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Using Header Files Compiled with viewc

You can use header files created by the view compiler (viewc) in any C application programs to declare a C structure described by views. For example, the following view description:

VIEW test
int empid EMPID 1 - - -1
float salary EMPPAY 1 - - 0
long phone EMPPHONE 4 - - 0
string name EMPNAME 1 - 32 "NO NAME"

produces a C header file that looks like this:

struct test {
long empid; /* null=-1 */
float salary; /* null=0.000000 */
long phone[4]; /* null=0 */
char name[32]; /* null="NO NAME" */

For more information, refer to viewc, viewc32(1) in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference.


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