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Windows Standard I/O

In order to carry out a command that you have configured within a qmadmin() session, such as the qchange ... Queue capacity command described in Using Queue Capacity Limits, the Windows CreateProcess() function spawns a child process as a DETACHED PROCESS. This type of process does not have an associated console for standard input/output. Therefore, for instance, if you use standard DOS syntax to set the qchange ... Queue capacity command to run a built-in DOS command (such as dir or date) and then pipe or redirect the standard output to a file, the file will be empty when the command completes.

As an example of resolving this problem, suppose that for the qchange ... Queue capacity command you want to capture date information in a file using command date /t > x.out. To accomplish this task interactively, you would proceed as follows:

> qopen yourQspace
> qchange yourQname
> go through all the setups... the threshold queue capacity warning,
and so on
> "Queue capacity command: " cmd /c date /t > x.out

To accomplish this task from a command file, say yourFile.cmd, you would add the command date /t > x.out to yourFile.cmd and then proceed as follows:

> qopen yourQspace
> qchange yourQname
> go through all the setups... the threshold queue capacity warning,
and so on
> "Queue capacity command: " yourFile.cmd


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