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Maximizing System Performance

BEA Tuxedo ATMI for Windows 2000 provides you with the BEA Tuxedo IPC Helper (TUXIPC), an interprocess communication subsystem that is installed with the product. On most systems IPC Helper runs as installed. You can, however, use the IPC Resources page of the BEA Administration control panel to tune the TUXIPC subsystem and maximize performance.

Figure 2-9 shows the IPC Resources page.

IPC Resources Page


With the IPC Resources page, you can set a variety of IPC resources. To define IPC settings for your BEA Tuxedo machine, proceed as follows:

  1. In the Current Resource Default box, click the Use Default IPC Settings check box to clear it.

  2. Click the New (Insert) icon in the IPC Resources pane.

  3. Enter the name of your machine and press Enter.

  4. Click the fields next to the IPC resources you want to set, enter the desired values, and click Apply. Clicking Apply saves the changes in the Registry Table. You must then stop and then restart the Tuxedo IPC Helper for the changes to take effect.

  5. Click OK to close the BEA Administration Console.

When interpreting the Maximum Number of Processes Using IPC parameter on the IPC Resources page, remember the following:

You can view the performance of a running BEA Tuxedo ATMI application from the Performance Monitor, as shown in Figure 2-10.

For example, to start the Performance Monitor, click Start—>Programs—>Administration Tools—>Performance Monitor on the Windows 2000 taskbar. The Performance Monitor screen is displayed (see Figure 2-10).

Performance Monitor



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