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Jolt Repository

The Jolt Repository contains BEA Tuxedo service definitions that allow Jolt clients to access BEA Tuxedo services. The Jolt Repository files included with the installation contain service definitions used internally by BEA Jolt. See Using the Jolt Repository Editor for detailed instructions on how to add definitions to the application services.

Configuring the Jolt Repository

To configure the BEA Jolt Repository, modify the application UBBCONFIG file. The UBBCONFIG file is an ASCII version of the BEA Tuxedo configuration file. Create a new UBBCONFIG file for each application. See the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference for information regarding the syntax of the entries for the file. The following listing shows relevant portions of the UBBCONFIG file.


RESTART=Y GRACE=0 CLOPT="-A -- -W -P /app/jrepository"
RESTART=Y RQADDR=JREPQ GRACE=0 CLOPT="-A -- -P /app/jrepository"

Note: For UNIX systems, use the slash (/) when setting the path to the jrepository file (for example, app/repository). For Windows 2000 systems, use the backslash (\) and specify the drive name (for example, c:\app\repository).

Change the sections of the UBBCONFIG file as indicated in the following table:



Parameters to be specified






GROUPS Section

A GROUPS entry is required for the group that includes the BEA Jolt Repository. The group name parameter is a name selected by the application.

  1. Specify the same identifiers given as the value of the LMID parameter in the MACHINES section.

  2. Specify the value of the GRPNO between 1 and 30,000 in the GROUPS section.


The Jolt Repository Server, JREPSVR, contains services for accessing and editing the repository. Multiple JREPSVR instances share repository information through a shared file. Include JREPSVR in the SERVERS section of the UBBCONFIG file.

  1. Indicate a new server identification (for example, 98) with the SRVID parameter.

  2. Specify the -W flag for one JREPSVR to ensure that you can edit the Repository. The Repository is read-only without this flag.

    Note: You must install only one writable JREPSVR (that is, only one JREPSVR with the -W flag). Multiple read-only JREPSVRs can be installed on the same host.

  3. Type the -P flag to specify the path of the repository file. An error message is displayed in the BEA Tuxedo ULOG file if the argument for the -P flag is not entered.

  4. Add the file pathname of the repository file (for example, /app/jrepository).

  5. Boot the BEA Tuxedo system using the tmloadcf command (for example, tmloadcf -y ubbconfig) and tmboot command. See Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time for information about tmloadcf and tmboot.

Repository File

A repository file, jrepository, is available with BEA Jolt. This file includes bankapp services and the repository services that you can modify, test, and delete using the Repository Editor.

Note: If you are upgrading from version 1.x of BEA Jolt, you must use the Bulk Loader to regenerate the jrepository file in order to ensure compatibility with the current version.

Start with the jrepository file provided with the installation, even if you are not going to test the bankapp application with BEA Jolt. Delete the bankapp packages or services that you do not need.

The pathname of the file must match the argument of the -P option.

Warning: Do not modify the repository files manually or you will not be able to use the Repository Editor. Although the jrepository file can be modified and read with any text editor, the BEA Jolt system does not have integrity checks to ensure that the file is in the proper format. Any manual changes to the jrepository file might not be detected until run time. See Using the Jolt Repository Editor for additional information.

Initializing Services By Using BEA Tuxedo and the Repository Editor

Define the BEA Tuxedo services by using BEA Tuxedo and BEA Jolt Repository Editor in order to make the Jolt services available to the client.

  1. Build the BEA Tuxedo server containing the service. See Administering a BEA Tuxedo Application at Run Time or Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using C for additional information on the following:

  2. Access the BEA Jolt Repository Editor. See "Using the Jolt Repository Editor" on page 4-1 for additional information on the following:


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