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CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=()


Type-safe extraction operators for Any.

C++ Binding

CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(to_boolean Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(to_char Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(to_octet Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(to_object Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(to_string Value) const



A reference to the relevant object that receives the output of the value contained in the Any object. If the Any object does not contain the appropriate type, the value remains unchanged.


These extraction member functions perform a type-safe extraction of a CORBA::Boolean, a CORBA::Char, a CORBA::Octet, a CORBA::Object, or a String reference from an Any. These member functions are helpers nested in the Any class. Their purpose is to distinguish extractions of the OMG IDL types: Boolean, char, and octet (C++ does not require these to be distinct types).

Return Values

If the Any contains the specified type, this member function assigns the value in the Any object reference to the output variable, Value, and returns CORBA_TRUE. If the Any object does not contain the appropriate type, CORBA_FALSE is returned.


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