Using CORBA Server-to-Server Communication

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Understanding CORBA Server-to-Server Communication

Overview of CORBA Server-to-Server Communication

Joint Client/Server Applications

Object Policies for Callback Objects

Developing C++ Joint Client/Server Applications

Development Process

Chat Room Sample Application

Step 1: Writing the OMG IDL

Step 2: Generating Skeletons and Client Stubs

Step 3: Writing the Methods That Implement the Operations for Each Object

Step 4: Writing the Client Portion of the Joint Client/Server Application

Step 5: Creating a Callback Object Using the Callbacks Wrapper Object

Step 6: Invoking Operations on an Object by Passing a Reference to the Callback Object

Step 7: Specifying Configuration Information

Step 8: Compiling Joint Client/Server Applications

Using the POA to Create a Callback Object

Creating a Callback Object with a Transient Object Policy

Creating a Callback Object with a Persistent/User ID Object Policy

Creating a Callback Object with a Persistent/System ID Object Policy

Threading Considerations for C++ Joint Client/Server Applications

Building and Running the Chat Room Sample Application

Copying the Files for the Chat Room Sample Application into a Work Directory

Changing the Protection Attribute on the Files for the Chat Room Sample Application

Verifying the Setting of the TUXDIR Environment Variable

Executing the ChatSetup Command

Starting the Server Application

Starting the Client Application

Stopping the Chat Room Sample Application

Java Joint Client/Server Applications

Development Process

Support for Joint Client/Server Applications

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