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WSL-BEA TUXEDO system Workstation Listener Server


WSL SRVGRP="identifier" 
CLOPT="[ -A ] [ servopts options ] -- -n netaddr [ -d device ]
[ -w WSHname ] [ -t timeout-factor ] [ -T Client-timeout ]
[ -m minh ] [ -M maxh ] [ -x mpx-factor ]
[ -p minwshport ] [ -P maxwshport ] [ -I init-timeout ]
[-c compression-threshold] [-k compression-threshold]
[-K {client|handler|both|none}]
[ -z bits ] [ -Z bits ] [-H external netaddr ]"


The workstation listener is a BEA TUXEDO system-supplied server that enables access to native services by workstation clients. The application administrator enables workstation access to the application by specifying the workstation listener server as an application server in the SERVERS section. The associated command line options are used to parameterize the processing of the workstation listener and workstation handlers.

The location, server group, server ID, and other generic server related parameters are associated with the workstation listener using the already defined configuration file mechanisms for servers. Workstation listener specific command line options are specified to allow for customization.

Each WSL booted as part of an application facilitates application access for a large number of workstation clients by providing access via a single well known network address to a set of workstation handlers (WSHs) acting as surrogate clients for the users running on the workstations. The WSHs are started and stopped dynamically by the WSL as necessary to meet the incoming load from the application workstations. The advantages to the application administrator are that a small number of native site processes (WSHs) can support a much larger number of clients, thus reducing the process count on the native site, and that the native site does not need to incur the overhead of maintaining bulletin board information on the workstation sites, which may be quite numerous.

The following WSL-specific command line options are available and may be listed after the double-dash (--) in the CLOPT parameter.

-n netaddr
Specifies the complete network address to be used by the WSL process as its listening address. The listening address for a WSL is the means by which it is contacted by workstation client processes participating in the application. If string (which can be from 1 to 78 characters in length) has the form 0xhex-digits or \\xhex-digits, it must contain an even number of valid hex digits. These forms are translated internally into a character array containing TCP/IP addresses may also be in either of the following two forms:


The #.#.#.# is the dotted decimal format where each # represents a decimal number in the range 0 to 255. Port_number is a decimal number in the range 0 to 65535. the hexadecimal representations of the string specified. This is the only required parameter.

[-d device]
The name of the device file used for network access by the workstation listener and its workstation handlers. This parameter is optional. There is no default.

[-w WSHname]
The name of the executable providing workstation handler services for this workstation listener. The default for this is WSH, which corresponds to the system provided workstation handler. Workstation handlers may be customized using the command buildwsh(1). See the buildwsh(1) reference page for more details.

[-t timeout-factor]
This option is being replaced by the -I option and is being supported for upward compatibility in release 6.0 but may be removed in future releases. The number, when multiplied by SCANUNIT, results in the amount of time in seconds that should be allowed for a workstation client to complete initialization processing through the WSH before being timed out by the WSL. The default for this parameter is 3 in a non-security application and 6 in a security application. The legal range is between 1 and 255.

[-T client-timeout]
Client-timeout is the amount of time (in minutes) a client is allowed to stay idle. If a client does not make any requests within this time period, the WSH disconnects the client. The option can be used for client platforms that are unstable (such as a personal computer that might be turned off without calling tpterm()). Note that the option also affects clients that get unsolicited message notifications and do not follow up on them. If -T is specified without an argument, there is no timeout.

[-m minh]
The minimum number of handlers that should be available in conjunction with this WSL at any given time. The WSL will start this many WSHs immediately upon being booted and will not deplete the supply of WSHs below this number until the administrator issues a shutdown to the WSL. The default for this parameter is 0. The legal range is between 0 and 255.

[-M maxh]
The maximum number of handlers that should be available in conjunction with this WSL at any given time. Handlers are started as necessary to meet the demand of workstation clients attempting to access the system. The default for this parameter is equal to the setting for MAXWSCLIENTS on the logical machine divided by the multiplexing factor for this WSL (see -x option below) rounded up by one. The legal range for this parameter is between 1 and 4096. The value must be equal to or greater than minh.

[-x mpx-factor]
An optional parameter used to control the degree of multiplexing desired within each workstation handler. The value for this parameter indicates the number of workstation clients that can be supported simultaneously by each workstation handler. The workstation listener ensures that new handlers are started as necessary to handle new workstation clients. This value must be greater than or equal to 1 and less than or equal to 4096. The default for this parameter is 10.

[-p minwshport]
[-P maxwshport] This pair of command line options can be used to specify the number range for port numbers available for use by WSHs associated with this listener server. The port numbers must be in the range between 0 and 65535. The default is 2048 for minwshport and 65535 for maxwshport.

[-I init-timeout]
This option is replacing the -t option and is the recommended method for setting client initialization timeout intervals. The time, in seconds that should be allowed for a workstation client to complete initialization processing through the WSH before being timed out by the WSL. The default for this parameter is 60. The legal range is between 1 and 32,767.

[-c compression-threshold]
This option determines the compression threshold to be used by workstation clients and handlers. Any buffers sent between workstation clients and handlers will be compressed if they are larger than the given value. The default for this parameter is 2,147,483,647, which means no compression is done since the legal range is between 0 and 2,147,483,647.

[-k compression-threshold]
This is a special compression option for BEA TUXEDO releases prior to 6.2 with clients from USL France or ITI. If this situation applies to you, it is acceptable to have multiple WSLWorkstationH pairs, some controlling compression threshold with the -c option, others using the -k option. The -k works exactly like -c.

[-K { client | handler | both | none }]
The -K option turns on the network keep-alive feature for the client, the handler, or both. You can turn off this option for both the client and handler by specifying none.

[-z [0|40|128]]
When establishing a network link between a Workstation client and the Workstation Handler, require at least this minimum level of encryption. 0 means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. If this minimum level of encryption cannot be met, link establishment will fail. The default is 0.

[-Z [0|40|128]]
When establishing a network link between a Workstation client and the Workstation Handler, allow encryption up to this level. 0 means no encryption, while 40 and 128 specify the length (in bits) of the encryption key. The default is 28. The -z or -Z options are available only if either the International or Domestic BEA TUXEDO Security Add-on Package is installed.

[-H external netadder]
Specifies the complete network address to be used as a well known address template of the WSH process. The address will be combined with a WSH network address to generate a well known network address used by the workstation client to connect to a WSH process. It has the same format as the -n option except that it substitutes the port number with same length of character M to indicate the position of the combined network address will be copied from the WSH network address. For example when address template is 0x0002MMMMdddddddd and WSH network address is 0x00021111ffffffff then the well known network address will be 0x00021111dddd dddd. When address template starts with "//" network address type assumes to be IP based and the TCP/IP port number of WSH network address will be copied into the address template to form the combined network address. This feature is useful when workstation client needs to connect to a WSH through a router which performs Network Address Translation.

Any configuration that prevents the WSL from supporting workstation clients will cause the WSL to fail at boot time, for example, if the MAXWSCLIENTS value for the site is 0.


WSL is supported as a BEA TUXEDO-supplied server on UNIX operating systems.


WSL may be run in an interoperating application, but it must run on a Release 4.2 or later node.


CLOPT="-A -- -n 0x0002ffffaaaaaaaa -d /dev/tcp"
CLOPT="-A -- -n 0x0002aaaaffffffff -d /dev/tcp -H 0x0002MMMMdddddddd"
CLOPT="-A -- -n //hostname:aaaa -d /dev/tcp -H //external_hostname:MMMM"

See Also

buildwsh(1), servopts(5), ubbconfig(5), Administering the BEA TUXEDO System,
BEA TUXEDO Programmer's Guide

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