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Creating CORBA Client Applications


This document describes how to create CORBA C++, CORBA Java, and ActiveX client applications with the CORBA environment in the BEA Tuxedo® product. This document introduces important product concepts, provides step-by-step instructions for creating client applications, and includes code examples to illustrate the development process.


CORBA Client Application Development Concepts

Overview of Client Applications


OMG IDL-to-C++ Mapping

OMG IDL-to-Java Mapping

OMG IDL-to-COM Mapping

Static and Dynamic Invocation

Client Stubs

Interface Repository


Environmental Objects

Bootstrap Object

Factories and the FactoryFinder Object

Naming Conventions and BEA Tuxedo Extensions to the FactoryFinder Object

InterfaceRepository Object

SecurityCurrent Object

TransactionCurrent Object

NotificationService and Tobj_SimpleEventsService Objects

NameService Object

Concepts for ActiveX Client Applications

What Is ActiveX?

Views and Bindings

Naming Conventions for ActiveX Views


Creating CORBA Client Applications

Summary of the Development Process for CORBA C++ Client Applications

Summary of the Development Process for CORBA Java Client Applications

Step 1: Obtaining the OMG IDL File

Step 2: Selecting the Invocation Type

Step 3: Compiling the OMG IDL File

Step 4: Writing the CORBA Client Application

Initializing the ORB

Establishing Communication with the BEA Tuxedo Domain

Resolving Initial References to the FactoryFinder Object

Using the FactoryFinder Object to Get a Factory

Using a Factory to Get a CORBA Object

Step 5: Building the CORBA Client Application

Server Applications Acting as Client Applications

Using Java2 Applets


Creating ActiveX Client Applications

Summary of the Development Process for ActiveX Client Applications

The BEA Application Builder

Step 1: Loading the Automation Environmental Objects into the Interface Repository

Step 2: Loading the CORBA Interfaces into the Interface Repository

Step 3: Starting the Interface Repository Server Application

Step 4: Creating ActiveX Bindings for the CORBA Interfaces

Step 5: Loading the Type Library for the ActiveX Bindings

Step 6: Writing the ActiveX Client Application

Including Declarations for the Automation Environmental Objects, Factories, and ActiveX Views of CORBA Objects

Establishing Communication with the BEA Tuxedo Domain

Obtaining References to the FactoryFinder Object

Using a Factory to Get an ActiveX View

Invoking Operations on the ActiveX View

Step 7: Deploying the ActiveX Client Application


Using the Dynamic Invocation Interface

When to Use DII

DII Concepts

Request Objects

Options for Sending Requests

Options for Receiving the Results of Requests

Summary of the Development Process for DII

Step 1: Loading the CORBA Interfaces into the Interface Repository

Step 2: Obtaining the Object Reference for the CORBA Object

Step 3: Creating a Request Object

Using the CORBA::Object::_request Member Function

Using the CORBA::Object::create_request Member Function

Setting Arguments for the Request Object

Setting Input and Output Arguments with the CORBA::NamedValue Member Function

Example of Using CORBA::Object::create_request Member Function

Step 4: Sending a DII Request and Retrieving the Results

Synchronous Requests

Deferred Synchronous Requests

Oneway Requests

Multiple Requests

Step 5: Deleting the Request

Step 6: Using the Interface Repository with DII


Handling Exceptions

CORBA Exception Handling Concepts

CORBA System Exceptions

CORBA C++ Client Applications

Handling System Exceptions

User Exceptions

CORBA Java Client Applications

System Exceptions

User Exceptions

ActiveX Client Applications


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