Using the CORBA Idltojava Compiler
This document explains what Java IDL is and describes how to use the idltojava compiler for developing CORBA Java clients and CORBA Java joint client/servers in the BEA Tuxedo environment.
Overview of idltojava Compiler
Where Do I Get the BEA idltojava Compiler?
How Does the BEA idltojava Compiler Differ from the Sun Microsystems, Inc. Version?
Syntax of the idltojava Command
Running idltojava on Client or Joint Client/Server IDL Files
Getting Started with a Simple Example of IDL
Differences Between CORBA and Java Exceptions
Creating an ORB for an Application
Obtaining Initial Object References
Getting References from the ORB
IDL-to-Java Mappings Used By the idltojava Compiler
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