
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Creates an object reference that encapsulates a POA-generated ObjectId value and the specified interface repository ID.

C++ Binding

CORBA::Object_ptr create_reference (
const char * intf)



The interface repository ID.


This operation requires the LifespanPolicy to have the value SYSTEM_ID; if not present, the PortableServer::WrongPolicy exception is raised.


This create_reference operation creates an object reference that encapsulates a POA-generated ObjectId value and the specified interface repository ID. This operation collects the necessary information to constitute the reference from information associated with the POA and from parameters to the operation. This operation only creates a reference; it does not associate the reference with an active servant. The resulting reference may be passed to clients, so that subsequent requests on those references return to the POA using the ObjectId generated. The generated ObjectId value may be obtained by invoking POA::reference_to_id with the created reference.

Note: This function is supported only for a joint client/server.

Return Values

Returns a pointer to the object.


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