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Using tidl, the IDL Compiler

The interface for the IDL compiler is not specified in any X/OPEN specification.

For DCE application portability, the BEA Tuxedo ATMI IDL compiler has a similar interface to the DCE IDL compiler, with the following exceptions:

By default, the IDL compiler takes an input IDL file and generates the client and server stub object files. The -keep c_source option generates only the C source files, and the -keep all option keeps both the C source and object files. The sample RPC application, listed in Appendix A, "A Sample Application," uses the -keep object option to generate the object files.

By default, at most 50 errors are printed by tidl. If you want to see them all (and have more than 50 errors), use the -error all option. The error output is printed to the stderr.

See tidl(1) in the BEA Tuxedo Command Reference for details on the many other options that are available.


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