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Definitions of Boolean Expressions

This section describes, in detail, the expressions accepted by the Boolean compilation function, and explains how each expression is evaluated.

The following standard C language operators are not supported:

The following table shows the Backus-Naur Form definitions of the accepted Boolean expressions.

BNF Boolean Expression Definitions




<boolean> || <logical and> | <logical and>

<logical and>

<logical and> && <xor expr> | <xor expr>

<xor expr>

<xor expr> ^ <equality expr> | <equality expr>

<equality expr>

<equality expr> <eq op> <relational expr> | <relational expr>

<eq op>

== | != | %% | !%

<relational expr>

<relational expr> <rel op> <additive expr> | <additive expr>

<rel op>

< | <= | >= | > |

<additive expr>

<additive expr> <add op> <multiplicative expr> | <multiplicative expr>

<add op>

+ | -

<multiplicative expr>

<multiplicative expr> <mult op> <unary expr> | <unary expr>

<mult op>

* | / | %

<unary expr>

<unary op> <primary expr> | <primary expr>

<unary op>

+ | - | ~ | !

<primary expr>

( <boolean> ) | <unsigned constant> | <field ref>

<unsigned constant>

<unsigned number> | <string>

<unsigned number>

<unsigned float> | <unsigned int>


' <character> {<character>. . .} '

<field ref>

<field name> | <field name>[<field occurrence>]

<field occurrence>

<unsigned int> | <meta>




The following sections describe Boolean expressions in greater detail.


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