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Chapter 2. Administration Tools

Your BEA TUXEDO system gives you a choice of several methods for performing the same set of administrative tasks. Whether you are more comfortable using a graphical user interface or entering commands at a shell prompt, you will be able to find a comfortable method of doing your job as the administrator of a BEA TUXEDO domain.

This chapter discusses the following topics:

Configuration and Run-time Administration

At the highest level, the job of an administrator can be viewed as two broadly defined tasks:

This chapter describes how these tools can be used to configure an application and how to administer a running system.

Tools for Configuration

Because the BEA TUXEDO system offer great flexibility and many options to application designers and programmers, no two applications are alike. An application, for example, may be small and simple (a single client and server running on one machine) or complex enough to handle transactions among thousands of clients and servers. For this reason, for every BEA TUXEDO application being managed, an administrator must provide a file that defines and governs the components of that application.

The components:

The collection of servers, services, interfaces, machines, and associated resource managers defined by a single UBBCONFIG (ASCII) or TUXCONFIG (binary) configuration file; a collection of programs that perform a function. A domain represents an administrative set of functionality.
A software program (or the hardware on which it runs) in which BEA TUXEDO services offered to your users are stored.
A software program that requests services from servers (and sometimes resides on nonserver hardware).
A set of requests that are submitted to servers in a particular order (which may be determined by the administrator).
A program that takes client requests as input and performs a particular function in response.
server group
A set of interfaces or a logical grouping of servers.

These components (and others, when appropriate) are defined, or configured, in an ASCII file that is referred to, in the BEA TUXEDO documentation, as UBBCONFIG. The UBBCONFIG file may, in fact, be given any file name. When compiled into a binary file, the file is referred to as TUXCONFIG. During the groundwork (or setup) phase of administration, the administrator's goal is to create a TUXCONFIG file. You have a choice of the following three tools.


If You Use the . . . You Must . . .
BEA TUXEDO Web-based GUI Use a graphical user interface (GUI) to create and edit the TUXCONFIG file. Full descriptions of the GUI are available by accessing the Help directly from the GUI.
Command-line interface
  1. Edit the UBBCONFIG file (an ASCII version of TUXCONFIG) with a text editor.
  2. Run tmloadcf to convert the UBBCONFIG file into a TUXCONFIG (binary) file.

    For details about using the command-line interface to perform administrative tasks, see the applicable chapters in this document. For information about the tmloadcf command, see the section "Create TUXCONFIG" in Chapter 4, "Starting and Shutting Down Applications."

    For specific details about the tmloadcf command options, see tmloadcf(1) in the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.

AdminAPI Write a program that modifies the TUXCONFIG file for you. For details, see Chapter 18, "Event Broker/Monitor."

Tools for Run-time Administration

With your BEA TUXEDO system installed and your TUXCONFIG file loaded, you are ready to boot your application. As soon as your application is launched, you must start monitoring its activities and watching for problems-both actual and potential.

When problems occur, you must identify and solve them. If performance is degraded, you may want to do load balancing or prioritize your interfaces or services. If trouble develops on a MASTER machine, you may want to replace it with a designated BACKUP machine.

As the processing and resource usage requirements of your application evolve, you may need to add machines, servers, clients, interfaces, services, and so on, to your existing system.

The job of run-time administration encompasses many tasks, from starting and stopping the application, to monitoring activity, troubleshooting problems, and dynamically reconfiguring the application. Again, you have a choice of three tools for performing these tasks: the Web-based GUI, the command-line interface, and the AdminAPI.


The BEA TUXEDO Web-based GUI is a graphical user interface that enables you to perform most administrative tasks for a BEA TUXEDO application. Figure 2-1 shows the Main Window that is displayed when you bring up the Web-based GUI for the first time. The four major sections of the main window are:

After you have set up and activated a domain, the Tree will be populated with labeled icons, representing the administrative class objects in your domains. In addition, as soon as you start using the Configuration Tool, the right-hand column dedicated to that tool will be populated with tabbed folders in which you enter information needed for configuration.

Figure 2-1 The Main Window of the Web-Based GUI

Command-line Interface

You can use the following commands to administer the BEA TUXEDO system. This document provides procedures for administrative tasks that are based on the command-line interface. For details about individual commands, see the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.


The AdminAPI is an application programming interface (API) for directly accessing and manipulating system settings in the BEA TUXEDO Management Information Bases (MIBs). The advantage of the AdminAPI is that it can be used to automate administrative tasks, such as monitoring log files and dynamically reconfiguring an application, thus eliminating the need for human intervention. This advantage can be crucially important in mission-critical, real-time applications.

For an example of a program written with the AdminAPI, see Chapter 18, "Event Broker/Monitor."

For details about the MIBs, see ACL_MIB(5), APPQ_MIB(5), EVENT_MIB(5), MIB(5), TM_MIB(5), and WS_MIB(5) in the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual.

Note: An online version of the BEA TUXEDO Reference Manual is available on the BEA TUXEDO Online Documentation CD. From the BEA TUXEDO home page, click Reference Manual Pages-->Reference Manual: Section 5.

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