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CORBA::Any::Any(const CORBA::Any & InitAny)


Constructs the Any object that is a copy of another Any object.

C++ Binding

CORBA::Any::Any(const CORBA::Any & InitAny)



Refers to the CORBA::Any to copy.


This is the copy constructor for the CORBA::Any class. This constructor duplicates the TypeCode reference of the Any that is passed in.

The type of copying to be performed is determined by the release flag of the Any object to be copied. If release evaluates as CORBA_TRUE, the constructor deep-copies the parameter's value; if release evaluates as CORBA_FALSE, the constructor shallow-copies the parameter's value. Using a shallow copy gives you more control to optimize memory allocation, but the caller must ensure the Any does not use memory that has been freed.

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