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idl2ir—Creates the Interface Repository and loads interface definitions into it.


idl2ir [options] definition-filename-list


The options are as follows:

[-f repository-name] [-c]
pathname [-I pathname] [...]] [-N{i|e}]


Use this command to create the Interface Repository and to load it with interface definitions. If no repository file exists, this command creates it. If a repository file does exist, this command loads the specified interface definitions into it and, in effect, updates the file.

One of the side effects of doing this is that a new Interface Repository database file is created.



A list of file specifications containing the repository definitions. These files are treated as one logical file and are loaded in one operation.

-f repository-name

The filename of the Interface Repository file. If you do not specify the -f option, the idl2ir command creates repository.ifr as the Interface Repository file on UNIX systems and repository_1.ifr on Microsoft Windows 2000 systems.


Indicates that a new repository is to be created. If a repository exists and this option is specified, the idl2ir command ignores the existing repository and replaces it with a new one. If a repository exists and this option is not specified, the idl2ir command updates the existing repository.

-D identifier[=definition]

Performs the same function as the #define preprocessor directive; that is, the -D option defines a token string or a macro to be substituted for every occurrence of a given identifier in the definition file. If a definition is not specified, the identifier is defined as 1.You can specify multiple -D options.

-I pathname

Specifies a directory within which to search for include files, in addition to any directories specified with the #include OMG IDL preprocessor directive.

There are two types of #include OMG IDL preprocessor directives: system (for example, <a.idl>) and user (for example, "a.idl"). The path for system #include directives is /usr/include for UNIX systems, and any directories specified with the -I option. The path for system #include directives is the local directory for Windows NT systems, and any directories specified with the -I option.

The path for user #include directives is the current directory and any directories specified with the -I option. Multiple -I options can be specified.

Note: Additional definitions loaded into the interface repository while the server process for the Interface Repository is running are not accepted until the server process for the Interface Repository is stopped and started again.


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