IMS User Guide

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Introducing Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP (IMS)

Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter products offer a set of communication gateways between Oracle Tuxedo systems and other online transaction processing environments, including IBM’s CICS and IMS. They allow applications to scale in size by providing interoperability between systems. The Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP (IMS) (hereafter referenced as TMA TCP for IMS) product is a gateway connectivity feature that provides transparent communications between client and server transactions in an IMS system and a Oracle Tuxedo domain, a CICS system, or another IMS system. (A Oracle Tuxedo domain is a single computer [or network of computers] that shares a single Oracle Tuxedo configuration.)

The following information introduces the TMA TCP for IMS product:


What You Need to Know

This document is intended for system administrators who configure and administer the Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP system. In addition, programmers can find useful information for developing client programs and service routines that exchange data with the remote Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP gateways.



The features and benefits provided by Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP (IMS) are:


Oracle TMA TCP for IMS Architecture

The TMA TCP for IMS product executes as an open transaction manager access (OTMA) client running under z/OS. It uses the z/OS TCP/IP Sockets API to communicate with a TMA TCP Gateway on a remote Oracle Tuxedo system, and the IMS message queue (directly or indirectly through OTMA) to communicate with IMS transactions. This product supports connectivity with remote TMA TCP Gateways, TMA TCP for CICS gateways, or other TMA TCP for IMS gateways. Figure 1-1 illustrates connection with a remote TMA TCP Gateway.

Figure 1-1 The Oracle TMA TCP for IMS Interoperability Solution

The Oracle TMA TCP for IMS Interoperability Solution

The configuration definition of the TMA TCP Gateway in the remote Oracle Tuxedo system maps Oracle Tuxedo local services to remote services provided by the IMS gateway. Each remote service corresponds to an IMS server transaction. Service requests issued by clients in the Oracle Tuxedo system are routed through the TMA TCP Gateway to the TMA TCP for IMS gateway for processing by the appropriate IMS server transaction.

Similarly, the configuration definition in the TMA TCP for IMS gateway maps local service names to remote services provided by the Oracle Tuxedo system. Service requests issued by IMS client transactions are routed to the TMA TCP Gateway for processing by the appropriate Oracle Tuxedo service.

In both cases, access to a remote service is transparent to the client requesting the service.


Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter for TCP Functionality

The following functionality is available in the TMA TCP product.

Domains-based Gateway Connectivity

The TMA TCP product has a domains-based architecture supporting bidirectional communications, request/response support, and support for an IMS OTMA interface.


The TMA TCP product grants access to Tuxedo services based on a user name that the remote gateway supplies.

The TMA TCP for IMS product has an OTMA interface that supports enhanced security. This interface allows a requester from Tuxedo to pass a user ID through the OTMA server interface for authorization through a third party security package.

For more information about configuring security, refer to the Monitoring Oracle TMA TCP for IMS section.

Domain Name Server Support

The TMA TCP product supports domain name server (DNS) resolution of IP addresses. This support allows you to change the IP address at the domain name server to implement address changes without reconfiguring the TMA TCP gateway.

Dynamic Configuration

The TMA TCP product supports dynamic configuration updates of the TMA TCP configuration parameters. You can modify the configuration without shutting down and restarting the TMA TCP product.


Required System Components

The TMA TCP for IMS product requires the following components for transaction processing.

Oracle TMA Gateway Program

The TMA TCP for IMS product executes as an OTMA client running under z/OS. It uses the z/OS TCP/IP sockets API to communicate with remote Oracle Tuxedo Mainframe Adapter gateways and the IMS message queue (directly or indirectly through OTMA in the case of the OTMA client) to communicate with IMS application transactions.

IBM LE/370

IBM LE/370 provides a common runtime environment for a number of IBM high-level languages, including C/C++. The TMA TCP for IMS gateway is written in the C programming language and requires the LE/370 runtime environment.


IBM TCP/IP for z/OS provides TCP/IP communications support for programs executing in an z/OS environment by means of a standard, UNIX-style socket API. The TMA TCP for IMS product uses TCP/IP to communicate with remote Oracle TMA gateways.

Note: This guide assumes you are using the IBM TCP/IP for z/OS product. If you are using another supported TCP/IP product, such as Interlink TCPaccess, consult the product documentation for equivalent components.

IMS Server Transactions

IMS server transactions are user-written programs that process service requests issued by a remote system. Server transactions are ordinary IMS transactions and can be written in any language supported by IMS. For supported languages, refer to the IBM IMS manuals.

IMS Client Transactions

IMS client transactions are user-written programs that issue requests for services offered by a remote system. Client transactions are ordinary IMS message processing program (MPP) transactions and can be written in any language supported by IMS.

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