C++ Security Reference
This topic contains the C++ method descriptions for CORBA security.
Returns attributes for the Current interface.
OMG IDL Definition
Security::AttributeList get_attributes(
in Security::AttributeTypeList attributes
This method gets privilege (and other) attributes from the principal's credentials for the Current interface.
Return Values
The following table describes valid return values.
Note: The defining_authority field is always empty. Depending on the security level defined in the UBBCONFIG file not all the values for the get_attribute method may be available. Two additional values, Group Id and Role, are available with the security level is set to ACL or MANDATORY_ACL in the UBBCONFIG file.
Note: This information is taken from CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, pp. 15-103, 104. Revised Edition: March 31, 1995. Updated: November 1997. Used with permission by OMG.
Authenticates the principal and optionally obtains credentials for the principal.
OMG IDL Definition
in Security::AuthenticationMethod method,
in Security::SecurityName security_name,
in Security::Opaque auth_data,
in Security::AttributeList privileges,
out Credentials creds,
out Security::Opaque continuation_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_specific_data );
The SecurityLevel2::Current::authenticate method is used by the client application to authenticate the principal and optionally request privilege attributes that the principal requires during its session with the BEA Tuxedo domain.
If the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is to be specified, the same functionality can be obtained by calling the Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator::logon operation, which provides the same functionality but is specifically tailored for use with the ATMI authentication security mechanism.
Return Values
The following table describes the valid return values.
Sets credentials type.
OMG IDL Definition
void set_credentials(
in Security::CredentialType cred_type,
in Credentials creds
This method can be used only to set SecInvocationCredentials; otherwise, -set_credentials raises CORBA::BAD_PARAM. The credentials must have been obtained from a previous call to SecurityLevel2::Current::get_credentials or SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::authenticate.
Return Values
Note: This information is taken from CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, p. 15-104. Revised Edition: March 31, 1995. Updated: November 1997. Used with permission by OMG.
Gets credentials type.
OMG IDL Definition
Credentials get_credentials(
in Security::CredentialType cred_type
This call can be used only to get SecInvocationCredentials; otherwise, get_credentials raises CORBA::BAD_PARAM. If no credentials are available, get_credentials raises CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER.
Return Values
Returns the active credentials in the client application only.
Note: This information is taken from CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, p. 15-105. Revised Edition: March 31, 1995. Updated: November 1997. Used with permission by OMG.
Returns the PrincipalAuthenticator.
OMG IDL Definition
readonly attribute PrincipalAuthenticator
The PrincipalAuthenticator returned by the principal_authenticator attribute is of actual type Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator. Therefore, it can be used both as a Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator and as a SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator.
Note: This method raises CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER if it is called on an invalid SecurityCurrent object.
Return Values
Returns the PrincipalAuthenticator.
Represents a particular principal's credential information that is specific to a process. A Credentials object that supports the SecurityLevel2::Credentials interface is a locality-constrained object. Any attempt to pass a reference to the object outside its locality, or any attempt to externalize the object using the CORBA::ORB::object_to_string() operation, results in a CORBA::Marshall exception.
OMG IDL Definition
#include <SecurityLevel1.idl>
#pragma prefix "omg.org"
module SecurityLevel2
interface Credentials
attribute Security::AssociationOptions
attribute Security::AssociationOptions
in Security::AttributeTypeList attributes );
out Security::UtcT expiry_time );
#endif /* _SECURITY_LEVEL_2_IDL */
C++ Declaration
class SecurityLevel2
class Credentials;
typedef Credentials * Credentials_ptr;
class Credentials : public virtual CORBA::Object
static Credentials_ptr _duplicate(Credentials_ptr obj);
static Credentials_ptr _narrow(CORBA::Object_ptr obj);
static Credentials_ptr _nil();
virtual Security::AssociationOptions
invocation_options_supported() = 0;
virtual void
const Security::AssociationOptions options ) = 0;
virtual Security::AssociationOptions
invocation_options_required() = 0;
virtual void
const Security::AssociationOptions options ) = 0;
virtual Security::AttributeList *
const Security::AttributeTypeList & attributes) = 0;
virtual CORBA::Boolean
is_valid( Security::UtcT_out expiry_time) = 0;
Credentials(CORBA::Object_ptr obj = 0);
virtual ~Credentials() { }
Credentials( const Credentials&) { }
void operator=(const Credentials&) { }
}; // class Credentials
}; // class SecurityLevel2
Gets the attribute list attached to the credentials.
OMG IDL Definition
Security::AttributeList get_attributes(
in AttributeTypeList attributes
This method returns the attribute list attached to the credentials of the principal. In the list of attribute types, you are required to include only the type value(s) for the attributes you want returned in the AttributeList. Attributes are not currently returned based on attribute family or identities. In most cases, this is the same result you would get if you called SecurityLevel1::Current::get_attributes(), since there is only one valid set of credentials in the principal at any instance in time. The results could be different if the credentials are not currently in use.
Return Values
Returns attribute list.
Note: This is information taken from CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, p. 15-97. Revised Edition: March 31, 1995. Updated: November 1997. Used with permission by OMG.
Indicates the maximum number of security options that can be used when establishing an SSL connection to make an invocation on an object in the BEA Tuxedo domain.
OMG IDL Definition
attribute Security::AssociationOptions
This method should be used in conjunction with the SecurityLevel2::Credentials::invocation_options_required method.
The following security options can be specified:
Return Values
The list of defined security options.
If the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is used to create the security association, only the NoProtection, EstablishTrustInClient, and SimpleDelegation security options are returned. The EstablishTrustInClient security option appears only if the security level of the CORBA application is defined to require passwords to access the BEA Tuxedo domain.
Note: A CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception is returned if the security options specified are not supported by the security mechanism defined for the CORBA application. This exception can also occur if the security options specified have less capabilities than the security options specified by the SecurityLevel2::Credentials::invocation_options_required method.
The invocation_options_supported attribute has set() and get() methods. You cannot use the set() method when using the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism to get a Credentials object. If you do use the set() method with the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism, a CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception is returned.
Specifies the minimum number of security options to be used when establishing an SSL connection to make an invocation on a target object in the BEA Tuxedo domain.
OMG IDL Definition
attribute Security::AssociationOptions
Use this method to specify that communication between principals and the BEA Tuxedo domain should be protected. After using this method, a Credentials object makes an invocation on a target object using the SSL protocol with the defined level of security options. This method should be used in conjunction with the SecurityLevel2::Credentials::invocation_options_supported method.
The following security options can be specified:
Return Values
The list of defined security options.
If the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism is used to create the security association, only the NoProtection, EstablishTrustInClient, and SimpleDelegation security options are returned. The EstablishTrustInClient security option appears only if the security level of the CORBA application is defined to require passwords to access the BEA Tuxedo domain.
Note: A CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception is returned if the security options specified are not supported by the security mechanism defined for the CORBA application. This exception can also occur if the security options specified have more capabilities than the security options specified by the SecurityLevel2::Credentials::invocation_options_supported method.
The invocation_options_required attribute has set() and get() methods. You cannot use the set() method when using the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism to get a Credentials object. If you do use the set() method with the Tobj::TuxedoSecurity security mechanism, a CORBA::NO_PERMISSION exception is returned.
Checks status of credentials.
OMG IDL Definition
boolean is_valid(
out Security::UtcT expiry_time
This method returns TRUE if the credentials used are active at the time; that is, you did not call Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator::logoff or Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current. If this method is called after Tobj::PrincipalAuthenticator::logoff(), FALSE is returned. If this method is called after Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current(), the CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER exception is raised.
Return Values
The expiration date returned contains the maximum unsigned long long value in C++ and maximum long in Java. Until the unsigned long long datatype is adopted, the ulonglong datatype is substituted. The ulonglong datatype is defined as follows:
// interim definition of type ulonglong pending the
// adoption of the type extension by all client ORBs.
struct ulonglong {
unsigned long low;
unsigned long high;
Note: This information is taken from CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, p. 15-97. Revised Edition: March 31, 1995. Updated: November 1997. Used with permission by OMG.
Allows a principal to be authenticated. A Principal Authenticator object that supports the SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator interface is a locality-constrained object. Any attempt to pass a reference to the object outside its locality, or any attempt to externalize the object using the CORBA::ORB::object_to_string() operation, results in a CORBA::Marshall exception.
OMG IDL Definition
#include <SecurityLevel1.idl>
#pragma prefix "omg.org"
module SecurityLevel2
interface PrincipalAuthenticator
{ // Locality Constrained
Security::AuthenticationStatus authenticate (
in Security::AuthenticationMethod method,
in Security::SecurityName security_name,
in Security::Opaque auth_data,
in Security::AttributeList privileges,
out Credentials creds,
out Security::Opaque continuation_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_specific_data
Security::AuthenticationStatus continue_authentication (
in Security::Opaque response_data,
in Credentials creds,
out Security::Opaque continuation_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_specific_data
#pragma prefix "beasys.com"
module Tobj
const Security::AuthenticationMethod
TuxedoSecurity = 0x54555800;
CertificateBased = 0x43455254;
C++ Declaration
class SecurityLevel2
class PrincipalAuthenticator;
typedef PrincipalAuthenticator * PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr;
class PrincipalAuthenticator : public virtual CORBA::Object
static PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr
_duplicate(PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr obj);
static PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr
_narrow(CORBA::Object_ptr obj);
static PrincipalAuthenticator_ptr _nil();
virtual Security::AuthenticationStatus
authenticate (
Security::AuthenticationMethod method,
const char * security_name,
const Security::Opaque & auth_data,
const Security::AttributeList & privileges,
Credentials_out creds,
Security::Opaque_out continuation_data,
Security::Opaque_out auth_specific_data) = 0;
virtual Security::AuthenticationStatus
continue_authentication (
const Security::Opaque & response_data,
Credentials_ptr & creds,
Security::Opaque_out continuation_data,
Security::Opaque_out auth_specific_data) = 0;
PrincipalAuthenticator(CORBA::Object_ptr obj = 0);
virtual ~PrincipalAuthenticator() { }
PrincipalAuthenticator( const PrincipalAuthenticator&) { }
void operator=(const PrincipalAuthenticator&) { }
}; // class PrincipalAuthenticator
Always fails.
OMG IDL Definition
Security::AuthenticationStatus continue_authentication(
in Security::Opaque response_data,
in Credentials creds,
out Security::Opaque continuation_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_specific_data
Because the BEA Tuxedo software does authentication in one step, this method always fails and returns Security::AuthenticationStatus::SecAuthFailure.
Return Values
Always returns Security::AuthenticationStatus::SecAuthFailure.
Note: This information is taken from CORBAservices: Common Object Services Specification, pp. 15-92, 93. Revised Edition: March 31, 1995. Updated: November 1997. Used with permission by OMG.
Gets the type of authentication expected by the BEA Tuxedo domain.
OMG IDL Definition
AuthType get_auth_type();
This method returns the type of authentication expected by the BEA Tuxedo domain.
Note: This method raises CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER if it is called with an invalid SecurityCurrent object.
Return Values
A reference to the Tobj_AuthType enumeration. Returns the type of authentication required to access the BEA Tuxedo domain. The following table describes the valid return values.
Authenticates the principal.
OMG IDL Definition
Security::AuthenticationStatus logon(
in string user_name,
in string client_name,
in string system_password,
in string user_password,
in UserAuthData user_data
Note: The system_password must not exceed 30 characters.
Note: TOBJ_SYSAUTH includes the requirements of TOBJ_NOAUTH, plus a client application password. TOBJ_APPAUTH includes the requirements of TOBJ_SYSAUTH, plus additional information, such as a user password or user data.
Note: The user_password and user_data arguments are mutually exclusive, depending on the requirements of the authentication service used in the configuration of the BEA Tuxedo domain. The BEA Tuxedo default authentication service expects a user password. A customized authentication service may require user data. The logon call raises the CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception if both user_password and user_data are specified.
This method authenticates the principal via the IIOP Listener/Handler so that the principal can access a BEA Tuxedo domain. This method is functionally equivalent to SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::authenticate, but the arguments are oriented to ATMI authentication.
Note: This method raises CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER if it is called with an invalid SecurityCurrent object.
Return Values
The following table describes the valid return values.
Discards the security context associated with the principal.
OMG IDL Definition
void logoff();
This call discards the security context, but does not close the network connections to the BEA Tuxedo domain. Logoff also invalidates the current credentials. After logging off, invocations using existing object references fail if the authentication type is not TOBJ_NOAUTH.
If the principal is currently authenticated to a BEA Tuxedo domain, calling Tobj_Bootstrap::destroy_current() calls logoff implicitly.
Note: This method raises CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER if it is called with an invalid SecurityCurrent object.
Return Values
Creates authentication data and attributes for use by SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::authenticate.
OMG IDL Definition
void build_auth_data(
in string user_name,
in string client_name,
in string system_password,
in string user_password,
in UserAuthData user_data,
out Security::Opaque auth_data,
out Security::AttributeList privileges
Note: If user_name, client_name, or system_password is NULL or empty, or exceeds 30 characters, the subsequent authenticate method invocation raises the CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception.
Note: The user_password and user_data parameters are mutually exclusive, depending on the requirements of the authentication service used in the configuration of the BEA Tuxedo domain. The BEA Tuxedo default authentication service expects a user password. A customized authentication service may require user data. If both user_password and user_data are specified, the subsequent authentication call raises the CORBA::BAD_PARAM exception.
This method is a helper function that creates authentication data and attributes to be used by SecurityLevel2::PrincipalAuthenticator::authenticate.
Note: This method raises CORBA::BAD_INV_ORDER if it is called with an invalid SecurityCurrent object.
Return Values
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