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Retrieves a pointer to the value attribute of the NamedValue object.

C++ Binding

CORBA::Any *  CORBA::NamedValue::value () const;




This member function retrieves a pointer to the Any object that represents the value attribute of the NamedValue object. This attribute is owned by the NamedValue object, and should not be modified or released.

Return Values

If the function succeeds, the return value is a pointer to the Any object contained in the NamedValue object.

If the function does not succeed, an exception is thrown.


NVList Member Functions

NVList is a list of NamedValues. A new NVList is constructed using the ORB::create_list operation (see CORBA::ORB::create_exception_list). New NamedValues may be constructed as part of an NVList, in any of following ways:

Each of these operations returns the new item.

Elements may be accessed and deleted via zero-based indexing. The add, add_item, add_value, add_item_consume, and add_value_consume functions lengthen the NVList to hold the new element each time they are called. The item function can be used to access existing elements.

// C++
class NVList
ULong count() const;
NamedValue_ptr add(Flags);
NamedValue_ptr add_item(const char*, Flags);
NamedValue_ptr add_value(const char*, const Any&, Flags);
NamedValue_ptr item(ULong);
void remove(ULong);

Memory Management

NVList has the following special memory management rules:

The following sections describe NVList member functions.


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