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Support for Programming a Multithreaded/Multicontexted ATMI Application

The BEA Tuxedo system supports only:

If your operating system supports POSIX threads functions as well as other types of threads functions, we recommend using the POSIX threads functions, which make your code easier to port to other platforms later.

To find out whether your platform supports a kernel-level threads package, C functions, or POSIX functions, see the data sheet for your operating system in Platform Data Sheets in Installing the BEA Tuxedo System.

Platform-specific Considerations for Multithreaded/Multicontexted Applications

Many platforms have idiosyncratic requirements for multithreaded and multicontexted applications. Platform Data Sheets, in Installing the BEA Tuxedo SystemInstalling the BEA Tuxedo System , lists these platform-specific requirements. To find out what is needed on your platform, check the appropriate data sheet.

See Also


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