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Note: The m3idltojava compiler is deprecated in this release. BEA Systems recommends using the idltojava compiler to generate client stubs for CORBA Java clients and CORBA Java joint client/servers.


Compiles the Object Management Group (OMG) Interface Definition Language (IDL) file and generates client stub and server skeleton files required for the interface definitions being implemented in Java. Use this command only when you are creating a Java server application.


m3idltojava [-p] [-j javaDirectory] [-Idirectory][-Dsymbol]
symbol] [-foptions] idl-filename...


The m3idltojava command compiles OMG IDL source files into Java source code. You then use the javac compiler to compile that source into Java bytecodes. The OMG IDL declarations from the named OMG IDL files are translated to Java declarations according to the mapping from OMG IDL to Java.

Given the provided idl-filename file(s), the m3idltojava command generates the following files for each interface defined in the server application's OMG IDL file:

Contains the Java version of the interface definitions in the OMG IDL file. Each interface implementation extends the org.omg.CORBA.Object class.

Is the client stub file.

Is the Server skeleton file, which is extended by the server application's object implementation classes.

Contains the helper class for the object.

Contains the holder class for the object.

The m3idltojava compiler generates the client stub and server skeleton files. Any previous versions are overwritten.

If an unknown option is passed to this command, the offending option and a usage message is displayed to the user, and the compile is not performed.



Represents the name of one or more files that contain OMG IDL statements.


-p package

Specifies that generated Java classes should be part of the given package. The compiler creates the appropriate directory hierarchy and stores the generated files in the directory that corresponds to their package. If you specify the -j option, the hierarchy is created under the specified directory. Otherwise, the hierarchy is created under the current directory. You can override this option by using #pragma javaPackage in the OMG IDL source file.

-j javaDirectory

Specifies that generated Java files should be written to the specified directory. This directory is independent of the -p option, if used.


Specifies directories within which to search for include files, in addition to any directories specified with the #include OMG IDL preprocessor directive. Multiple directories can be specified by using multiple -I options.

There are two types of #include OMG IDL preprocessor directives: system (for example, <a.idl>) and user (for example, "a.idl"). The path for system #include directories is the system include directory and any directories specified with the -I option. The path for user #include directives is the location of the file containing the #include directive, followed by the path specified for the system #include directive.

By default, the text in files included with an #include directive is not included in the client and server code that is generated.


Specifies a symbol to be defined during OMG IDL file preprocessing. The m3idltojava command passes this symbol to the preprocessor.


Specifies a symbol to be undefined during OMG IDL file preprocessing. The m3idltojava command passes this symbol to the preprocessor.


You can enable the following options by specifying them as shown, and disable them by appending the string no-. For example, to prevent the C preprocessor from being run on the input OMG IDL files, specify -fno-cpp.


Displays the state of all -f flags. By default, this option is disabled.


Generates the client application files. By default, this option is enabled.


Generates the server application files. By default, this option is enabled.


Specifies that the m3idltojava command should work in verbose mode. In particular, it writes command output to its standard output. By default, this option is disabled.


Specifies that the compiler prints its version and timestamp. By default, this option is disabled.


The following command generates only the server application files for Simple.idl:

m3idltojava -fno-client Simple.idl

The following command generates only the client application files for Simple.idl:

m3idltojava -fno-server Simple.idl


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