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   Tuxedo Documentation   |   Programming BEA Tuxedo ATMI Applications Using TxRPC   |   Local Topics   |   Previous Topic   |   Next Topic   |   Contents


Interacting with TX

The TX functions provide an interface for transaction demarcation. tx_begin(3c) and tx_commit(3c) or tx_rollback(3c) encapsulate any work, including communications, within a transaction. Other primitives are provided to set transaction timeout, declare the transaction as chained or unchained, and retrieve transaction information. These are discussed in detail in the X/OPEN TX Specification, and reviewed in the X/OPEN TxRPC Specification. The X/OPEN TxRPC Specification indicates the interactions between TX and RPC. These are summarized as follows:

Other changes or restrictions for the IDL defined by the TxRPC specification have been described earlier in the discussion about the IDL itself.


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