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buildwsh—Builds customized workstation handler process.


buildwsh [ -v ] [ -o name]  [ -f files]


buildwsh is used to construct a customized BEA Tuxedo ATMI workstation handler module. The files included by the caller should include only the application buffer type switch and any required supporting routines. The command combines the files supplied by the -f option with the standard BEA Tuxedo ATMI libraries necessary to form a workstation handler load module. The load module is built by the cc(1) command described in UNIX system reference manuals, which buildwsh invokes. The options to buildwsh have the following meaning:


Specifies that buildwsh should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes the cc command to its standard output.

-o name

Specifies the filename of the output workstation handler load module. The name specified here must also be specified with the -w WSHname option of the WSL(5) server in the SERVER section of the configuration file. If not supplied, the load module is named WSH.

-f firstfiles

Specifies one or more user files to be included in the compilation and/or link edit phases of buildwsh. Source files are compiled using the either the cc command or the compilation command specified through the CC environment variable. Object files resulting from compilation of source files and object files specified directly as arguments to the -f option are included after all object files necessary to build a base workstation handler process and before the BEA Tuxedo ATMI libraries. If more than one file is specified, filenames must be separated by white space and the entire list must be enclosed in quotation marks. This option can be specified multiple times.

buildwsh normally uses the cc command to produce the a.out. In order to allow for the specification of an alternate compiler, buildwsh checks for the existence of a shell variable named CC. If CC does not exist in buildwsh's environment, or if it is the string "", buildwsh will use cc as the compiler. If CC does exist in the environment, its value is taken to be the name of the compiler to be executed. Likewise, the shell variable CFLAGS is taken to contain a set of parameters to be passed to the compiler.

If your application uses shared libraries, it is not necessary to go through this compile and link process. See "Managing Typed Buffers" in Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using C.


The buildwsh compilation tool is supported on any platform on which the BEA Tuxedo ATMI server environment is supported.


CC=ncc CFLAGS="-I $TUXDIR/include"; export CC CFLAGS buildwsh 
-o APPWSH -f apptypsw.o

See Also

buildclient(1), WSL(5)

cc(1), ld(1) in a UNIX system reference manual


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