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tpaclmod—Modifies an Access Control List on the system.


tpaclmod [-g GID[,GID...]] [-t type] name


Invoking tpaclmod modifies an Access Control List (ACL) entry in the BEA Tuxedo security data files, replacing the group identifier list. This information is used for BEA Tuxedo ATMI access control to services, events, and application queues. A BEA Tuxedo configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before you can run this command successfully.

The following options are available.

-g GID, . . .

A list of one or more existing group's integer identifiers or character-string names. This option indicates which groups have access to the named object. If this option is not specified, the entry is modified to have no groups.

-t type

The type of the object. It can be one of the following: ENQ, DEQ, SERVICE, or POSTEVENT. The default is SERVICE.


An existing ACL name.

Before running this command you must: (a) configure the application, using either the graphical user interface or tmloadcf(1); and (b) set the TUXCONFIG environment variable to point to your TUXCONFIG file. tpaclmod must be run on the configuration MASTER if the application is not active. If the application is active, this command can run on any active node.


This command is available on any platform on which the BEA Tuxedo ATMI server environment is supported.


The tpaclmod command exits with a return code of 0 upon successful completion.

See Also

tpacladd(1), tpacldel(1), AUTHSVR(5)

Administering BEA Tuxedo Applications at Run Time


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