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Fldid, Fldid32(3fml)


Fldid(), Fldid32() - map field name to field identifier


#include <stdio.h> 
#include "fml.h"

Fldid(char *name)

#include "fml32.h"

Fldid32(char *name)


Fldid() provides a run-time translation of a field name to its field identifier and returns a FLDID corresponding to its field name parameter. The first invocation causes space to be dynamically allocated for the field tables and the tables to be loaded. To recover data space used by the field tables loaded by Fldid(), the user may unload the files by a call to the Fnmid_unload() function.

Fldid32() is used with 32-bit FML.

A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to Fldid() or Fldid32() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.

Return Values

This function returns BADFLDID on error and sets Ferror to indicate the error condition.


Under the following conditions, Fldid() fails and sets Ferror to:


"unknown field name"
A field name is specified which cannot be found in the field tables.


"malloc failed"
Allocation of space dynamically using malloc() failed.

See Also

Introduction to FML Functions, Fldno, Fldno32(3fml), Fname, Fname32(3fml), Fnmid_unload, Fnmid_unload32(3fml)

malloc(3) in a UNIX system reference manual


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