway group representing the local domain is running.


Cannot be updated dynamically while at least one gateway group is running.

Configuring the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS Section

The following table lists the fields in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section.

Field Identifier
Field Type
format: {NONE | APP_PW | DM_PW}
format: {TDOMAIN | OSITP | SNA}

Configuring the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS Section

The following table lists the fields in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.

Field Identifier
Field Type
format: {TDOMAIN | OSITP | SNA}
CODEPAGE filename

Configuring the DM_TDOMAIN Section

The DM_TDOMAIN section contains the network addressing parameters required by TDOMAIN type domains. The following lists the fields in this section:

Field Identifier
Field Type
ASCII format (no embedded NULL characters)

If the domain identifier (TA_LDOM) is a local domain identifier, then the TA_NWADDR field can be updated if the gateway group representing that local domain is not running.

Configuring the DM_OSITP Section

The DM_OSITP section contains the network addressing parameters required by OSITP type domains. The following lists the fields in this section:

Field Identifier
Field Type

If the domain identifier (TA_LDOM) is a local domain identifier, then the other fields in this table can be updated if the gateway group representing that local domain is not running.

Configuring the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES Section

The following table lists the fields in the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section.

Field Identifier
Field Type

Configuring the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES Section

The following table lists the fields in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section.

Field Identifier
Field Type
format: { Y | N }

Configuring the DM_ROUTING Section

The following table lists the fields in the DM_ROUTING section.

Field Identifier
Field Type

Configuring the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL Section

The following table lists the fields in the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section.

Field Identifier
Field Type

Configuring the DM_PASSWORDS Section

The following table lists the fields in the DM_PASSWORDS section.

Field Identifier
Field Type
format: { Y | N | U }
format: { Y | N | U }

The TA_LPWD and TA_RPWD show the existence of a defined password for the local and/or the remote domain. Passwords are not displayed. If an UPDATE operation is selected, the value of the corresponding field must be set to U. The program will then prompt with echo turned off for the corresponding passwords.

Diagnostics in Configuration Mode

dmadmin fails if it cannot allocate an FML typed buffer, if it cannot determine the /etc/passwd entry for the user, or if it cannot reset the environment variables FIELDTBLS or FLDTBLDIR.

The return value printed by dmadmin after each operation completes indicates the status of the requested operation. There are three classes of return values.

The following return values indicate a problem with permissions or a Tuxedo System/T communications error. They indicate that the operation did not complete successfully.


The calling process specified an ADD, UPDATE, or DELETE operation but it is not running as the System/T administrator. Update operations must be run by the administrator (that is, the user specified in the UID attribute of the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file).


A Tuxedo System/T error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to userlog(3).


An operating system error has occurred.


A blocking timeout occurred. The input buffer is not updated so no information is returned for retrieval operations. The status of update operations can be checked by doing a retrieval on the record that was being updated.

The following return values indicate a problem in doing the operation itself and generally are semantic problems with the application data in the input buffer. The string field TA_STATUS will be set in the output buffer and will contain short text describing the problem. The string field TA_BADFLDNAME will be set to the field name for the field containing the value that caused the problem (assuming the error can be attributed to a single field).


An error occurred while reading the BDMCONFIG file.


The operation attempted to add a duplicate record.


A field value or set of field values are inconsistently specified.


The record specified for the operation was not found.


The operation attempted to do an update but there was not enough space in the BDMCONFIG file.


A field value is out of range or is invalid.


A field value is required but not present.


A field value for a string field is too long.


The operation attempted to do an update that is not allowed.

The following return values indicate that the operation was successful.


The operation succeeded. No updates were done to the BDMCONFIG file.


The operation succeeded. Updates were made to the BDMCONFIG file.

When using dmunloadcf to print entries in the configuration, optional field values are not printed if they are not set (for strings) or 0 (for integers). These fields will always appear in the output buffer when using dmadmin. In this way, it makes it easier for the administrator to retrieve an entry and update a field that previously was not set. The entry will have the field name followed by a tab but no field value.

Configuration Example

In the following example, dmadmin is used to add a new remote domain. For illustration purposes, ed is used for the editor.

$ EDITOR=ed dmadmin
> config
9) OSITP 10) SNA
11) QUIT
Enter Section [1]: 2
Enter Operation [1]: 4
Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? y
Perform operation [y]? <return>
Return value TAUPDATED
Buffer contents:
TA_STATUS Update completed successfully
Enter Operation [4]: 7
Enter Section [1]: 8
Enter Operation [6]: 4
Enter editor to add/modify fields [n]? y
TA_NWADDR 0x00020401c0066d05
Perform operation [y]? <return>
Return value TAUPDATED
Buffer contents:
TA_NWADDR 0x00020401c0066d05
TA_STATUS Update completed successfully
Enter Operation [4]: 8
> quit
The dmadmin program ends.


If dmadmin is run with the application administrator’s UID, it assumes a trusted user and Security is bypassed. If dmadmin is run with another user ID, and if the security option is enabled in the TUXCONFIG file, then the corresponding application password is required to start the dmadmin program. If standard input is a terminal, then dmadmin will prompt the user for the password with echo turned off. If standard input is not a terminal, the password is retrieved from the environment variable, APP_PW. If this environment variable is not specified and an application password is required, then dmadmin will fail to start.

When running with another user ID (other than the UID of the administrator) only a limited set of commands is available.

Environment Variables

The dmadmin command resets the FIELDTBLS and FLDTBLDIR environment variables to pick up the ${TUXDIR}/udataobj/dmadmin field table. Hence, the TUXDIR environment variable should be set correctly.

If the application requires security and the standard input to dmadmin is not from a terminal, then the APP_PW environment variable must be set to the corresponding application password.

The TUXCONFIG environment variable should be set to the pathname of the Tuxedo System/T configuration file.

General Diagnostics

If the dmadmin command is entered before the system has been booted, the following message is displayed:

No bulletin board exists. Only logging commands are available.

dmadmin then prompts for the corresponding commands.

If an incorrect application password is entered or is not available to a shell script through the environment, then a log message is generated, the following message is displayed, and the command terminates:

Invalid password entered.


dmadmin for /SNA must be installed on Tuxedo System/T R6.5. Other nodes in the same domain with an R6.5 gateway may be Tuxedo System/T R4.2.2 or later.


This command interpreter is supported as a Tuxedo System/T-supplied administrative tool on UNIX and Windows NT operating systems.

See Also

dmloadcf(1), tmadmin(1), dmconfig(5), DMADM(5), addusr(5), delusr(5)

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component



Tuxedo System/T ASCII domain configuration file.


dmconfig is the ASCII version of a Tuxedo System/Domain domain configuration file; it is also referred to by its environmental variable name: DMCONFIG. The dmconfig file is parsed and loaded into a binary version by the dmloadcf utility. The binary configuration file, called the BDMCONFIG file, contains information used by domain gateways to initialize the context required for communications with other domains. dmadmin uses the binary file (or a copy of it) in its monitoring activity. There will be one BDMCONFIG file for each Tuxedo System/Domain application that uses the /Domain feature.

A DMCONFIG file, and its binary BDMCONFIG counterpart, are analogous to the UBBCONFIG and TUXCONFIG files of a non-/Domain System/T application. The DMCONFIG file extends the definition of a non-/Domain System/T application so that the application becomes a domain.


A Tuxedo System/Domain Application is defined as the environment described in a single TUXCONFIG file. A System/T Application can communicate with another System/T Application or with another TP Application via a domain gateway group. In “Tuxedo System/Domain” terms, an Application is the same as a TP Domain.

A Gateway Group is a collection of domain gateway processes that provide communication services with a specific type of TP Domain.

A Domain Gateway is a Tuxedo System/Domain process that relays requests and replies to another TP Domain.

A Local Domain characterizes a part of the application (set or subset of services) that is made available to other domains. A Local Domain is always represented by a Domain Gateway Group, and both terms are used as synonyms.

A Remote Domain is a remote application that is accessed through a Gateway Group. The remote application may be another Tuxedo System/Domain application or an application running under another TP system.

A Remote Service is a service provided by a remote domain that is made available to the local application through a Gateway Group.

A Local Service is a service of a local domain that is made available to remote domains through a Gateway Group.

Configuration File Format

The format of a domain configuration file is as follows:


where string_value can be any value. The field is not checked by the software; it is provided simply as a place where the customer can enter a string that may have some documentation value to the application.


This section identifies local domains and their associated gateway groups. The section must have an entry for each gateway group (Local Domain). Each entry specifies the parameters required for the domain gateway processes running in that group.

Entries have the form:

LDOM required parameters [optional parameters]

where LDOM is an identifier value used to name each local domain. LDOM must be unique within a particular configuration. As you will see in the description of the DM_LOCAL_SERVICES section, LDOM is the identifier that connects local services with a particular gateway group.

The following are the required parameters:

GWGRP = identifier

Specifies the name of the gateway server group (the name provided in the TUXCONFIG file) representing this local domain. There is a one-to-one relationship between a DOMAINID (see below) and the name of the gateway server group, that is, each GWGRP must have its own, unique DOMAINID.

TYPE = identifier

Is used for grouping local domain into classes. TYPE can be set to one of the following values: TDOMAIN, OSITP or SNAX. The TDOMAIN value indicates that this local domain can only communicate with another Tuxedo System/Domain. The OSITP value indicates that this local domain communicates with another TP Domain via the OSI-TP protocol. The SNA value indicates that this local domain communicates with an MVS/CICS region via the LU6.2 protocol. Domain types must be defined in the $TUXDIR/udataobj/DMTYPE file.

DOMAINID = string

Is used to identify the local domain. DOMAINID must be unique across both local and remote domains. The value of string can be a sequence of characters (for example, "BA.CENTRAL01"), or a sequence of hexadecimal digits preceded by “0x” (for example, “0x0002FF98C0000B9D6”). DOMAINID must be 32 octets or fewer in length. If the value is a string, it must be 32 characters or fewer (counting the trailing null).

DMTLOGDEV = string

Specifies the Tuxedo file system that contains the Domain transaction log (DMTLOG) for this machine. The DMTLOG is stored as a Tuxedo System VTOC table on the device. If this parameter is not specified (and it should not be specified if TYPE=SNADOM), the domain gateway group is not allowed to process requests in transaction mode. Local domains running on the same machine can share the same DMTLOGDEV file system, but each local domain must have its own log (a table in the DMTLOGDEV) named as specified by the DMTLOGNAME keyword (see below).

Optional parameters describe resources and limits used in the operation of domain gateways:

AUDITLOG = string

Specifies the name of the audit log file for this local domain. The audit log feature is activated from the dmadmin(1) command and records all the operations within this local domain. If the audit log feature is active and this parameter is not specified, the file DMmmddyy.LOG (where mm=month, dd=day, and yy=year) is created in the directory specified by the $APPDIR environment variable or the APPDIR keyword of the MACHINES section of the TUXCONFIG file.

BLOCKTIME = numeric

Specifies the maximum wait time allowed for a blocking call. The value sets a multiplier of the SCANUNIT parameters specified in the TUXCONFIG file. The value SCANUNIT * BLOCKTIME must be greater than or equal to SCANUNIT and less than 32,768 seconds. If this parameter is not specified, the default value is set to the value of the BLOCKTIME parameter specified in the TUXCONFIG file. A time-out always implies a failure of the affected request. Notice that the time-out specified for transactions in the TUXCONFIG will always be used when the request is issued within a transaction.

DMTLOGNAME = identifier

Specifies the name of the domain transaction log for this domain. This name must be unique when the same DMTLOGDEV is used for several local domains. If not specified, the default is the string ‘‘DMTLOG’’. The name must be 30 characters or less. Since transactions are not supported for SNA-type gateways, this parameter has no meaning when TYPE=SNADOM.

DMTLOGSIZE = numeric

Specifies the numeric size, in pages, of the Domain transaction log for this machine. It must be greater than 0 and less than the amount of available space on the Tuxedo file system. If not specified, the default is 100 pages. Since transactions are not supported for SNA-type gateways, this parameter has no meaning when TYPE=SNADOM.

MAXDATALEN = numeric

Specifies a maximum amount of data (in bytes) that can be sent to or from any services advertised by this local domain. There is no limit if this parameter is not specified.

MAXRDOM = numeric

Specifies the maximum number of connections (or dialogues if the domain is of type OSITP) allowed per gateway. There is no limit if this parameter is not specified.

MAXRDTRAN = numeric

Specifies the maximum number of domains that can be involved in a transaction. It must be greater than 0 and less than 32,768. If not specified, the default is 16. Since transactions are not support for SNA-type gateways, this parameter has no meaning when TYPE=SNADOM.

MAXTRAN = numeric

Specifies the maximum number of simultaneous global transactions allowed on this local domain. It must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than or equal to the MAXGTT parameter specified in the TUXCONFIG file. If not specified, the default is the value of MAXGTT.

MAXSENDLEN = numeric

Specifies the maximum length (in bytes) of messages sent or received by this local domain. If this parameter is set all messages sent or received will be broken up into packets of no more than MAXSENDLEN bytes. There is no limit if this parameter is not specified.

SECURITY = value

Specifies the type of application security to be enforced. The following description applies to security in an SNA-type gateways.

The combined settings of the SECURITY parameters in the UBBCONFIG and the DMCONFIG files have the following effects:

If security is to be enforced by both the local domain and the host system for each request outbound from the local domain, the following settings must be made:

If security is to be enforced by both the local domain and the host system for each request inbound from the host system to the local domain, the following settings must be made:

For a request sent to the host system, the local principal userid is located in the domain security table and the associated remote userid, or userid and password, are put into the conversation start-up request before being sent over the LU6.2 conversation. (This occurs if SECURITY is set to IDENTIFY or VERIFY in the DM_SNALINKS section of the DMCONFIG file.)

For requests sent from the host system, the local domain extracts the remote userid, or userid and password, from the conversation start-up request and checks the domain security table. That table contains pairs of local principal user IDs and remote user IDs, maintained on a service-by-service basis. The remote user ID is mapped to the local principal userid. The local principal userid and password are used for further Access Control List (ACL) checking, as specified in the UBBCONFIG file.

When a request is received from the host system, the local domain checks the DMCONFIG file ACL for the local service to see if requests from the remote domain are permitted. If the DMCONFIG file does not contain an ACL for the local service, the service is accessible to all requests.

Therefore, if the ATTACHSEC level for the connection definition in the host system is Identify or Verify, the DMCONFIG SECURITY parameter must be set to DM_USER_PW so that a userid and a password are sent on the conversation start-up requests.


This section identifies the known set of remote domains and their characteristics.

Entries have the form:

RDOM   required parameters [optional parameters] 

where RDOM is an identifier value used to identify each remote domain known to this configuration. RDOM must be unique within the configuration.

The following parameters are required:

TYPE = identifier

Is used for grouping remote domain into classes. TYPE can be set to one of the following values: TDOMAIN, OSITP or SNAX. The TDOMAIN value indicates that this remote domain can only communicate with another Tuxedo System/Domain. The OSITP value indicates that this remote domain communicates with another TP domain via the OSI-TP protocol. The SNAX value indicates that this remote domain communicates with an MVS/CICS region via the LU6.2 protocol.

DOMAINID = string

Is used to identify a remote domain. DOMAINID must be 32 octets or fewer in length. If the value is a string, it must be 32 characters or fewer (counting the trailing null). DOMAINID must be unique across remote domains. The value of string can be a sequence of characters or a sequence of hexadecimal digits preceded by “0x”.

The following parameter is optional:

CODEPAGE = “table identifier”

Is used to designate a bidirectional translation table for ASCII to EBCDIC conversion between a local Tuxedo application and a remote mainframe application. The table identifier describes a file containing a translation table and must be enclosed by double quotes. The name of the file, located in the $TUXDIR/udatajobj/codepage directory, is a composite of the code page numbers used for the translation, for example: CODEPAGE=”00819x00297” designates the translation table for converting ASCII CP-00819 characters to French EBCDIC CP-00297 characters, and vice versa. The translation tables can be modified. Refer to Code Page Translation Tables, for complete character listings.

The DM_TDOMAIN Section

This section defines the addressing information required by domains of type TDOMAIN. This section should have an entry per local domain if requests from remote domains to local services are accepted on that local domain (gateway group), and an entry per remote domain accessible by the defined local domains.

Entries have the form:

DOM   required parameters [optional parameters] 

where DOM is an identifier value used to identify either a local domain (LDOM) or a remote domain (RDOM) in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section or in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section. The DOM identifier must match a previously defined LDOM in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS sections or RDOM in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.

The following parameter is required:

NWADDR = string

This parameter specifies the network address used by a local or a remote domain to accept connections from other Tuxedo System/Domain Domains. If string has the form ‘‘0xhex-digits’’, it must contain an even number of valid hexadecimal digits.

The following parameter is optional:

NWIDLETIME = numeric

This parameter specifies the maximum time allowed for a connection to be idle (that is, unused). When this time is reached, the idle connection is be terminated. The numeric value represents a time in minutes. If this keyword is not specified, then idle connections will be maintained until the gateway handling the connection is shutdown.

Notice that multiple entries for a particular domain may be defined in this table. Multiple addresses specified for a remote domain mean that the first address (the first entry in the table for the remote domain) should be used to establish the connection and the other addresses should be used as back-up addresses in case of failure of the connection setup to the first address. Multiple addresses specified for a local domain mean that multiple listening ports are available on the same or different types of networks.

The DM_OSITP Section

This section defines the addressing information required by domains of type OSITP. This section should have one entry per gateway group (local domain), and one entry per remote domain of type OSITP.

Entries have the form:

DOM   required parameters [optional parameters] 

where DOM is an identifier value used to identify a local domain (LDOM) or a remote domain (RDOM) in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section or in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section. The DOM identifier must match a previously defined LDOM in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS sections or RDOM in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.

The following are required parameters:

APT = string

This parameter specifies an OSI Application Process Title (APT). An APT may be a name (i.e., the Directory Name of an Application Process Title) or an object identifier (i.e., a sequence of integer values separated by periods).

AEQ = string

This parameter specifies an OSI Application Entity Qualifier (AEQ). An AEQ may be a name (i.e., the relative distinguished name of a particular Application Entity) or an integer (i.e., if the APT is an object identifier).

The following are optional parameters:

AET = string

This parameter specifies an OSI Application Entity Title (AET). An AET is formed from an Application Process Title (APT) and an Application Entity Qualifier (AEQ), i.e. in ASN.1 AET is defined as a SEQUENCE { APT, AEQ } where APT and AET are of type ANY. Three main formats are accepted for the value of string:

encoded string

This is a single value as a hexadecimal octet string which a represents a valid BER encoding of the AET, e.g. AET = “0x06062B80CE0F0107”.

{object identifier}, {integer}

The first element represents the APT defined as an object identifier (i.e., a sequence of integer values separated by periods) and the second element represents an AEQ defined as an integer constant, e.g., AET = “{},{1}”.

{string}, {string}

This format allows the APT and the AEQ to be defined as string constants, e.g., AET = “{BA.CENTRAL01},{Tuxedo}”.


This parameter specifies the object identifier of the Application Context Name (ACN) used by this domain. Current allowed application contexts are: the XATMI-ASE (XATMI) and the UDT-ASE (UDT). If this parameter is not specified, the ACN is set to the object identifier of the XATMI-ASE Application Context.

APID = integer

This parameter specifies an OSI Application Process Invocation Identifier (APID).

AEID = integer

This parameter specifies an OSI Application Entity Invocation Identifier (AEID).

PROFILE = identifier

This parameter specifies the OSI TP profile used by this domain and is used to determine the required OSI TP functional units. PROFILE can be set to one of the following values: ATP11, ATP21, ATP31, ATP12, ATP22, and ATP32. The UDT ASE application context allows the use of any of these profiles. The XATMI-ASE application context only allows profiles ATP11, ATP21 and ATP31. Profiles ATP11, ATP21 and ATP31 use the Dialogue, Polarized Control and Handshake functional units. Profiles ATP12, ATP22 and ATP32 use the Dialogue, Shared Control, and Handshake functional units. Profiles ATP11 and ATP12 do not use OSI TP transactions (the Commit functional unit is not used). Profiles ATP21 and ATP22 require the Commit, Unchained Transactions, and Recovery functional units. Profiles ATP31 and ATP32 require the Commit, Chained Transactions, and Recovery functional units. By default, the ATP21 profile is always selected.

URCH = string

This parameter specifies the user portion of the OSITP Recovery Context Handle. It may be required by the XAP-TP provider in order to perform recovery of distributed transactions after a communications line or system failure.

The DM_SNACRM Section

The DM_SNACRM section provides three (3) keywords used to identify the Communications Resource Manager that will provide ATMI transaction semantics between a given domain and it’s partners. Entries have the general form:

<CommunicationsResourceManagerName> parameters

Where <CommunicationsResourceManagerName> is the locally known name of this SNACRM definition to be used when referencing this SNACRM in subsequent sections. This name is an ASCII string 1 to 30 characters in length. The parameters are the keyword/value pairs that makeup the definition. All keywords are required for a valid SNACRM definition. Keywords can be in any order.

LDOM <LocalDomainName>

LDOM associates this SNACRM with a defined local domain. <LocalDomainName> is the reference to an entry in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section. This name is an ASCII string 1 to 30 characters in length. This parameter is required. This parameter has no default.

SNACRMADDR <HexSocketAddress> or <//host:port>

SNACRMADDR provides the socket address the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway uses to communicate with the SNACRM. If the SNACRM is started independent of the Gateway, this address must be used on the SNACRM command line. <HexSocketAddress> is a TCP/IP address using the sockaddr_in format of family,port,address:




is the hex value of the protocol family, always 0x0002 for the INET family.


is the hex value of an unused TCP/IP port.


is the hex value of the IP address for the machine running the SNACRM.

Therefore if the SNACRM was running on a machine with an IP address of, and we wanted to use port 6000 for the SNACRM then SNACMADDR would be:


This parameter is required. This parameter must contain an even number of hex characters. This parameter has no default.


The DM_SNASTACKS section provides five (5) keywords which identify the third party SNA stack that should be used for connections established between a given domain and it’s partners. Entries have the general form:

<StackReference> parameters

Where <StackReference> is the locally known name of this stack definition to be used when referencing this stack in subsequent sections. This name is an ASCII string 1 to 30 characters in length. The parameters are the keyword/value pairs that makeup the definition. All keywords are required for a valid stack definition. Keywords can be in any order.

LOCALLU <LocalLUAlias>

LOCALLU provides a reference to an LU alias defined in the third party SNA stack. <LocalLUAlias> is the name used to identify the local LU definition as specified by the third party SNA stack configuration. This is a name that represents the end node for an LU6.2 connection. The value for this parameter is an ASCII string, 1 to 64 characters in length. This parameter is required. This parameter has no default. The third party SNA stack will require a corresponding definition for a local LU.

LTPNAME <LocalTransactionProgramName>

LTPNAME identifies the inbound transaction programs which will be serviced by any CRM using this stack definition. <LocalTransactionProgramName> is the name used to identify inbound transaction programs for which an attach will be accepted. The only useful value is an asterisk. This indicates all inbound attaches will be accepted. This parameter is required. This parameter has no default. Partial TP names are not supported. The third party SNA stack will require a corresponding definition for inbound TP names.

SNACRM <CommunicationsResourceMangerName>

SNACRM provides a name by which to reference the associated CRM definition. <CommunicationsResourceMangerName> is the name used to associate the DM_SNACRM definition with this DM_SNASTACKS entry. The value for this parameter is an ASCII string, 1 to 32 characters in length. This parameter is required. This parameter has no default.

STACKPARMS <parameters required for third party sna stack>

STACKPARMS provides a method for the domain gateway to pass any required parameters to the third party SNA stack. <parameters required for third party sna stack> is an ASCII string, 1 to 128 characters in length. Currently, the only value used is the TCP/IP hostname for the machine running the third party SNA stack. This parameter is required. This parameter has no default.

STACKTYPE={ hp62 | vt210}

This option is used to indicate which vendor SNA stack is being used. It is also used to determine the name of specific Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA system libraries. It is essential that the value of this option be coded correctly. These values are mapped to the equivalent BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA system library.


This section defines the SNA Link information required by domains of type SNA. Entries have the form:

LINK parameters

Where LINK is an identifier value used to identify a connection between a local domain (LDOM) and a remote domain (RDOM). The RDOM identifier must match a previously defined RDOM in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.

The following parameters are available:

STACKREF = string

This required parameter defines the stack that will be used for establishment of this link. The STACKREF string is the tag that was used in a previous definition established in the DM_SNASTACKS section.

RDOM = string

The RDOM string should match a previous RDOM definition in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.

LSYSID = <Connection ID of remote (CICS) region>

LSYSID is the 4 character identifier that is to be used for this link. This should match the connection ID used by a partner CICS to communicate to the CRM across this link.

RSYSID = <SYSID of remote (CICS) region>

RSYSID is the 4 character remote sysid of the partner. Typically it is the sysid of a CICS region, but could also be the subsystem id of an IMS control region. This parameter should match the actual sysid of the remote partner.

RLUNAME = <Alias of APPLID for remote region>

The RLUNAME value represents an alias known to the third party SNA stack that resolves to a VTAM netname for the remote application. This would most likely be the VTAM applid for a CICS region, however it could also be an APPC/MVS LU defined for use with IMS. The value must be unique within the SNA network. string should be from 1 to 8 characters. This parameter is required. This parameter has no default. The third party stack configuration requires a matching definition.

MODENAME = <Mode name VTAM mode entry>

MODENAME is VTAM mode entry, defined to the third party SNA stack, to be used for this link. For a CICS link this must be compatible with the RDO session definition for the corresponding connection. For an IMS connection this must be compatible with the DLOGMOD entry on the LU definition used to access the IMS scheduler. string should be from 1 to 8 ASCII characters. This parameter is required. This parameter must match the third party SNA stack configuration and must be compatible with the corresponding entries defined to VTAM and/or CICS.

SECURITY = string

SECURITY_TYPE specifies the security setting in CICS/RACF or partner. Legal values are LOCAL, IDENTIFY, VERIFY, PERSISTENT or MIXIDPE. string should be from 1 to 10 characters. The default setting is LOCAL.

MAXSESS = number

MAXSESS is the maximum number of parallel sessions that can be started on this link. MAXSESS must be greater than or equal to four.

MINWIN = number

The minimum number of contention winners. This value is typically half the MAXSESS value.


This value represents the maximum transaction synchronization level that can be supported over this link.
A value of zero (0) means this link is non-transactional. No synchronization will be maintained. This level can be used for sending and receiving messages from IMS via the APPC/MVS transparency interface. The default sync-level is sync-level 0. A value of one (1) means this link will support everything supported with zero (0), in addition to:
Outbound ATMI tpcall() as a CICS distributed program link request with the semantics of SYNCONRETURN.
Inbound EXEC CICS LINK requests with the semantics of SYNCONRETURN. The program name must match the RNAME on the local service definition and the SYSID must match the LSYSID for the link.
A value of two (2) means this link will support everything supported with zero (0) and one (1) for partners able to exchange logs and compare states, in addition to:
The exchange logs and compare states function with a partner CICS.
Outbound ATMI tpcall() as a CICS distributed program link request with full two phase commit transaction semantics using tpcommit().
Outbound ATMI tpconnect() as APPC or CPIC distributed transaction processing with full two phase commit transaction semantics using tpcommit().
Inbound EXEC CICS LINK requests with full two phase commit transaction semantics using Prepare Rollback and Syncpoint verbs.
Inbound APPC or CPIC conversations with full two phase commit transaction semantics using Prepare Rollback and Syncpoint verbs.
The partner must be able to negotiate a CICS style exchange logs and compare states for successful initialization of a sync-level 2 link. Transaction support is only available at sync-level 2. Distributed Program Link can be accessed as SYNCONRETURN, that is, not transactional if the link sync-level is 1.
Caution: If you set MAXSYNCLVL=2 or make no entry for this parameter (that is, accept the default) without having installed the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA software licensed for that level, the system configuration automatically reverts to Sync-level 1 and an error message is sent to the error log. To clear that error message, you must either reset the MAXSYNCLVL parameter to an appropriate value or purchase and install the correct software.

STARTTYPE = {auto | cold}

This option sets the recovery mode for transactional links. When set to AUTO, the system restarts using configuration and link data recovered from the in-flight transaction log. When set to COLD, the system uses configuration data taken from the current dmconfig file and loses any in-flight link data. Changing dmconfig file parameters and performing an AUTO start results in a message warning that changed parameters are ignored until the next cold start. To force a cold start and disregard the STARTTYPE setting, delete the SNA*LOG files in $APPDIR.


This section specifies the access control lists used by local domain. Lines in this section are of the form:

ACL_NAME   required parameters

where ACL_NAME is a (identifier) name used to identify a particular access control list; it must be 15 characters or less in length.

Required parameters are:

ACLIST = identifier [,identifier]

where an ACLIST is composed of one or more remote domain names (RDOM) separated by commas. The wildcard character (*) can be used to specify that all the remote domains defined in the DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section can access a local domain.


This section provides information on the services exported by each local domain. This section is optional and if it is not specified then all local domains defined in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section accept requests to all of the services advertised by the Tuxedo System/Domain application. If this section is defined then it should be used to restrict the set of local services that can be requested from a remote domain.

Lines within this section have the form:

service    [optional parameters] 

where service is the (identifier) local name of the exported service, and it must be 1-15 characters in length. This name corresponds to a name advertised by one or more servers running with the local Tuxedo System/Domain application. Notice that exported services inherit the default or special properties specified for the service in an entry in the SERVICES section of the TUXCONFIG file. Some of these parameters are: LOAD, PRIO, AUTOTRAN, ROUTING, BUFTYPE, and TRANTIME.

Optional parameters are:

ACL = identifier

Specifies the name of the access control list (ACL) to be used by the local domain to restrict requests made to this service by remote domains. The name of the ACL is defined in the DM_ACCESS_CONTROL section. If this parameter is not specified then access control will not be performed for requests to this service.


Specifies the API used by the local service. Currently the only supported value is ATMI. This parameter is required.

CONV = { Y | N }

Specifies whether (Y) or not (N) the local service is a conversational service. The default value is N.

LDOM = identifier

Specifies the name identifying the local domain exporting this service. If this keyword is not specified, then the first local domain entry in the DM_LOCAL_DOMAINS section accepts requests for this local service.

INBUFTYPE = type[:subtype]

Restricts the buffer type naming space of data types accepted by this service to a single buffer type. This parameter should be defined when the service is going to be used from an OSITP type gateway that uses the UDT ASE Application Context. For SNA-type gateways buffer types, see the discussion in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section below.

OUTBUFTYPE = type[:subtype]

Restricts the buffer type naming space of data types returned by this service to a single buffer type. This parameter should be defined when the service is going to be used from an OSITP type gateway that uses the UDT ASE Application Context. The FML buffer type cannot be used for OSITP type gateways. For SNA-type gateways buffer types, see the discussion in the DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section below.

RNAME = string

The RNAME option is the local-service name imported from a remote CICS/ESA region. This name is used by the CRM to select a local service. When the RNAME specifies an alternate mirror transaction identifier for explicit attachment for inbound DPL requests, it must be a combination of the alternate mirror TRANSID and a CICS/ESA program name in the following format:




is a 1-4 character alternate mirror TRANSID.


is a 1-8 character CICS/ESA program name.

The colon is required to indicate the TRANSID/program name combination. The TRANSID must be composed of acceptable CICS/ESA characters:



This section provides information on services “imported” and available on remote domains. Lines within this DM_REMOTE_SERVICES section have the form:

service    [optional parameters] 

where service is the (identifier) name used by the local Tuxedo System/Domain application for a particular remote service. Remote services are associated with a particular remote domain.

Optional Parameters are:

AUTOTRAN = { Y | N }

Specifies whether or not a transaction should automatically be started if a request message is received that is not already in transaction mode. The default is N.

BLOCKTIME = numeric

Specifies the maximum wait time allowed for a reply to this remote service. The value sets a multiplier of the SCANUNIT parameters specified in the TUXCONFIG file. The value SCANUNIT * BLOCKTIME must be greater than or equal to SCANUNIT and less than 32,768 seconds. A time-out always implies a failure of the affected transaction or request.

CONV = { Y | N }

Specifies whether (Y) or not (N) the remote service is a conversational service. The default value is N.


Enables outbound Tuxedo service requests to map to APPC transaction programs or CICS programs. The default value APPC indicates the remote service is a transaction program that may or may not be running under CICS. The DPL value indicates the remote service maps to a program running under CICS.

LDOM = identifier

Specifies the name of a local domain in charge of routing requests to this remote service. The gateway group associated with the local domain advertises service in the Tuxedo System/Domain Bulletin Board. If this parameter is not specified then all the local domains will be able to accept requests to this remote service. The service request will be then redirected to a remote domain of the same type (see RDOM keyword below).

LOAD = integer

Specifies that the remote service imposes a load of integer units. The value of LOAD can be between 1 and 32767 inclusive. If not specified, the default is 50. A higher number indicates a greater load.

INBUFTYPE = type[:subtype]

Restricts the buffer type naming space of data types accepted by this service to a single buffer type. This parameter should be defined when the service is going to be used from an OSITP type gateway that uses the UDT ASE Application Context. The FML buffer type cannot be used for OSITP type gateways.

OUTBUFTYPE = type[:subtype]

Restricts the buffer type naming space of data types returned by this service to a single buffer type. This parameter should be defined when the service is going to be used from an OSITP type gateway that uses the UDT ASE Application Context. The FML buffer type cannot be used for OSITP type gateways.

PRIO = integer

Specifies the dequeing priority of service requests to this remote service. The value of PRIO must be greater than 0 and less than or equal to 100, with 100 being the highest priority. The default is 50.

RDOM = identifier

Specifies the name of the remote domain responsible for the actual execution of this service. If this parameter is not specified and a routing criteria (see below ROUTING keyword) is not specified, then the local domain assumes that any remote domain of the same type accepts this service and it selects a known domain (a domain to which a connection already exists) or remote domain from the \DM_REMOTE_DOMAINS section.

RNAME = string

Specifies the actual service name expected by the remote domain. If this parameter is not specified, the remote service name is the same as the name specified in service.
The RNAME option is the name of the host TP_NAME. For non-CICS systems, this name can be up to 64 characters in length. For CICS systems, this name is the trans-id name for APPC-defined requests and the program name for DPL requests. CICS trans-id names cannot exceed four characters and CICS program names cannot exceed eight characters. The RNAME option must observe these requirements. When the RNAME specifies an alternate mirror transaction identifier for explicit attachment to outbound DPL requests, it must be a combination of the alternate mirror TRANSID and an advertised remote CICS/ESA program name in the following format: RNAME=AAA:BBBBBBBB where: AAA is a 1-4 character alternate mirror TRANSID. BBBBBBBB Is a 1-8 character CICS/ESA program name. The colon is required to indicate the TRANSID/program name combination. The TRANSID must be composed of acceptable characters recognized in CICS/ESA identifiers: A-Za-z0-9$@#./-_%&Q¢?!|”=,;<>

ROUTING = identifier

When more than one remote domain offers the same service, a local domain can perform data dependent routing if this optional parameter is specified. The identifier specifies the name of the routing criteria used for this data dependent routing. If not specified, data dependent routing is not done for this service. identifier must be 15 characters or less in length. If multiple entries exist for the same service name but with different RDOM parameters, the ROUTING parameter should be the same for all of these entries.

TRANTIME = integer

specifies the default time-out value in seconds for a transaction automatically started for the associated service. The value must be greater than or equal to 0 and less than 2147483648. The default is 30 seconds. A value of 0 implies the maximum time-out value for the machine.

The DM_ROUTING Section

This section provides information for data dependent routing of /T Domain service requests using FML, VIEW, X_C_TYPE, and X_COMMON typed buffers. Lines within the DM_ROUTING section have the form:

CRITERION_NAME    required parameters 

where CRITERION_NAME is the (identifier) name of the routing entry that was specified on the services entry. CRITERION_NAME must be 15 characters or less in length.

Required parameters are:

FIELD = identifier

Specifies the name of the routing field. It must be 30 characters or less. This field is assumed to be a field name that is identified in an FML field table (for FML buffers) or an FML view table (for VIEW, X_C_TYPE, or X_COMMON buffers). The FLDTBLDIR and FIELDTBLS environment variables are used to locate FML field tables, and the VIEWDIR and VIEWFILES environment variables are used to locate FML view tables.

RANGES = string

Specifies the ranges and associated remote domain names (RDOM) for the routing field. string must be enclosed in double quotes. The format of string is a comma-separated ordered list of range/RDOM pairs (see EXAMPLES below).
A range is either a single value (signed numeric value or character string in single quotes), or a range of the form “lower - upper” (where lower and upper are both signed numeric values or character strings in single quotes). Note that “lower” must be less than or equal to “upper”. To embed a single quote in a character string value (as in O’Brien, for example), the single quote must be preceded by two backslashes (’O\\’Brien’). The value MIN can be used to indicate the minimum value for the data type of the associated FIELD; for strings and arrays, it is the null string; for character fields, it is 0; for numeric values, it is the minimum numeric value that can be stored in the field. The value MAX can be used to indicate the maximum value for the data type of the associated FIELD; for strings and arrays, it is effectively an unlimited string of octal-255 characters; for a character field, it is a single octal-255 character; for numeric values, it is the maximum numeric value that can be stored in the field. Thus, “MIN - -5” is all numbers less than or equal to – 5 and “6 - MAX” is all numbers greater than or equal to 6. The meta-character “*’’ (wild-card) in the position of a range indicates any values not covered by the other ranges previously seen in the entry; only one wild-card range is allowed per entry and it should be last (ranges following it will be ignored). The routing field can be of any data type supported in FML. A numeric routing field must have numeric range values and a string routing field must have string range values. String range values for string, array, and character field types must be placed inside a pair of single quotes and can not be preceded by a sign. Short and long integer values are a string of digits, optionally preceded by a plus or minus sign. Floating point numbers are of the form accepted by the C compiler or atof(): an optional sign, then a string of digits optionally containing a decimal point, then an optional e or E followed by an optional sign or space, followed by an integer. When a field value matches a range, the associated RDOM value specifies the remote domain to which the request should be routed. A RDOM value of “*” indicates that the request can go to any remote domain known by the gateway group. Within a range/RDOM pair, the range is separated from the RDOM by a “:”.

BUFTYPE = ~type1[:subtype1[,subtype2 . . . ]][;type2[:subtype3[, . . . ]]] . . .~

Is a list of types and subtypes of data buffers for which this routing entry is valid. The types are restricted to be either FML, VIEW, X_C_TYPE, or X_COMMON. No subtype can be specified for type FML and subtypes are required for the other types (“*” is not allowed). Duplicate type/subtype pairs can not be specified for the same routing criterion name; more than one routing entry can have the same criterion name as long as the type/subtype pairs are unique. This parameter is required. If multiple buffer types are specified for a single routing entry, the data types of the routing field for each buffer type must be the same.

If the field value is not set (for FML buffers), or does not match any specific range and a wild-card range has not been specified, an error is returned to the application process that requested the execution of the remote service.


The BDMCONFIG environment variable is used to find the BDMCONFIG configuration file.

Example 1

The following configuration file defines a 5-site domain configuration. The example shows 4 Bank Branch domains communicating with a Central Bank Branch. Three of the Bank Branches run within other Tuxedo System/Domain domains. The fourth Branch runs under the control of another TP Domain and OSI-TP is used in the communication with that domain.

# <local domain name> <Gateway Group name> <domain type> <domain id> <log device>
# [<audit log>] [<blocktime>]
# [<log name>] [<log offset>] [<log size>]
# [<maxrdom>] [<maxrdtran>] [<maxtran>]
# [<maxdatalen>] [<security>]
# [<tuxconfig>] [<tuxoffset>]
c01    GWGRP = bankg1
DMTLOGDEV = “/usr/apps/bank/DMTLOG”
c02    GWGRP = bankg2
DMTLOGDEV = “/usr/apps/bank/DMTLOG”
#<remote domain name> <domain type> <domain id>
b04    TYPE = OSITP 
# <local or remote domain name> <network address>
# Local network addresses
c01 NWADDR = “0x0002ff98c00b9d6d”
c01 NWADDR = “newyork01.65432”
# Remote network addresses
b01 NWADDR = “0x00020401c00b6d05”
b02 NWADDR = “dallas.65432”
b03 NWADDR = “0x00021094c00b6d9c”
#<local or remote domain name> <apt> <aeq>
# [<aet>] [<acn>] [<apid>] [<aeid>]
# [<profile>]
c02 APT = “BA.CENTRAL01”
AEQ = “Tuxedo.R.4.2.1”
AET = “{},{1}”
b04    APT = “BA.BANK04”
AEQ = “Tuxedo.R.4.2.1”
AET = “{},{1}”
#<service_name> [<Local Domain name>] [<access control>] [<exported svcname>]
# [<inbuftype>] [<outbuftype>]
open_act ACL = branch
close_act ACL = branch
loan LDOM = c02 ACL = loans
#<service_name> [<Remote domain name>] [<local domain name>]
# [<remote svcname>] [<routing>] [<conv>] [<trantime>]
# [<inbuftype>] [<outbuftype>]
tlr_add LDOM = c01 ROUTING = ACCOUNT
tlr_bal LDOM = c01 ROUTING = ACCOUNT
tlr_add RDOM = b04 LDOM = c02 RNAME =”TPSU002”
tlr_bal RDOM = b04 LDOM = c02 RNAME =”TPSU003”
# <routing criteria> <field> <typed buffer> <ranges>
ACCOUNT FIELD = branchid BUFTYPE =”VIEW:account”
RANGES =”MIN - 1000:b01, 1001-3000:b02, *:b03”
#<acl name> <Remote domain list>
branch ACLIST = b01, b02, b03
loans ACLIST = b04

Example 2

This example shows the Tuxedo System/Domain Configuration file required at one of the Bank Branches (BANK01).

b01 GWGRP = auth
DMTLOGDEV = "/usr/apps/bank/DMTLOG"
b01 NWADDR = “0x00021094c00b689c”
c01 NWADDR = “0x0002ff98c00b9d6d”
tlr_add ACL = central
tlr_bal ACL = central
OPA001 RNAME = “open_act”
CLA001 RNAME = “close_act”
CRD001 RNAME = “credit”
DBT001 RNAME = “debit”
BAL001 RNAME = “balance”
central ACLIST = c01

Example 3

This example shows the configuration file entries for a Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA application:

# Application Domain Gateway Test Configuration
# See also
# See $(TOP)/Makefile for more information.
# @(#)SNA Devel apps/simpsna DMCONFIG 1.6 98/03/03 15:35:29
# Copyright 1997, BEA Systems, Inc., all rights reserved.

DMTLOGDEV=<your Tuxedo filesystem device and name for

#example DMTLOGDEV="/home/me/bin/DMTLOG"




simpcrm SNACRMADDR="<your Host Socket Listen Address>"

#example SNACRMADDR="0x00021770cfbd2b0d" INET family 0x0002 port 6000 host or SNACRMADDR=//


STACKTYPE=<SNACRM Stack Library Named Token>
LOCALLU=<Local LU definition specified in
stack product>
STACKPARMS=<Parameters passed to Stack

#example STACKTYPE="VT210"
# STACKPARMS="testhp" Name of the host machine


simplk1 STACKREF="simpstk"
LSYSID=<Connection ID of remote (CICS)
RSYSID=<SYSID of remote (CICS) region>
RLUNAME=<Alias of Applid for remote region>
MODENAME=<Mode name VTAM mode entry>
MAXSESS=<Total Session number>
MINWIN=<Session Local Winners>
MAXSYNCLVL=<0|1|2 Maximum Syncpoint Level>

#example LSYSID="BEA"


MIRROR LDOM="simpsnad"




See Also

build_dgw(1), dmadmin(1), tmboot(1), tmshutdown(1), dmloadcf(1), dmunloadcf(1)

dmgwopts(5), GWADM(5), DMADM(5)

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component



Parse a DMCONFIG file and load binary BDMCONFIG configuration file.


dmloadcf [-c] [-n] [-y] [-b blocks] {dmconfig_file | - }


dmloadcf reads a file or the standard input that is in DMCONFIG syntax, checks the syntax, and optionally loads a binary BDMCONFIG configuration file. The BDMCONFIG environment variable points to the path name of the BDMCONFIG file where the information should be stored.

dmloadcf prints an error message if it finds any required section of the DMCONFIG file missing. If a syntax error is found while parsing the input file, dmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the BDMCONFIG file.

dmloadcf requires the existence of the $TUXDIR/udataobj/DMTYPE file. This file defines the valid domain types. If this file does not exist, dmloadcf exits without performing any updates to the BDMCONFIG file.

The effective user identifier of the person running dmloadcf must match the UID in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file.

The -c option to dmloadcf causes the program to print minimum IPC resources needed for each local domain (gateway group) in this configuration. The BDMCONFIG file is not updated.

The -n option to dmloadcf causes the program to do only syntax checking of the ASCII DMCONFIG file without actually updating the BDMCONFIG file.

After syntax checking, dmloadcf checks to see if the file pointed to by BDMCONFIG exists, is a valid Tuxedo System file system, and contains BDMCONFIG tables. If these conditions are not true, the user is prompted to create and initialize the file with

Initialize BDMCONFIG file: path [y, q]?

where path is the complete file name of the BDMCONFIG file. Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output are not terminals, or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than “y” or “Y” will cause dmloadcf to exit without creating the configuration file.

If the BDMCONFIG file is not properly initialized, and the user has given the go-ahead, dmloadcf creates the Tuxedo file system and then creates the BDMCONFIG tables. If the -b option is specified on the command line, its argument is used as the number of blocks for the device when creating the Tuxedo file system. If the value of the -b option is large enough to hold the new BDMCONFIG tables, dmloadcf will use the specified value to create the new file system; otherwise, dmloadcf will print an error message and exit. If the -b option is not specified, dmloadcf will create a new file system large enough to hold the BDMCONFIG tables. The -b option is ignored if the file system already exists. The -b option is highly recommended if BDMCONFIG is a raw device (that has not been initialized) and should be set to the number of blocks on the raw device. The -b option is not recommended if BDMCONFIG is a regular UNIX file.

If the BDMCONFIG file is determined to already have been initialized, dmloadcf ensures that the local domain described by that BDMCONFIG file is not running. If a local domain is running, dmloadcf prints an error message and exits. Otherwise, dmloadcf, to confirm that the file should be overwritten, prompts the user with:

“Really overwrite BDMCONFIG file [y, q]?”

Prompting is suppressed if the standard input or output are not a terminal or if the -y option is specified on the command line. Any response other than “y” or “Y” will cause dmloadcf to exit without overwriting the file.

If the SECURITY parameter is specified in the RESOURCES section of the TUXCONFIG file, then dmloadcf will flush the standard input, turn off terminal echo and prompt the user for an application password as follows:

Enter Application Password? 

The password is truncated to 8 characters. The option to load the ASCII DMCONFIG file via the standard input (rather than a file) cannot be used when this SECURITY parameter is turned on. If the standard input is not a terminal, that is, if the user cannot be prompted for a password (as with a here file, for example), then the environment variable APP_PW is accessed to set the application password. If the environment variable APP_PW is not set with the standard input not a terminal, then dmloadcf will print an error message, generate a log message and fail to load the BDMCONFIG file.

Assuming no errors, and if all checks have passed, dmloadcf loads the DMCONFIG file into the BDMCONFIG file. It will overwrite all existing information found in the BDMCONFIG tables.


This command is supported as a Tuxedo-supplied administrative tool on UNIX and Windows NT operating systems.

Environment Variables

The environment variable APP_PW must be set for applications that require security (the SECURITY parameter in the TUXCONFIG file is set to APP_PW) and dmloadcf is run with something other than a terminal as the standard input.

The BDMCONFIG environment variable should point to the BDMCONFIG file.


The following example shows how a binary configuration file is loaded from the bank.dmconfig ASCII file. The BDMCONFIG device is created (or re-initialized) with 2000 blocks:

dmloadcf -b 2000 -y bank.dmconfig


If an error is detected in the input, the offending line is printed to standard error along with a message indicating the problem. If a syntax error is found in the DMCONFIG file or the system is currently running, no information is updated in the BDMCONFIG file and dmloadcf exits with exit code 1.

If dmloadcf is run on an active node, the following error message is displayed:

*** dmloadcf cannot run on an active node ***

If dmloadcf is run by a person whose effective user identifier doesn’t match the UID specified in the TUXCONFIG file, the following error message is displayed:

*** UID is not effective user ID ***

Upon successful completion, dmloadcf exits with exit code 0. If the BDMCONFIG file is updated, a userlog message is generated to record this event.

See Also

dmunloadcf(1), dmconfig(5), ubbconfig(5)

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component



Unload binary BDMCONFIG domain configuration file




dmunloadcf translates the BDMCONFIG configuration file from the binary representation into ASCII. This translation is useful for transporting the file in a compact way between machines with different byte ordering and backing up a copy of the file in a compact form for reliability. The ASCII format is the same as is described in dmconfig(5).

dmunloadcf reads values from the BDMCONFIG file pointed to by the BDMCONFIG environment variable and writes them to its standard output.


This command is supported as a Tuxedo-supplied administrative tool on UNIX and Windows NT operating systems.


To unload the configuration in /usr/tuxedo/BDMCONFIG into the file bdmconfig.backup:

BDMCONFIG=/usr/tuxedo/BDMCONFIG dmunloadcf > bdmconfig.backup


dmunloadcf checks that the file pointed to by the BDMCONFIG environment variable exists, is a valid Tuxedo file system, and contains BDMCONFIG tables. If any of these conditions is not met, dmunloadcf prints an error message and exits with error code 1. Upon successful completion, dmunloadcf exits with exit code 0.

See Also

dmloadcf(1), dmconfig(5)

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component



/Domain gateway administrative server.


GWADM SRVGRP = “identifier” SRVID = “number” REPLYQ = “N” 
CLOPT = “-A -- [-a { on | off } ] [-s services ]
[-t { on | off } ]“


The gateway administrative server (GWADM) is a Tuxedo-supplied server that provides administrative functions for a /Domain gateway group.

GWADM should be defined in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file as a server running within a particular gateway group, that is, SRVGRP must be set to the corresponding GRPNAME tag specified in the GROUPS section. The SVRID parameter is also required and its value must consider the maximum number of gateways allowed within the gateway group.

There should be only one instance of a GWADM per /Domain gateway group, and it should NOT be part of the MSSQ defined for the gateways associated with the group. Also, GWADM should have the REPLYQ attribute set to N.

The CLOPT option is a string of command line options that is passed to the GWADM when it is booted. This string has the following format:

CLOPT=”-A -- <gateway group runtime parameters>” 

The following runtime parameters are recognized for a gateway group:

-a { on | off }

This option turns off or on the audit log feature for this local domain. The default is off. The dmadmin program can be used to change this setting while the gateway group is running (see dmadmin(1)).

-s services

Specifies the remote services that should be initially offered by the domain gateway. The specifications for these services are found in the DMCONFIG file. For example, the specification
-s x,y,z implies that the gateway should initially advertise remote services x, y, and z. Spaces are not allowed between commas and the -s option may appear several times.

-t { on | off }

This option turns off or on the statistics gathering feature for the local domain. The default is off. The dmadmin program can be used to change this setting while the gateway group is running (see dmadmin(1)).

The GWADM server must be booted before the corresponding gateways.


This server is supported on Tuxedo-supplied servers, using UNIX System and Windows NT operating systems.


The initial release of SNA-type gateways can only be installed on a node running Tuxedo.


The following example illustrates the definition of the administrative server in the UBBCONFIG file.

gwgrp GRPNO=2
CLOPT=”-A -- -a on -t on”
SNACRM SRVGRP=”gwgrp” SRVID=1003 CLOPT=”-A--//host:6000 gwgrp”

See Also

dmadmin(1), tmboot(1)

dmconfig(5), DMADM(5), servopts(5), ubbconfig(5)

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component



This is the gateway server process for Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA.


GWSNAX SRVGRP = “identifier” SRVID = “number” REPLYQ = “N” 
CLOPT = “-A -- [-m -n {type:min:max} -t {number} -T {number}
-u {keyfile}]“


The GWSNAX server provides Tuxedo functions for a Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway group.

GWSNAX should be defined in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file as a server running within a particular gateway group; that is, SRVGRP must be set to the corresponding GRPNAME tag specified in the GROUPS section. The SVRID parameter is also required and its value must consider the maximum number of gateways allowed within the gateway group. The GWSNAX definition must not precede its associated CRM server definition in the UBBCONFIG file.

There should be only one instance of a GWSNAX per Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Gateway group, and it should NOT be part of the MSSQ defined for the gateways associated with the group.

The CLOPT option is a string of command line options that is passed to the GWSNAX when it is booted. This string has the following format:

CLOPT=”-A -- <gateway runtime parameters>” 

The following runtime parameters are recognized for a gateway:


This option specifies that userid mapping is bypassed. Any userid mapping already defined in the DMCONFIG file is preserved, but is not in effect.

-n {type:min:max}

Establishes that encryption is in effect for this client process. type is the encryption type. Currently, the only valid entry is GPE. The min and max values designate the minimum and maximum number of bits to be used for encryption. This level is used during the negotiation between the CRM and client process. Any number is acceptable, but the negotiated values resolve to 0, 56, or 128.

min designates the minimum number of bits to be used for encryption. This level is used during the negotiation between the CRM and GWSNAX. Any number is acceptable, but the negotiated values resolve to 0, 56, or 128. The level specified must be supported by the security add-on package used. max designates the maximum number of bits to be used for encryption. This level is used during the negotiation between the CRM and GWSNAX. Any number is acceptable, but the negotiated values resolve to 0, 56, or 128.

-t {number}

This option indicates the type of character string transformation the gateway performs. (Refer to Table A-10 for values.)

-T {number}

This option indicates the inbound transaction timeout value.

-u {keyfile}

Establishes that process authentication is in effect for communications between this process and the CRM.
The keyfile is the location file containing a hash key known to both this process and the CRM. The file contains a single line specifying a unique hash key (limited to eight characters). The file should be protected.

Table A-10 C to COBOL String Transformation
CLOPT -t Parameter Value
Tuxedo Application Language
Host Application Language
Not Set
No string transformation established


Refer to the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Release Notes for a complete listing of compatible operating systems.


Refer to the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA Release Notes for a complete listing of supported platforms.


The following example illustrates the definition of the administrative server in the UBBCONFIG file.

gwgrp GRPNO=2
CLOPT=”-A -- -a on -t on”
SNACRM SRVGRP=”gwgrp” SRVID=1003 CLOPT=”-A--//host:6000 gwgrp”
CLOPT=”-- -t 1”

See Also

dmadmin(1), tmboot(1)

dmconfig(5), DMADM(5), servopts(5), ubbconfig(5)

Using the BEA Tuxedo Domains Component



Modify a remote user password.


modusr -d <local domain> ID -R <remote domain ID> -u <remote username> 


modusr can only be executed as a subcommand of dmadmin(1). The purpose of this page is to describe options for the subcommand and to show an example.

The subcommand allows the administrator to modify passwords in the remote password table. The administrator is prompted for the remote password.

The table entries modified are used for passing remote user names and passwords to remote SNA domains when the application is using SNA-type gateways and SECURITY is set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL in the ubbconfig file and SECURITY is set to DM_USER_PW in the DMCONFIG file.

The following options are available:

-d <local domain ID>

This is the name of the local domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-R <remote domain ID>

This is the name of the remote domain gateway with which the ids and passwords are associated. This is the same ID as the one used when creating the domain definitions either in the DMCONFIG file or through the Graphical Administrative Interface.

-u <remote username>

The remote user whose password is being modified.

Before running this subcommand the application must be configured using either the Graphical Administrative Interface or tmloadcf(1) and dmloadcf(1). dmadmin modusr may be run on any active node.


This subcommand is available on the latest version of Tuxedo, as documented for this release of BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for SNA.


The dmadmin modusr subcommand exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.


modusr -d tux -R cics -u CICSUSR /*modifies remote user’s password 
sent to CICS. The administrator
is prompted for the password*/

See Also

delusr(5), addusr(5)

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