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Fpres, Fpres32(3fml)


Fpres(), Fpres32() - true if field occurrence is present in buffer

#include <stdio.h> 

#include "fml.h"

Fpres(FBFR *fbfr, FLDID fieldid, FLDOCC oc)

#include "fml32.h"

Fpres32(FBFR32 *fbfr, FLDID32 fieldid, FLDOCC32 oc)


Fpres() is used to detect whether a given occurrence (oc) of a specified field (fieldid) exists in the buffer referenced by fbfr. Fpres32() does not check for occurrences of the specified field within an embedded buffer, as in the FLD_FML32 field type.

Fpres32() is used with 32-bit FML.

A thread in a multithreaded application may issue a call to Fpres() or Fpres32() while running in any context state, including TPINVALIDCONTEXT.

Return Values

Fpres() returns true if the specified occurrence exists and false otherwise.

See Also

Introduction to FML Functions, Ffind, Ffind32(3fml), Fnum, Fnum32(3fml), Foccur, Foccur32(3fml)


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