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tmunloadcf-unload binary TUXCONFIG configuration file




tmunloadcf translates the TUXCONFIG configuration file from the binary representation into ASCII. This translation is useful for transporting the file in a compact way between machines with different byte orderings and backing up a copy of the file in a compact form for reliability. The ASCII format is the same as is described in ubbconfig(5).

tmunloadcf reads values from the TUXCONFIG file pointed to by the TUXCONFIG and TUXOFFSET environment variables and writes them to its standard output.

Note that some values are rounded during configuration and may not match values set during tmloadcf or via the TMIB interface. These include but are not limited to MAXRFT and MAXRTDATA.


tmunloadcf is supported only on non-Workstation sites running BEA TUXEDO system Release 6.0 or later.


To unload the configuration in /usr/tuxedo/tuxconfig into the file tconfig.backup: TUXCONFIG=/usr/tuxedo/tuxconfig tmunloadcf > tconfig.backup


tmunloadcf checks that the file pointed to by the TUXCONFIG and TUXOFFSET environment variables exists, is a valid BEA TUXEDO system file system, and contains TUXCONFIG tables. If any of these conditions is not met, tmunloadcf prints an error message and exits with error code 1. Upon successful completion, tmunloadcf exits with exit code 0.

See Also

tmloadcf(1), ubbconfig(5), Administering the BEA TUXEDO System

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