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topendpasswd—Adds a BEA TOP END password for the TOP END Domain Gateway feature of the BEA Tuxedo ATMI system.


> topendpasswd [-r]


topendpasswd can be executed only as a subcommand of dmadmin(1).

This subcommand prompts the administrator for a new BEA TOP END password for the specified local domain. The -r option specifies that existing passwords and new passwords should be encrypted using a new key generated by the system. The password cannot exceed 12 characters. This password is used when sending an RTQ message to a BEA TOP END system on which security is enabled. The user ID that is passed is the DOMAINID of the local domain.

Before this subcommand can be run, the application must be configured using either the BEA Administration Console, or the tmloadcf(1) and dmloadcf(1) commands. dmadmin may be run on any active node.


The dmadmin topendpasswd subcommand exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.


>topendpasswd ldom
Enter Local Domain Password:
Re-enter Local Domain Password:

See Also



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