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Converts a string produced by CORBA::ORB::object_to_string operation and returns the corresponding object reference.

C++ Binding

Object string_to_object ( in string str );



String produced by the CORBA::ORB::object_to_string operation.


This operation is used by applications to convert a string produced by CORBA::ORB::object_to_string operation and returns the corresponding object reference.

To guarantee that an ORB will understand the string form of an object reference, that ORB's object_to_string operation must be used to produce the string. The string_to_object operation allows URLs in the IOR, corbaloc, corbalocs, and corbanames formats to be converted into object references. If a conversion fails, the string_to_object operation raises the BAD_PARAM standard exception with one of the following minor codes:

For all conforming ORBs, if obj is a valid reference to an object, then string_to_object(object_to_string(obj)) will return a valid reference to the same object, if the two operations are performed on the same ORB. For all conforming ORB's supporting IOP, this remains true even if the two operations are performed on different ORBs.

Return Value

Returns an object reference.

See Also



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