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Using the Bulk Loader

The jbld program is a Java application. Before running the jbld command, set the CLASSPATH environment variable (or its equivalent) to point to the directory where the Jolt class directory (that is, jolt.jar and joltadmin.jar) is located. If the CLASSPATH variable is not set, the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) cannot locate any Jolt classes.

For security reasons, jbld does not use command-line arguments to specify user authentication information (user password or application password). Depending on the server's security level, jbld automatically prompts the user for passwords.

The Bulk Loader utility gets its input from command-line arguments and from the input file.

Activating the Bulk Loader

  1. Type the following at the prompt (with the correct options):

    java bea.jolt.admin.jbld [-n][-p package][-u usrname][-r usrrole] //host:port filename

  2. Use the following table to correctly specify the command-line options.

Command-line Options

Bulk Loader Command-line Options



-u usrname

Specifies the username (default is your account name). (Mandatory if required by security.)

-r usrrole

Specifies the user role (default is admin). (Mandatory if required by security.)


Validates input file against the current repository; no updates are made to the repository. (Optional)

-p package

Repository package name (default is BULKPKG).


Specifies the JRLY or JSL address (host name and IP port number). (Mandatory)


Specifies the file containing the service definitions. (Mandatory)


The Bulk Load File

The bulk load file is a text file that defines services and their associated parameters. The Bulk Loader loads the services defined in the bulk loader file into the Jolt Repository using the package name "BULKPKG" by default. The -p command overrides the default and you can give the package any name you choose. If another load is performed from a bulk loader file with the same -p option, all the services in the original package are deleted and a new package is created with the services from the new bulk loader file.

If a service exists in a package other than the package you name that uses the -p option, the Bulk Loader reports the conflict and does not load a service from the bulk loader file into the repository. Use the Repository Editor to remove duplicate services and load the bulk loader file again. See Using the Jolt Repository Editor for additional information.


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