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tpmodusr—Maintains a BEA Tuxedo system password file.


tpmodusr usrname file [cltname]


This command allows an application administrator to maintain a UNIX system style password file suitable for use with the BEA Tuxedo system AUTHSVR(5) server. A BEA Tuxedo configuration with SECURITY set to USER_AUTH, ACL, or MANDATORY_ACL must be created before you can run this command successfully.

tpmodusr is used to modify the password for the indicated user in the password file file (the file cannot be /etc/passwd). The administrator is prompted for a new password to be associated with the user. cltname defaults to `*' if not specified. Wildcards specified for usrname and/or cltname match only the corresponding wildcard entry in the password file; they are not expanded to all matching entries.


The cltname values tpsysadm and tpsysop are treated specially by AUTHSVR(5) when authentication requests are being processed. These cltname values are not matched against wildcard cltname specifications in the password file.

Additionally, regardless of the order in which entries are added to the password file, wildcard entries are considered after explicitly specified values. An authentication request is authenticated against only the first matching password file entry.


This command is available on any platform on which the BEA Tuxedo ATMI server environment is supported.


This command is used to configure users for SECURITY USER_AUTH. For compatibility with SECURITY ACL or MANDATORY_ACL (including the ability to migrate to these security levels), the following restrictions should be applied.

These restrictions are enforced by the tpusrmod(1) command.

See Also

tpaddusr(1), tpdelusr(1), tpusradd(1), tpusrdel(1), tpusrmod(1), AUTHSVR(5)

Administering BEA Tuxedo Applications at Run Time


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