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stmshutdown-shutdown a set of BEA TUXEDO servers


tmshutdown [options]


tmshutdown stops the execution of a set of servers or removes the advertisements of a set of services listed in a configuration file. Only the administrator of the bulletin board (as indicated by the UID parameter in the configuration file) or root can invoke the tmshutdown command. tmshutdown can be invoked only on the machine identified as MASTER in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file, or the backup acting as the MASTER, that is, with the DBBL already running (via the master command in tmadmin(1)). An exception to this is the -P option which is used on partitioned processors (see below).

With no options, tmshutdown stops all administrative, TMS, and gateway servers, and servers listed in the SERVERS section of the configuration file named by the TUXCONFIG environment variable and removes their associated IPC resources. For each group, all servers in the SERVERS section, if any, are shutdown followed by any associated gateway servers (for foreign groups) and TMS servers. Administrative servers are shutdown last.

Application servers without SEQUENCE parameters are shutdown first in reverse order of the server entries in the configuration file, followed by servers with SEQUENCE parameters that are shutdown from high to low sequence number. If two or more servers in the SERVERS Section of the configuration file have the same SEQUENCE parameter, then tmshutdown may shut down these servers in parallel. Each entry in the SERVERS Section may have an optional MIN and MAX parameter. tmshutdown shuts down all occurrences of a server (up to MAX occurrences) for each server entry, unless the -i option is specified; using the -i option causes individual occurrences to be shut down.

If it is not possible to shutdown a server, or remove a service advertisement, a diagnostic is written on the central event log (see userlog(3c)). The following is a description of all options:

-l lmid  

For each group whose associated LMID parameter is lmid, all servers in the SERVERS section associated with the group are shut down, followed by any TMS and gateway servers associated with the group.

-g grpname  

All servers in the SERVERS section associated with the specified group (that is, whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname) are shutdown, followed by all TMS and gateway servers for the group. TMS servers are shutdown based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters for the group entry. For a foreign group, the gateway servers for the associated entry in the HOST section are shutdown based on GATENAME and GATECOUNT. Shutting down a gateway implies its administrative service and all advertised foreign services are unadvertised, in addition to stopping the process.

-i srvid
All servers in the SERVERS section whose SRVID parameter is srvid are shutdown. Do not enter a SRVID greater than 30,000; this indicates system processes (that is, TMSs or gateway servers) that should only be shutdown via the -l or -g options.

-s aout
All servers in the SERVERS section with name aout are shutdown. This option can also be used to shutdown TMS and gateway servers.

-o sequence
All servers in the SERVERS section with SEQUENCE parameter sequence are shutdown.

All servers in the SERVERS section are shutdown.

All administrative servers are shutdown.

This option shuts down administrative servers on the master machine. The BBL is shut down on the MASTER machine, and the BRIDGE is shut down if the LAN option and a NETWORK entry are specified in the configuration file. If the MODEL is MP, the DBBL administrative server is shut down.

-B lmid
The BBL on the processor with logical name lmid is shutdown.

-T grpname
All TMS servers for the server group whose SRVGRP parameter is grpname are shut down (based on the TMSNAME and TMSCOUNT parameters associated with the server group entry).

-w delay
Tells tmshutdown to suspend all selected servers immediately and waits for shutdown confirmation for only delay seconds before forcing the server to shut down by sending a SIGTERM and then a SIGKILL signal to the server. Note: servers to which the -w option may be applied should not catch the UNIX signal SIGTERM.

tmshutdown suspends all selected servers immediately and forces them to shut down in an orderly fashion (TERM) or preemptively (KILL). Note: This option maps to the UNIX signals SIGTERM and SIGKILL on platforms which support them. By default, a SIGTERM initiates orderly shutdown in a BEA TUXEDO server. Application resetting of SIGTERM could cause to be unable to shutdown the server.

Assumes a yes answer to a prompt that asks if all administrative and server processes should be shutdown. (The prompt appears only when the command is entered with none of the limiting options.)

Suppresses the printing of the execution sequence on the standard output. It implies -y.

The execution sequence is printed, but not performed.

For migration operations only, shuts down a server on the original processor without deleting its bulletin board entry in preparation for migration to another processor. The -R option must be used with either the -l or -g option (e.g., tmshutdown -l lmid -R) The MIGRATE option must be specified in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file.

Shuts down BBLs even if clients are still attached.

-H lmid
On a uniprocessor, all administrative and applications servers on the node associated with the specified lmid are shut down. On a multiprocessor(e.g., 3B4000), all PEs are shut down, even if only one PE is specified.

-P lmid
With this option, tmshutdown attaches to the bulletin board on the specified lmid, ensures that this lmid is partitioned from the rest of the application (that is, does not have access to the DBBL), and shuts down all administrative and application servers. It must be run on the processor associated with the lmid in the MACHINES section of the configuration file.

The -l, -g, -s, and -T options cause TMS servers to be shut down; the -l, -g, and -s options cause gateway servers to be shut down; the -l, -g, -i, -s, -o, and -S options apply to application servers; the -A, -M, and -B options apply only to administrative processes. When the -l, -g, -i, -o, and -s options are used in combination, only servers that satisfy all qualifications specified will be shut down.

If the distributed transaction processing feature is being used such that global transactions are in progress when servers are shutdown, transactions that have not yet reached the point where commit is logged after pre-commit will be aborted; transactions that have reached the commit point will be completed when the servers (for example, TMS) are booted again.


tmshutdown must run on the master node, which in an interoperating application must be the highest release available. tmshutdown detects and reports configuration file conditions that would lead to the shutting down of Release 4.2 administrative servers on Release 4.1 sites.


tmshutdown is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied administrative tool on UNIX operating systems only.


If tmshutdown fails to shut down a server or a fatal error occurs, it will exit with exit code 1 and the user log should be examined for further details; otherwise it will exit with exit code 0.

If tmshutdown is run on an active node that is not the acting master node, a fatal error message is displayed: tmshutdown cannot run on a non acting-master node in an active application.

If shutting down a process would partition active processes from the DBBL, a fatal error message is displayed: cannot shutdown, causes partitioning.

If a server has died, the following somewhat ambiguous message is produced: CMDTUX_CAT:947 Cannot shutdown server GRPID


To shutdown the entire system and remove all BEA TUXEDO IPC resources (force it if confirmation not received in 30 seconds): tmshutdown -w 30 To shutdown only those servers located on the machine with lmid of CS1. Since the -l option restricts the action to servers listed in the SERVERS section, the BBL on CS1 is not shutdown: tmshutdown -l CS1


The tmshutdown command ignores the hangup signal (SIGHUP). If a signal is detected during shutdown, the process continues.

See Also

tmadmin(1), tmboot(1), ubbconfig(5), Administering the BEA TUXEDO System

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