BEA MessageQ for OpenVMS Release Notes for Version 4.0A

BEA MessageQ for OpenVMS
Release Notes for
Version 4.0A

May 1998

The MessageQ for OpenVMS Release Notes describe software changes implemented in Version 4.0A as well as corrections, known problems, and restrictions. The release notes also contain corrections to documentation distributed with this software.

Revision/Update Information: This document supersedes the MessageQ for OpenVMS Release Notes Version 3.2

Software Version: BEA MessageQ for OpenVMS Alpha, Version 4.0A
BEA MessageQ for OpenVMS VAX, Version 4.0A

May 1998

Copyright 1998 BEA Systems, Inc. All rights reserved.

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BEA, BEA Builder, BEA Connect, BEA Jolt, BEA Manager, and BEA MessageQ, are trademarks of BEA Systems, Inc. BEA ObjectBroker is a registered trademark of BEA Systems, Inc. TUXEDO is a registered trademark in the U.S. and other countries.

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Chapter 1
New and Changed Features

This chapter describes new and changed features of MessageQ for OpenVMS Version 4.0A .

1.1 Before You Install MessageQ Version 4.0A

This section describes important information that you need to know before you install MessageQ for OpenVMS Version 4.0A .

1.2 New and Changed Features for MessageQ Version 4.0A

This section describes the new and changes features for Version 4.0A release of MessageQ for OpenVMS:

Available in 4.0A

1.2.1 Changes to the Installation Procedure

The installation procedure has been split into multiple parts so components can be independently installed. The installation menu displays the approximate number of blocks of disk space needed to install each component.

The following components are offered in the kit.

The base kit installation has been revised and simplified. The question relating to VAXC RTL linking, asked during a VAX/VMS installation, has been removed because DEC C is now used to build both the VAX and Alpha versions of MessageQ.

The online documentation for MessageQ for OpenVMS consists of the BEA MessageQ Introduction to Message Queuing , the BEA MessageQ Programmer's Guide , the BEA MessageQ Installation and Configuration Guide for each supported platform, and these Release Notes available in HTML format.

The OpenVMS Client kit installation installs the light-weight implementation of MessageQ which utilizes a MessageQ server to perform the queuing operations.

The MessageQ Demo kit has been removed from the installation procedure.

The MessageQ for OpenVMS installation now supports device size checking for the Alternate Working Device (AWD) Option. Previously, the system device was required to have the required amount of blocks in order for an OpenVMS MessageQ installation to work correctly even when the AWD option was specified. The installation has been updated to so that with the AWD VMSINSTAL option selected, MessageQ may be installed with as little as 1,000 blocks of system disk space (SYS$SYSDEVICE).

1.2.2 Changes to the MessageQ Include Files

The following changes have been made to the MessageQ include files:

1.2.3 Message Broadcasting on All Platforms

The ability to distribute broadcast messages to any number of registered recipients is now available on all MessageQ server implementations. The default configuration for each MessageQ Version 4.0A group enables the use of Selective Broadcast Services (SBS). The SBS Server adds a new registration message API that uses RISC aligned fields. Endian translation of these new registration messages is automatically handled by the server. This API adds both significantly enhanced selection criteria and the ability to request statistics and state information. On OpenVMS, the prior message API will continue to be supported.

The following is a list of the supported interoperability between versions and platforms running the SBS Server in MessageQ for OpenVMS V4.0A.

1.2.4 Enhancements to Ethernet Message Broadcast Protocol

In addition to the new SBS message API, the OpenVMS version of the SBS Server adds a new Ethernet retransmission protocol which allows the automatic recovery of lost message packets. This means that a receiving SBS Server will be able to request lost message packet retransmission up to a selectable depth of message packets. This feature allows the SBS Server to attempt to recover lost messages identified by a sequence gap. This feature combined with dual-rail support significantly enhances the reliability of the optimized Ethernet broadcasting. Configuring Optimized Ethernet Mode

The optimized Ethernet mode on the SBS server utilizes the hardware multicasting available with Ethernet controllers. Therefore, instead of simulating broadcasting by sending a message to each adjacent SBS server over the standard MessageQ links, it broadcasts one message to all listening systems on the bus. This mode has the advantage of scalability: a single copy of a message is transmitted across the network and is received only by those systems which have applications registered for the message's MOT. This facility thus improves network utilization by limiting the traffic per message placed on the network.

Because messages sent via direct Ethernet access are limited to 1500 bytes, the sending and receiving SBS servers handle the segmentation and reassembly of messages. This segmentation, coupled with network load, naturally increases the chance that a packet collision may result in a lost packet at one or more receiver systems. A lost packet, in turn, results in a lost message, which is reported to receiving applications as a broadcast sequence gap.


Although MQ V4.0A supports message sizes up to 4Mb, optimized Ethernet mode limits message sizes to 32000 bytes.

In the following discussion, refer to the Installation and Configuration Guide, Chapter 7 on setting up Selective Broadcasting, Example 7-2, which shows the Server initialization section of the group initialization file template, as well as the Table 7-2, which describes parameters and fields. Dual-rail Mode

MessageQ provides two features to increase the reliability of messages sent using Optimized Ethernet Mode. The first is "dual-rail mode," which means that SBS supports up to two (2) Ethernet devices per system. Using two Ethernet devices increases the chance that a missed packet resulting from a network collision will not result in a missed message. In dual-rail mode, the sending system writes a copy of the message to the devices specified in the DEVICE_1 and DEVICE_2 parameters for COMM_SERVICE with a value of DG_OLD. Receiving SBS servers construct a single copy of the message from packets received from both Ethernet devices. If a packet contained in a particular message is not received from either rail, a sequence gap message is to receiving applications which have requested sequence gap.

To configure dual-rail mode: specify the "Prot/Xport" field of the COMM_SERVICE as DG_OLD. Specify a valid device addresses for both Ethernet devices on your systems, insuring that you specify device unit 0 (e.g., ECA0:, EWB0:, etc.) Be sure that the Ethernet devices specified in the DEVICE_1 field of various groups are actually connected on the same network (and likewise for DEVICE_2). The simplest method for insuring this is to build single-rail configurations for all groups (i.e., just specify DEVICE_1) and use the DMQ$EXE:DMQ$SBS_EXAMPLE program to verify broadcast reception in each group. Repeating this test using the devices specified for DEVICE_2 as DEVICE_1 will insure that the final dual-rail configuration is properly configured.

The only field in the REGISTER line which is user-settable with this service is the MOT. The transmit and receive silos are forced to their default values of 1 and 5, respectively; the heartbeat parameters do not affect this service. RP/ETH Retransmission Protocol

There are some applications where broadcast messages need a higher probability of delivery than is provided by simple dual-rail redundancy. SBS provides a retransmission protocol by which a receiving SBS server which cannot construct a complete message may request it from the sending SBS server. If the sender still has the message in its cache, it will resend it to requesting system.

It is important to understand that the SBS retransmission protocol is not a recoverable delivery protocol. That is, messages sent to a MOT whose COMM_SERVICE is the retransmission protocol (RP/ETH) may still result in sequence gap at one or more receiver systems. This protocol is best suited to broadcast traffic with a predictable delivery rate.

The RP/ETH communication services operates as follows. Any message sent to MOT whose service is RP/ETH are placed in cache called the transmit silo after they are sent. The transmit silo size is measured in Message Assembly Buffers (MABs). Each MAB contains a complete copy of the largest message (up to 32000 bytes) that this queuing group can send or receive. MABs also contain sequencing information used to control retransmission requests. Transmit silos are first-in-first-out: the oldest message in the transmit silo is removed when a new message requires storage. The transmit silo size is specified by the Transmit Silo parameter in the REGISTER statement used to define the MOT.

If a missing segment is detected by a receiving SBS Server, it requests retransmission of the message from the point at which the first missing segment was detected. This request is sent via a high-priority message (transmitted via the standard MQ cross-group transport [TCP/IP or DECnet]) to the sending SBS server. The requested message fragment (which can be an entire message) is returned via a high-priority message, which is also transmitted via the standard MQ cross-group transport. If the message has already been flushed from the sending group's transmit silo, a sequence gap notification will be delivered to the receiving applications.

Each MOT using RP/ETH also has a receiver cache called the receive silo. The receive silo is used accumulate messages to insure in-order delivery to registered applications. For example, a sender may have broadcast messages 46, 47 and 48 to an RP/ETH MOT but the receiver may have received only messages 46 and 48. It is necessary for the receiving system to hold message 48 until it has been a retransmitted copy of message 47 has been received. Receive silo size is also measured in MABs. The receive silo size is specified by the Receive Silo parameter in the REGISTER statement used to define the MOT. RP/ETH Receive silo rules

Receive silos are emptied according to the following rules: