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uuidgen—Generates a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID).


uuidgen [-o filename] [{-i | -n number}] [-v] [-h] [-?]


uuidgen, by default, generates a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) on the standard output.The UUID is used to uniquely identifier an IDL interface definition. The format for a UUID string consists of eight hexadecimal digits followed by a dash, followed by three groups of four hexadecimal digits separated by dashes, followed by a dash and twelve hexadecimal digits. (For samples of this format, see "Examples.")

The following uuidgen(1) options are supported.


Produces an IDL file template, including a UUID string. (See "Examples" for samples of the file format.) This option cannot be specified with the -n option.

-n number

Generates the specified number of UUID strings. This option cannot be specified with the -i option.

-o filename

Redirects the output to the specified file.


Displays the version number for uuidgen(1) but does not generate a UUID string.

-h or -?

Displays help information for uuidgen(1).

Network Address

The generation of the UUID requires the availability of a 48-bit IEEE 802 address. Because this type of address is not available in all environments and the method of determination is not portable, several methods are available for use with the BEA Tuxedo system version of uuidgen.

Note that in each of these cases, a 32-bit address is formed and the remainder of the address (for 48-bits) is treated as 00.00.


uuidgen exits with a non-zero exit code if an invalid command line option is specified, or if it cannot open the output file. A warning is printed if an invalid network address value is given and the value is used.


To generate a UUID string, enter the following command:


To generate an IDL template for developing an interface definition, enter the following command:

uuidgen -i  
interface INTERFACE

To generate two UUID strings, enter the following command:

uuidgen -n 2  

See Also



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