
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Obtains object references for initial services.

C++ Binding

Object resolve_initial_references ( in ObjectId identifier )
raises (InvalidName);

exception InvalidName {};



String that identifies the object whose reference is required.


This operation is used by applications to obtain object references for initial services. The interface differs from the Naming Service's resolve in that ObjectId (a string) replaces the more complex Naming Service construct (a sequence of structures containing string pairs for the components of the name). This simplification reduces the namespace to one context.

ObjectIds are strings that identify the object whose reference is required. To maintain the simplicity of the interface for obtaining initial references, only a limited set of objects are expected to have their references found via this means. Unlike the ORB identifiers, the ObjectId name space requires careful management. To achieve this, the OMG may, in the future, define which services are required by applications through this interface and specify names for those services.

Currently, reserved ObjectIds are RootPOA, POACurrent, InterfaceRepository, NameService, TradingService, SecurityCurrent, TransactionCurrent, and DynAnyFactory.

The application is responsible for narrowing the object reference returned from resolve_initial_references to the type that was requested in the ObjectId. For example, for InterfaceRepository the object returned would be narrowed to Repository type.

Return Values

Object references for initial services.

See Also



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