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wlisten—BEA Tuxedo Administration Console listener process.


wlisten [-i initialization_file]


wlisten is a listener process that receives incoming connections from Administration Console applets and starts a Administration Console gateway process (wgated). All wlisten options are taken from an initialization file that is specified by the -i option. If the -i option is not given, then $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini is used as the default initialization file. The format and parameters allowed in the initialization file are described below. A default initialization file is generated during system installation.

wlisten places itself in the background when invoked (unless the initialization file contains the FOREGROUND=Y parameter), and continues running until the machine shuts down or the wlisten process is killed through an operating system command.

The following command line option is used by wlisten.

-i initialization_file

Specifies that wlisten should use the initialization_file specified for parameters used during Administration Console sessions. The format of the initialization file is specified below. Most parameters of the initialization file are set to reasonable values when the BEA Tuxedo system is installed. If this option is not specified on the command line, then the default initialization file location is $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.ini.

Initialization File

The initialization file specified by the -i option contains parameters that allow the applet, wlisten process, and gateway process to coordinate certain pieces of configuration information necessary for the connection and subsequent operation of the Administration Console.

Most of the parameters in the initialization file are configured when the BEA Tuxedo system is installed. Other parameters may be added automatically when the Administration Console is being run, in response to user input. For example, if you connect to a domain, the console adds a listing for that domain to the initialization file. The next time you use the pull-down Domain menu, you will see the new domain listed. Do not be alarmed if you notice that lines have been added or changed in your initialization file without your having explicitly edited the file.

The initialization file consists of commentary lines (blank lines or lines beginning with the # character) and keyword lines. Keyword lines are of the form keyword=value. The following list describes valid keywords and values for them.


The directory in which the BEA Tuxedo software is installed. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value. Note that if the -i option is not given to wlisten, then TUXDIR must be set in the environment (and normally should be set to the value specified in the initialization file).


Specifies the network address to be used by wlisten. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value. The format of the network address is the same as that allowed by tlisten and other BEA Tuxedo commands. (See "Network Addresses," below, for a complete description.)


Specifies the network device to be used by wlisten. This variable is optional. For releases prior to version 6.4, the default is the empty string, which means that no network device has been selected. (This is appropriate for some systems, such as Microsoft Windows.) Use the same value here that you would use for the -d option of tlisten. On some UNIX systems the value should be /dev/tcp. Whether or not you assign this value depends on the operating system.


Specifies whether wlisten should run in the foreground. The default is N, meaning that wlisten puts itself in the background automatically. The only reason to use this option is for testing and debugging.

WIDTH=pixels and HEIGHT=pixels

Specifies the width and height, respectively, for the applet. This area is used for password prompting if security is enabled. The defaults are 400 and 150, respectively.


Specifies the width and height, respectively, for the main applet window in which administration tasks are performed. The defaults are 750 and 550, respectively.


Sets the encryption mode used by the gateway and applet connection. The default is 0, meaning there is no encryption. If the 40 option is chosen, then 40-bit RC4 encryption will take place. In this case, a tlisten password file must exist and authentication must occur in order to exchange encryption keys.


Specifies the document base where the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console help files are found. This parameter is set during installation of the BEA Tuxedo system and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.


Specifies the URL for the code base where the BEA Tuxedo Administration Console applet files are found. This parameter is set during installation of the BEA Tuxedo system and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.


Specifies the server directory path in which userlog snapshot files and event log snapshot files are stored. (The value of SNAPDIR is a full pathname rather than a URL.) It is set during installation of the BEA Tuxedo system and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.


Specifies the URL base in which userlog snapshot files and event log snapshot files are stored. (The value of SNAPBASE is a URL rather than a full pathname.) It is set during installation of the BEA Tuxedo system and, under normal circumstances, it should not be changed afterward. There is no default for this parameter; you must assign a value in the initialization file.


Specifies the pathname of the template file used to deliver the Administration Console applet to the user at startup time. The template file must contain the string %APPLET% on a line by itself, which is the place in the file where the Administration Console applet will appear. The rest of the file should be a standard HTML format file that typically contains instructions, a logo, or other information for use by the Administration Console administrator. The default pathname is: $TUXDIR/udataobj/webgui/webgui.html


Specifies the full path for the initialization file to be used by the applet. Under normal circumstances, the initialization file itself is used, but it is technically possible for the applet user to use an initialization file other than the one used by the gateway process. We do not recommend using an alternative initialization file, however, because if two initialization files are used they must be kept consistent with each other. For example, the NADDR and CODEBASE parameters, as well as various directory parameters, must be set to identical values, and the value of the ENCRYPTBITS parameter must be consistent between the two files. Thus an application in which two files are used is more error prone than an application in which only one is used.

FLDTBLDIR32=field_table_dir and FIELDTBLS32=field_tables

Specifies the field table directories and values, respectively, for use with the Administration Console. These parameters are set to the proper values by the installation program for the BEA Tuxedo system; under normal circumstances they should not be changed later.


The only way to stop a wlisten process with a normal termination is by sending it a SIGTERM signal.

Recommended Use

Network Addresses

Suppose the local machine on which wlisten is being run is using TCP/IP addressing. The machine is named and its address is

Further suppose that the port number at which wlisten should accept requests is 2334.

Note: Some port numbers may be reserved for the underlying transport protocols (such as TCP/IP) used by your system. Check the documentation for your transport protocols to find out which numbers, if any, are reserved on your system.

Assume that port number 2334 has been added to the network services database under the name bankapp-nlsaddr. The address specified by the -l option may be represented in any of several ways:

The last line shows how to represent the address in hexadecimal format: 0002 is the first part of a TCP/IP address, 091E is the hexadecimal translation of the port number 2334, and 9B02CU2 is an element-by-element hexadecimal translation of the IP address, (In the latter translation, 155 becomes 9B, 2 becomes 02, and so on.)

For a STARLAN network, a recommended address of uname.wlisten usually yields a unique name.

See Also

tuxadm(1), tuxwsvr(1)


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