
Administering a Tuxedo Application at Run Time

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Specifies whether ObjectIds in the created POA are generated by the application or by the ORB.


Objects with the IdAssignmentPolicy interface are obtained using the POA::create_id_assignment_policy operation and are passed to the POA::create_POA operation to specify whether ObjectIds in the created POA are generated by the application or by the ORB. The following values can be supplied:

If no IdAssignmentPolicy is specified at POA creation, the default is SYSTEM_ID.

Note: This function is supported only for a joint client/server.


Request Member Functions

The mapping of these member functions to C++ is as follows:

// C++
class Request
Object_ptr target() const;
const char *operation() const;
NamedValue_ptr result();
NVList_ptr arguments();
Environment_ptr env();
ExceptionList_ptr exceptions();
ContextList_ptr contexts();
void ctx(Context_ptr);
Context_ptr ctx() const
    // argument manipulation helper functions
Any &add_in_arg();
Any &add_in_arg(const char* name);
Any &add_inout_arg():
Any &add_inout_arg(const char* name);
Any &add_out_arg():
Any &add_out_arg(const char* name);
void set_return_type(TypeCode_ptr tc);
Any &return_value();

void invoke();
void send_oneway();
void send_deferred();
void get_response();
Boolean poll_response();

Note: The add_*_arg, set_return_type, and return_value member functions are added as shortcuts for using the attribute-based accessors.

The following sections describe these member functions.


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