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Ffree, Ffree32(3fml)


Ffree(), Ffree32() - free space allocated for fielded buffer


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"
Ffree(FBFR *fbfr)
#include "fml32.h"
Ffree32(FBFR32 *fbfr)


Ffree() is used to recover space allocated to its argument fielded buffer. fbfr is a pointer to a fielded buffer. The fielded buffer is invalidated, that is, it is made non-fielded, and then freed. Ffree32() does not free the memory area referenced by a pointer in a FLD_PTR field.

Ffree() is recommended as opposed to free() (in UNIX system reference manuals), because Ffree()invalidates a fielded buffer whereas free() does not. It is important to invalidate fielded buffers because malloc() (in UNIX system reference manuals) reuses memory that has been freed without clearing it. Thus, if free() were used, it would be possible for malloc() to return a piece of memory that looks like a valid fielded buffer but is not.

Ffree32() is used with 32-bit FML.

A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to Ffree() or Ffree32() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.

Return Values

This function returns -1 on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Ffree() fails and sets Ferror to:


"fielded buffer not aligned"
The buffer does not begin on the proper boundary.


"buffer not fielded"
The buffer is not a fielded buffer or has not been initialized by Finit().

See Also

Introduction to FML Functions, Falloc, Falloc32(3fml), Frealloc, Frealloc32(3fml)

free(3), malloc(3) in a UNIX system reference manual


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