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CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=()


Type safe Any extraction operators.

C++ Binding

CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(
CORBA::Short & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(
CORBA::UShort & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(
CORBA::Long & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(
CORBA::Ulong & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(
CORBA::Float & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(
CORBA::Double & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(CORBA::Any & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(char * & Value) const
CORBA::Boolean CORBA::Any::operator>>=(Object_ptr & Value) const


The Value argument is a reference to the relevant object that receives the output of the value contained in the Any object.


This extraction member function performs type-safe extractions. If the Any object contains the specified type, this member function assigns the pointer of the Any to the output reference value, Value, and CORBA_TRUE is returned. If the Any does not contain the appropriate type, CORBA_FALSE is returned. The caller must not attempt to release or delete the storage because it is owned and managed by the Any object. The Value argument is a reference to the relevant object that receives the output of the value contained in the Any object. If the Any object does not contain the appropriate type, the value remains unchanged.

Return Values

CORBA_TRUE if the Any contained a value of the specific type. CORBA_FALSE if the Any did not contain a value of the specific type.


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