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tpunadvertise()—Routine for unadvertising a service name.


#include <atmi.h> 
int tpunadvertise(char *svcname)


tpunadvertise() allows a server to unadvertise a service that it offers. By default, a server's services are advertised when it is booted and they are unadvertised when it is shut down.

All servers belonging to a Multiple Server, Single Queue (MSSQ) set must offer the same set of services. These routines enforce this rule by affecting the advertisements of all servers sharing an MSSQ set.

tpunadvertise() removes svcname as an advertised service for the server (or the set of servers sharing the caller's MSSQ set). svcname cannot be NULL or the NULL string (""). Also, svcname should be 15 characters or less. (See the *SERVICES section of UBBCONFIG(5)). Longer names will be accepted and truncated to 15 characters. Care should be taken such that truncated names do not match other service names.

Return Values

Upon failure, tpunadvertise() returns -1 and sets tperrno() to indicate the error condition.


Upon failure, tpunadvertise() sets tperrno() to one of the following values:


svcname is NULL or the NULL string ("").


svcname is not currently advertised by the server.


tpunadvertise() was called in an improper context (for example, by a client).


A BEA Tuxedo system error has occurred. The exact nature of the error is written to a log file.


An operating system error has occurred.

See Also



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