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Terminating the Transaction

To end a global transaction, call tpcommit(3c) to commit the current transaction, or tpabort(3c) to abort the transaction and roll back all operations.

Note: If tpcall(), tpacall(), or tpconnect() is called by a process that has explicitly set the flags argument to TPNOTRAN, the operations performed by the called service do not become part of the current transaction. In other words, when you call the tpabort() function, the operations performed by these services are not rolled back.

Committing the Current Transaction

The tpcommit(3c) function commits the current transaction. When tpcommit() returns successfully, all changes to resources as a result of the current transaction become permanent.

Use the following signature to call the tpcommit() function:

tpcommit(long flags)

Although the flags argument is not used currently, you must set it to zero to ensure compatibility with future releases.

Prerequisites for a Transaction Commit

For tpcommit() to succeed, the following conditions must be true:

If the first condition is false, the call fails and tperrno(5) is set to TPEPROTO, indicating a protocol error. If the second or third condition is false, the call fails and tperrno() is set to TPEABORT, indicating that the transaction has been rolled back. If tpcommit() is called by the initiator with outstanding transaction replies, the transaction is aborted and those reply descriptors associated with the transaction become invalid. If a participant calls tpcommit() or tpabort(), the transaction is unaffected.

A transaction is placed in a rollback-only state if any service call returns TPFAIL or indicates a service error. If tpcommit() is called for a rollback-only transaction, the function cancels the transaction, returns -1, and sets tperrno(5) to TPEABORT. The results are the same if tpcommit() is called for a transaction that has already timed out: tpcommit() returns -1 and sets tperrno() to TPEABORT. Refer to Managing Errors for more information on transaction errors.

Two-phase Commit Protocol

When the tpcommit() function is called, it initiates the two-phase commit protocol. This protocol, as the name suggests, consists of two steps:

  1. Each participating resource manager indicates a readiness to commit.

  2. The initiator of the transaction gives permission to commit to each participating resource manager.

The commit sequence begins when the transaction initiator calls the tpcommit() function. The BEA Tuxedo TMS server process in the designated coordinator group contacts the TMS in each participant group that is to perform the first phase of the commit protocol. The TMS in each group then instructs the resource manager (RM) in that group to commit using the XA protocol that is defined for communications between the Transaction Managers and RMs. The RM writes, to stable storage, the states of the transaction before and after the commit sequence, and indicates success or failure to the TMS. The TMS then passes the response back to the coordinating TMS.

When the coordinating TMS has received a success indication from all groups, it logs a statement to the effect that a transaction is being committed and sends second-phase commit notifications to all participant groups. The RM in each group then finalizes the transaction updates.

If the coordinator TMS is notified of a first-phase commit failure from any group, or if it fails to receive a reply from any group, it sends a rollback notification to each RM and the RMs back out all transaction updates. tpcommit() then fails and sets tperrno(5) to TPEABORT.

Selecting Criteria for a Successful Commit

When more than one group is involved in a transaction, you can specify which of two criteria must be met for tpcommit() to return successfully:

To specify one of these prerequisites, set the CMTRET parameter in the RESOURCES section of the configuration file to one of the following values:

By default, CMTRET is set to COMPLETE.

If you later want to override the setting in the configuration file, you can do so by calling the tpscmt() function with its flags argument set to either TP_CMT_LOGGED or TP_CMT_COMPLETE.

Trade-offs Between Possible Commit Criteria

In most cases, when all participants in a global transaction have logged successful completion of phase 1, they do not fail to complete phase 2. By setting CMTRET to LOGGED, you allow a slightly faster return of calls to tpcommit(), but you run the slight risk that a participant may heuristically complete its part of the transaction in a way that is not consistent with the commit decision.

Whether it is prudent to accept the risk depends to a large extent on the nature of your application. If your application demands complete accuracy (for example, if you are running a financial application), you should probably wait until all participants fully complete the two-phase commit process before returning. If your application is more time-sensitive, you may prefer to have the application execute faster at the expense of accuracy.

Aborting the Current Transaction

Use the tpabort(3c) function to indicate an abnormal condition and explicitly abort a transaction. This function invalidates the call descriptors of any outstanding transactional replies. None of the changes produced by the transaction are applied to the resource. Use the following signature to call the tpabort() function:

tpabort(long flags)

Although the flags argument is not used currently, you must set it to zero to ensure compatibility with future releases.

Example: Committing a Transaction in Conversational Mode

The following figure illustrates a conversational connection hierarchy that includes a global transaction.

Connection Hierarchy in Transaction Mode


The connection hierarchy is created through the following process:

  1. A client (process A) initiates a connection in transaction mode by calling tpbegin() and tpconnect().

  2. The client calls subsidiary services, which are executed.

  3. As each subordinate service completes, it sends a reply indicating success or failure (TPEV_SVCSUCC or TPEV_SVCFAIL, respectively) back up through the hierarchy to the process that initiated the transaction. In this example the process that initiated the transaction is the client (process A). When a subordinate service has completed sending replies (that is, when no more replies are outstanding), it must call tpreturn().

  4. The client (process A) determines whether all subordinate services have returned successfully.

Example: Testing for Participant Errors

In the following sample code, a client makes a synchronous call to the fictitious REPORT service (line 18). Then the code checks for participant failures by testing for errors that can be returned on a communication call (lines 19-34).

Testing for Participant Success or Failure

001    #include <stdio.h>
002 #include "atmi.h"
004 main()
005 {
006 char *sbuf, *rbuf;
007 long slen, rlen;
008 if (tpinit((TPINIT *) NULL) == -1)
009 error message, exit program;
010 if (tpbegin(30, 0) == -1)
011 error message, tpterm, exit program;
012 if ((sbuf=tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 100)) == NULL)
013 error message, tpabort, tpterm, exit program;
014 if ((rbuf=tpalloc("STRING", NULL, 2000)) == NULL)
015 error message, tpfree sbuf, tpabort, tpterm, exit program;
016 (void)strcpy(sbuf, "REPORT=accrcv DBNAME=accounts");
017 slen=strlen(sbuf);
018 if (tpcall("REPORT", sbuf, slen, &rbuf, &rlen, 0) == -1) {
019 switch(tperrno) {
020 case TPESVCERR:
021 fprintf(stderr,
022 "REPORT service's tpreturn encountered problems\n");
023 break;
024 case TPESVCFAIL:
025 fprintf(stderr,
026 "REPORT service TPFAILED with return code of %d\n", tpurcode);
027 break;
028 case TPEOTYPE:
029 fprintf(stderr,
030 "REPORT service's reply is not of any known data type\n");
031 break;
032 default:
033 fprintf(stderr,
034 "REPORT service failed with error %d\n", tperrno);
035 break;
036 }
037 if (tpabort(0) == -1){
038 check for errors;
039 }
040 }
041 else
042 if (tpcommit(0) == -1)
043 fprintf(stderr, "Transaction failed at commit time\n");
044 tpfree(rbuf);
045 tpfree(sbuf);
046 tpterm();
047 exit(0);
048 }


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