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   Tuxedo Documentation   |   Using the BEA Tuxedo System /Q Component   |   Local Topics   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents


Sequential Processing of Messages

Sequential processing of messages can be achieved by having one service enqueue a message for the next service in the chain before its transaction is committed. The originating process can track the progress of the sequence with a series of TPDEQUEUE() calls to the reply_queue, if each member uses the same correlation-ID and returns a 0 length reply.

Alternatively, word of the successful completion of the entire sequence can be returned to the originator by using unsolicited notification. To make sure that the last transaction in the sequence ended with a TPCOMMIT, a job step can be added that calls TPNOTIFY using the client identifier that is carried in the TPQUEDEF-REC structure. The originating client must have called TPSETUNSOL to name the unsolicited message handler being used.

Using Queues for Peer-to-Peer Communication

In all of the foregoing discussion of enqueuing and dequeuing messages there has been an implicit assumption that queues were being used as an alternative form of request/response processing. A message does not have to be a service request. The queued message facility can transfer data from one process to another as effectively as a service request. This style of communication between applications or clients is called peer-to-peer communication.

If it suits your application to use BEA Tuxedo /Q for this purpose, have the administrator create a separate queue and code your own receiving program for dequeuing messages from that queue.


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