Release Notes

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BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP Release Notes

The following topics are discussed in this document.


About This BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP Release

This distribution of the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP product (hereafter referenced as BEA TMA OSI TP) includes a CD-ROM that contains the BEA TMA OSI TP Version 9.1 product.

What's New!

This release of BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP provides support for Tuxedo 9.0 and 9.1.

Product Packaging

The following items are included in the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP product box:


Supported Platforms

The BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP Version 9.1 server and client support platforms running BEA Tuxedo 9.0 or 9.1 on the following operating systems:

Operating System
AIX 5.3
HP-UX 11.23
Solaris 9 and 10
Microsoft Windows 2003 Advanced Server


Pre-Installation Considerations

Complete the following tasks prior to installing BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP:


Prerequisite Software

Install the BEA Tuxedo 9.0 or 9.1 software and make sure it is configured and operational prior to installing BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP 9.1 software.


Using the License Key

You must enter the license key for BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP software to enable the connection capabilities for your system. As a prerequisite, BEA Tuxedo must be installed and operational with its license key file available. To enable the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP license key, you must append the license key file provided with the product software to the BEA Tuxedo license key file. This can be done automatically by answering a query at BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP installation time. Or it can be done manually as shown in the steps below.

Caution: Do not alter any information within sections of the license key files. This is a violation of the BEA Systems licensing agreement. Doing so may disable the BEA TMA OSI TP and/or additional components.

Perform the following steps to use the license key.

  1. With the text editor of your choice, open the Tuxedo license key file in $TUXDIR/udataobj/lic.txt. An example of this file follows.
  2. Listing 1 Sample Tuxedo License Key File
    [TUXEDO 9.1]
    LICENSEE=BEA Professional Services
  3. Append the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP license key file to the Tuxedo license key file. An example of the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP license key follows.
  4. Listing 2 Sample BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP License Key File
    [Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter OSI TP]
  5. Save the file and exit the text editor. Your license key is now in effect.


Product Issues

The following sections describe some of the miscellaneous issues you may need to consider before you install BEA TMA OSI TP. Refer to the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP Installation Guide for more detailed information about installing or upgrading BEA TMA OSI TP.

Known Limitations

This section describes limitations in the current BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP release and includes possible workarounds where applicable.

The table below lists a CR (Change Request) number for each problem. Refer to this number to conveniently track the solution as the problems are resolved. Please contact Unisys Technical Support for assistance in tracking any unresolved problems. For contact information, see Contact Us!

dmadmin can only be executed from the $TUXDIR, all other executions just return.
The Microsoft Windows operating systems have a system file called dmadmin, which is listed in the WINNT\system32 path. If the Tuxedo dmadmin is not executed from the $TUXDIR, the Microsoft dmadmin is called.
Windows 2000 Professional and Windows 2000 Advanced Server
Add TUXEDO\BIN to the beginning of your environment path.

Fixed Problems

This section describes known problems from the prior release of the eLink Adapter for Mainframe that have been fixed with the current release of the BEA Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for OSI TP software. The following table lists a Case or CR (Change Request) number for each problem.

eLink OSITP 4.2/Tuxedo timeouts related to GWOSITP hanging
The BEAMAIN thread of GWOSITP stops functioning for 5 minutes, until the timeout is raised. Then the BEAMAIN thread appears to resume functioning normally until the next occurrence of the problem.


Where to Get Product Documentation

Documentation for this product is available from the following location:


Contact Us!

BEA TMA OSI TP is a product jointly developed by BEA Systems, Inc. and Unisys Corporation. Support services and contacts are described in the following sections.

SURETY Support Services

A SURETY service agreement gives you easy access to Unisys Support Online or Unisys Client Support Centers. These services are described below.

Unisys Customer Support

Unisys customer support gives clients easy access, on the World Wide Web or by telephone, to these service options:

Clients with valid support agreements can visit an electronic database of reported problems and solutions. They can also use e-mail or telephone to contact our product specialists with technical questions. Clients are eligible to receive updates to a product when critical problems have been fixed.

Support Online

Unisys has a World Wide Web site available to customers who have support agreements. If you have any questions or problems with a Unisys product, your first source of information is Support Online, an online technical resource available through the World Wide Web at

This technical resource is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. It offers a wealth of information about Unisys hardware and software systems. Take some time to explore Support Online and discover the services available to you.

Client Support Centers

Unisys clients with valid support agreements can also access Client Support Centers. If you have unresolved questions or problems concerning Unisys product installation or operation (after referring to the documentation or your system administrator), call the appropriate Client Support Center:

Within the continental United States or Canada, call one of the following toll-free numbers:

1-800-328-0440 (prompt 4) - United States

1-800-387-6181 - Canada

1-800-361-8097 - French Canada

Outside the continental United States, obtain a support center telephone number from your local Unisys customer support representative.

To expedite your request, please have the following information ready before contacting Unisys.

Tech Advantage

In addition, Unisys Client Support Centers offer Tech Advantage, a full complement of technical service packages that provide you with cost-effective, fast-cycle support. Tech Advantage services can help you solve your most difficult problems or maximize the effectiveness of your system, regardless of your product choice.

Here are some ways to put Tech Advantage to work for you:

For more information on Tech Advantage, visit the Support Online Web page and follow the link to Tech Advantage or call your Client Support Center.

Reporting a Software Problem with a User Communication Form

A customer representative may provide instructions or solutions from the Client Support Center database. If this help is insufficient, provide your representative with a full description of the problem, including any relevant error messages, and, if possible, a full description of the function you were attempting and your actions immediately prior to the error. The representative will then submit an electronic User Communication Form (UCF) to Unisys on your behalf, and give you the following information:

VAR Customer Support

All clients of Unisys resellers should contact their Value Added Resellers (VARs) for support access details.

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